Syrian Poison Gas Conspiracy

I'm still waiting for the proof that you could actually recognise fact-based arguments. Or grammar.

IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO? Apparently so, and I am again challenging you to make a reasoned argument…you know one in which your facts are correct and you don’t rely on a host of fallacies as a substitute for reason. Instead of making stuff up and acting like an immature juvenile, I suggest you touch base with reality every once in a while and work on that maturity thingy. If you work real hard on it you might be capable of engaging in an adult conversation one day.

I also suggest you take your meds...that neurosis thing is showing again.
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Thanks for the responses. The focus of this thread however has to do determining any possible deception on the part of the mainstream media, false flags, and terrorist groups possibly being trained and supplied chemical weapons by the U.S. government, NATO (same as), as well as the U.K. and France. Conspiracy.

I appreciate the emotions, but I really would like for the thread to stay focused on what the globalist powers are up to, while the mainstream media continues to distract the public with all of it's daily psychological operations.

"If the terrorist opposition is responsible for the WND attacks as you claim, why is it none of Assad's troops were affected by the gas? Probably because they were issued gas masks before the attack. One of the reasons militaries stopped using gas in WWI was because when they gassed the enemy, they also gassed themselves."

I am not making any claims here, sir/madam. However, I did read (or heard) somewhere several days ago that an admission was made from a "Syrian Rebel" that the chemical attack was actually an accident that occured in a tunnel where the gas was being stored by the so-called rebels.

I seem to recall that all of the people affected/killed by the gas were sleeping or hiding underground in the tunnels to avoid bombs and gunfire on the surface. Some speculation had been done earlier on why it seemed that no one above ground had been affected by the chemicals. One early theory, that the gas was heavier and traveled along the ground into ditches and tunnels, was ruled out by some experts. I've lost the link/source to it, but it's out there somewhere . . .

The reason that Assad's soldiers were not gassed was because they were not in the area, I presume. I seem to recall that there were a couple of government rescue people (or maybe soldiers) who went into the tunnels looking for survivors afterward. They were affected very strongly by the residual gas in one area of a tunnel and did have to go to a hospital for medical treatment with the other survivors. This is the sort of information that I am hoping that some might want to help me to look into and verify, if possible.

In regards to whether or not the "Syrian Rebels" are primarily Al Qaeda mercenaries of the New World Order, here's a link that I quickly came across while I was looking at another story:
"NATO wages a covert war against the Syrian government: Analyst"

I am not sure what you are trying to say here. But citing a controversial source which is known for playing fast and loose with the truth does not render credibility to your argument. I have seen no credible evidence that NATO is waging a covert war against the Syrian government, nor have I seen any credible evidence that Syrian rebels currently have or have had WMD capability. Certainly the US is supplying Syrian rebels with material support and perhaps even some training. But I fail to see how this changes anything in Syria. Syria is still a mess and the Assad government who has in the past played host to a number of terrorist groups is no longer able to exercise effective control over the country. Use of WMD is not only immoral but it is also a statement of insecurity. If the Assad government feels so threatened that it feels compelled to use WMD in order to secure its power, one has to question its ability to keep those weapons secure from terrorists groups. And therein lays the threat to The United States and its allies.

Well, joe, when you start down this kind of road you invite those very responses. "Ah'm still a-waitin' on you to perduce some logic-like fact-based argumentins!" is going to earn you deliberate frustration from me. It's no secret we don't like each other - I find your glassy-eyed Democratic adherence more than a little terrifying, and I hope there aren't too many like you - but it's not acceptable to repeat, ad nauseum that you can find no logic in your opponent's commentary just because you don't happen to like his arguments (c.f. "I do not see the signal"; Nelson, not that you are any Nelson). If you had been able to demonstrate a fallacy, you might have a stool to perch on. But this endless hawking back to some illusionary pre-conclusion of my character will get you nowhere, and my responses have reduced you to impotent text-shouting and keyboard-beating. Sorry about that, but fair is as fair does.

Instead of making stuff up

Which I've never done. :shrug:

and acting like an immature juvenile, I suggest you touch base with reality every once in a while and work on that maturity thingy. If you work real hard on it you might be capable of engaging in an adult conversation one day.

Oooh. That was a mature perspective. Well shown up. I shall take notes.

I also suggest you take your meds...that neurosis thing is showing again.

You still haven't demonstrated you know what neurosis is. Google broken?
Well, joe, when you start down this kind of road you invite those very responses. "Ah'm still a-waitin' on you to perduce some logic-like fact-based argumentins!" is going to earn you deliberate frustration from me. It's no secret we don't like each other - I find your glassy-eyed Democratic adherence more than a little terrifying, and I hope there aren't too many like you - but it's not acceptable to repeat, ad nauseum that you can find no logic in your opponent's commentary just because you don't happen to like his arguments (c.f. "I do not see the signal"; Nelson, not that you are any Nelson). If you had been able to demonstrate a fallacy, you might have a stool to perch on. But this endless hawking back to some illusionary pre-conclusion of my character will get you nowhere, and my responses have reduced you to impotent text-shouting and keyboard-beating. Sorry about that, but fair is as fair does. Which I've never done. :shrug:
Oooh. That was a mature perspective. Well shown up. I shall take notes.
You still haven't demonstrated you know what neurosis is. Google broken?

LOL, refusing to acknowledge reality doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It doesn’t make your unpleasant realities any less real. And there is ample evidence, go back and reread the posts. But then it does require a bit of knowledge and intellectual ability to recognize fallacies and to recognized neurotic patterns of behaviors. Perhaps you are lacking that knowledge and ability. But you should be able to easily verify your many factual errors with a few Google searches.
I'm going to state again that by just throwing some rockets at this problem will not solve this CIVIL WAR. Whoever takes control of Syria , if that does happen, they won't like the West just like now so what will we accomplish by doing so? It is a no win situation for America.
Yahoo! News Report On January 30, 2013


Click On The Link For a Larger Picture:

Here is the link to the incredible story reported by Yahoo! News way back on January 30, 2013:

Archived backup Here:

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report
By ANI | ANI – Wed 30 Jan, 2013

London, Jan 30 (ANI): The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad's regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, leaked documents have shown.

A new report, that contains an email exchange between two senior officials at British-based contractor Britam Defence, showed a scheme 'approved by Washington'.

As per the scheme 'Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons,' the Daily Mail reports.

Barack Obama made it clear to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that the U.S. would not tolerate Syria using chemical weapons against its own people.

According to, the December 25 email was sent from Britam's Business Development Director David Goulding to company founder Philip Doughty.

The emails were released by a Malaysian hacker who also obtained senior executives resumes and copies of passports via an unprotected company server, according to Cyber War News.

According to the paper, the U.S. State Department has declined to comment on the matter. (ANI)

p.s. I do not wish to be nasty about this, but since 99% of the posts made here on my thread have been extreme trolling, I am now asking that those of you who have been doing this to please stop posting here. I would also very much appreciate it you would remove those posts as well. It has been many years since I conversed with James R., but I know that he is a fair man and probably would see your actions as malicious trolling too. Please remove your troll posts and go over to Free Thoughts or perhaps the Cesspool.
Thanks . . .
I'm going to state again that by just throwing some rockets at this problem will not solve this