The Earth is flat

Short answer the Sun moves away and comes into view it does not rise over the horizon or sets behind one.

Listen dude. Stop with the complete bollocks. Everyone can see a sunset sunrise at the Beech. Everyone can see it doesn't change size. there is much more to it than that. It is the height of obvious absurdity for you to make this suggestion.

For now a small clip of sun fading away.

That is a small clip of some clown filming the Sunset. His problem, as with all cameras, is that there is too much light from the Sun, so all we are seeing is his dishonest attempt to say the Sun is disappearing when it is setting, dropping in intensity through more atmosphere and his light capturing isn't overloaded!

Now try again - Explain the Sunset and the Sunrise. You see how things get smaller on your picture, tell everyone why the Sun doesn't?
This guy is winding you guys up.

The video is from a guy with the sort of idea I can heark back to during my schoolboy days.

Like: "I wonder how many idiots will believe this shit?"; another one lines up some bottles in front of a mirror and is thinking along the same lines. Come on, what kind of super-idiot who thinks the world is flat thinks shit up like that?
I once spoke with "Mad" Mike Hughes, a self-professed flat earther who was building his own rocket so that he could launch himself to an altitude high enough to see for himself that the earth was flat. I was speaking to him in a professional capacity, so I did not want to press him about the details of his flat earth ideas. He seemed like a fairly normal guy, knowledgeable in mechanics, and did not seem to be noticeably insane in any other ways that I could detect.

I had never heard of him before, but he told me about himself, and said that if I looked him up I would find some videos. Sure enough, there were multiple videos of his earlier launches, some of which caused him personal injuries, and none of which went any higher than one could easily achieve in an airplane.

I never could figure out if he was just doing it for the publicity, or the sponsorships, or if he was legitimately a flat earther and/or nutter. Sometimes there are no answers to these kinds of questions. He ended up being killed in one of his launches, after his parachute malfunctioned. Rest in peace.
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I once spoke with "Mad" Mike Hughes, a self-professed flat earther who was building his own rocket so that he could launch himself to an altitude high enough to see for himself that the earth was flat. I was speaking to him in a professional capacity, so I did not want to press him about the details of his flat earth ideas. He seemed like a fairly normal guy, knowledgeable in mechanics, and did not seem to be noticeably insane in any other ways that I could detect.

I had never heard of him before, but he told me about himself, and said that if I looked him up I would find some videos. Sure enough, there were multiple videos of his earlier launches, some of which caused him personal injuries, and none of which went any higher than one could easily achieve in an airplane.

I never could figure out if he was just doing it for the publicity, or the sponsorships, or if he was legitimately a flat earther and/or nutter. Sometimes there are no answers to these kinds of questions. He ended up being killed in one of his launches, after his parachute malfunctioned. Rest in peace.
A special kind of stupidity? (or a grifter?)

Yes I heard about his accident on the news not so far back.

You say the Earth is flat. I have some questions I hope you can help me with.

What shape is it, exactly? Circular disc? Square? Doughnut?
Where are the edges? Can we travel to an edge? What is seen when we do that?
Where is the centre of the flat Earth?
Does the flat Earth rotate?
Why does the sun rise and set on the flat Earth?
Why do weather systems rotate on the flat earth?
Where are the north and south poles on the flat Earth? Are they in the centre, at the edges, or what? Can we travel to either of them on the flat earth?
What does the round-earth equator correspond to on the flat earth? Why is it hotter at the "equator" than at the "poles"?


Earth is a disc shaped surrounded by Antarctica and the land goes one for infinity ( or no one knows)

No edge - think of earth as a pond with islands as continents with Antarctica being the land around the pond and that land goes on for ever (?) no one knows

Center of flat earth on surface you mean? that would be the north pole. If you want to know center as in underground then we have just dug 8 miles as human technology would allow- nobody know what is under earth.

No Flat earth does not rotate

Sun and Moon are the ones rotating around earth and are around 3000 miles away from the earth - not as big as we are made to believe. The calculation works the same as for 93 Million miles

Weather system rotate in the wake of Sun and Moon rotating over our atmosphere.

You can travel to Northpole but it has not been open to public only upto a certain point, South is all around you can reach south not a pole as it would be edge of the earth pond.

It is hotter because the sun straddles Tropic of cancer and Tropic of Capricon. Also to think about why do we not have the same temperature on Arctic and Antractica if the tilt towards the sun is what causes the ice to melt in the north and not the same in Antarctica.
I once spoke with "Mad" Mike Hughes, a self-professed flat earther who was building his own rocket so that he could launch himself to an altitude high enough to see for himself that the earth was flat. I was speaking to him in a professional capacity, so I did not want to press him about the details of his flat earth ideas. He seemed like a fairly normal guy, knowledgeable in mechanics, and did not seem to be noticeably insane in any other ways that I could detect.

I had never heard of him before, but he told me about himself, and said that if I looked him up I would find some videos. Sure enough, there were multiple videos of his earlier launches, some of which caused him personal injuries, and none of which went any higher than one could easily achieve in an airplane.

I never could figure out if he was just doing it for the publicity, or the sponsorships, or if he was legitimately a flat earther and/or nutter. Sometimes there are no answers to these kinds of questions. He ended up being killed in one of his launches, after his parachute malfunctioned. Rest in peace.

'Mad Mike' wasn't trying to prove 'flat Earth' theory on ill-fated homemade rocket launch
Correct! Put a ruler along the lines on that picture and they are all straight.

So how do you account for the fact that the pylons in your picture curve downwards? Why does that hallway appear to go straight, but the line of pylons curves downward?
Please see the doors on the side
Earth is a disc shaped surrounded by Antarctica and the land goes one for infinity ( or no one knows)
Nah. That contradicts what people say about how long winters are in Antarctica; it's dark for almost six months down there, no sunrises or sunsets.
How does that leave room for a sun rising and setting over the edge of a disk? How do you arrange six months of darkness at the edge?

You say the sun goes around the tropics? Don't you mean around the disk? It would have to be visible all the time for what you say to be observable:
It is hotter because the sun straddles Tropic of cancer and Tropic of Capricon. Also to think about why do we not have the same temperature on Arctic and Antractica if the tilt towards the sun is what causes the ice to melt in the north and not the same in Antarctica.
How does the disk tilt, when you say it isn't rotating. Tilting is a rotation, you idiot who just said something really dumb.
Center of flat earth on surface you mean? that would be the north pole. If you want to know center as in underground then we have just dug 8 miles as human technology would allow- nobody know what is under earth.
We actually do, since we have sent sound waves all the way through it. (That science is called seismography; perhaps you have heard of it.)
Sun and Moon are the ones rotating around earth and are around 3000 miles away from the earth - not as big as we are made to believe.
Wait - you just said the earth was flat and went on forever. So is there a hole the sun goes into, and a tunnel that it goes through to come out the other side? If that's the case, why isn't Antarctica the hottest place on the planet, since the sun passes closest to it before it goes into its tunnel?
You can travel to Northpole but it has not been open to public only upto a certain point
Nope. Anyone with skis can get to the North (and South) Pole - and thousands have done just that. You can too!
Also to think about why do we not have the same temperature on Arctic and Antractica if the tilt towards the sun is what causes the ice to melt in the north and not the same in Antarctica.
Because the tilt of the Northern Hemisphere gives it more sun in June, and the tilt of the Southern Hemisphere gives it more sun in December.
Please see the doors on the side
I did. The hallway goes straight. (Use a ruler.) The pylons curve downwards (again, use a ruler.) How do you account for that?
No Flat earth does not rotate
How do you explain the results of Foucault's pendulum if Earth is not rotating?

At either the Geographic North Pole or Geographic South Pole, the plane of oscillation of a pendulum remains fixed relative to the distant masses of the universe while Earth rotates underneath it, taking one sidereal day to complete a rotation. So, relative to Earth, the plane of oscillation of a pendulum at the North Pole – viewed from above – undergoes a full clockwise rotation during one day; a pendulum at the South Pole rotates counterclockwise.

When a Foucault pendulum is suspended at the equator, the plane of oscillation remains fixed relative to Earth. At other latitudes, the plane of oscillation precesses relative to Earth, but more slowly than at the pole; the angular speed, ω (measured in clockwise degrees per sidereal day), is proportional to the sine of the latitude, φ:

The Foucault pendulum or Foucault's pendulum is a device named after French physicist Léon Foucault, conceived as an experiment to demonstrate the Earth's rotation. The pendulum was introduced in 1851 and was the first experiment to give simple, direct evidence of the Earth's rotation. Foucault pendulums today are popular displays in science museums and universities.

In the animated picture below, there would only be one green line in the same place if Earth did not rotate.
There is only one place you would see one green line in the same place on a rotating Earth, and that is on the equator, why is it not so for the rest of the other latitudes if Earth is not rotating?
Foucault-rotz.gifSwing.jpgPictures from same link above.
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'Mad Mike' wasn't trying to prove 'flat Earth' theory on ill-fated homemade rocket launch
Not on that launch, but that was his ultimate goal for his rocket program. He wanted to get into space and take a picture of the Earth "to prove once and for all this Earth is flat. This is the king of the deceptions. Once this domino falls, this is it." This flight was just a step in that direction.
That idea bout the sun not setting, does that mean it doesn't rise either? I guess we need to see what the theory predicts . . .

Or instead of waiting, assume it doesn't but emerges from then fades back into, the "opaqueness".

So it does a big loop and repeats daily? So how does it follow the tropical latitudes on a disk? I'd like to see what the math looks like.

If the earth is flat, and infinite in extent beyond Antarctica or, "the edge of the pond" what's stopping us going there to use all that valuable real estate? What about the infinite atmosphere and the infinite number of oceans?

Hang on, if there were animals and plants and stuff, there would be an infinite number of species.
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If the earth is flat, and infinite in extent beyond Antarctica or, "the edge of the pond" what's stopping us going there to use all that valuable real estate? What about the infinite atmosphere and the infinite number of oceans?

Hang on, if there were animals and plants and stuff, there would be an infinite number of species.

Now you are getting to the relevant questions.

Yes there is unlimited real estate available but you know what is stopping us - the only world treaty that remains unbroken and militarily enforced so no one can explore Antarctica without prior approval which takes over $200K to apply and you need to get approval from all 59 countries who have signed the treaty. Even if you get that permission you are just allowed to go up to the South Pole point directed by the enforcers. You are not free to go below 60-degree latitude without applying for permission.

Nobody knows about plant and animals because unlike North pole you don't see variety of animals and plants in Antarctica.

Seriously you need to go down that rabbit hole even if you want to prove it wrong. I can provide you with some good Youtube links.
Earth is a disc shaped surrounded by Antarctica and the land goes one for infinity ( or no one knows)
What about space (i.e. with the stars, planets and so on)? Is space real? How big is the universe as a whole? Where are the stars? (Are stars real?)

The Americans claim to have an Antarctic base at the South Pole. Are they lying?

Near the South Pole, the magnetic field lines of the Earth converge, as they do near the North pole. Why is that?

Center of flat earth on surface you mean? that would be the north pole.
If the land goes on forever, does it make any sense to say that the North Pole is at the centre?

Why do you say it's at the centre?
If you want to know center as in underground then we have just dug 8 miles as human technology would allow- nobody know what is under earth.
Why are seismic detectors able to detect earthquakes and things like atomic tests, which can be pinpointed to locations based on the assumption that the Earth is a sphere and the seismic waves travel in straight lines? What's really happening with those detectors?
No Flat earth does not rotate
The sun, moon and stars are all observed to rotate. Is that because they all actually rotate in circles about the ground?

Why is it that we see different stars at different times of year?

Why are there seasons?

Why are the seasons "opposite" in what are called the northern and southern hemispheres? (i.e. it is summer in North when it is winter in the South, and vice versa.)

Sun and Moon are the ones rotating around earth and are around 3000 miles away from the earth - not as big as we are made to believe.
Why do parallax measurements put the Sun at a distance of 93 million miles and the moon at approximately 380,000 km from the Earth?

Why does the Moon take approximately 1 month to appear in the same place in the sky, while the Sun takes 1 year? Do they move around in the sky at different rates? What determines the rates at which the planets, stars, sun and moon move around the sky?
The calculation works the same as for 93 Million miles
Which calculation?
Weather system rotate in the wake of Sun and Moon rotating over our atmosphere.
Why do low pressure systems rotate clockwise, while high-pressure systems rotate counter-clockwise?
It is hotter because the sun straddles Tropic of cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.
What causes the seasons? Is the Sun's path not circular? Is it sort of sinusoidal, then? What causes that?
Also to think about why do we not have the same temperature on Arctic and Antractica if the tilt towards the sun is what causes the ice to melt in the north and not the same in Antarctica.
Are you saying the flat Earth is "tilted" in some way? Perhaps I'm not understanding you.
Now you are getting to the relevant questions.
I'm trying not to blink.
Yes there is unlimited real estate available but you know what is stopping us - the only world treaty that remains unbroken and militarily enforced so no one can explore Antarctica without prior approval which takes over $200K to apply and you need to get approval from all 59 countries who have signed the treaty. Even if you get that permission you are just allowed to go up to the South Pole point directed by the enforcers. You are not free to go below 60-degree latitude without applying for permission.
Ha, of course. The Permission.
Nobody knows about plant and animals because unlike North pole you don't see variety of animals and plants in Antarctica.
So you know this, even though nobody knows about it?
Seriously you need to go down that rabbit hole even if you want to prove it wrong. I can provide you with some good Youtube links.
I'm all a-tremble.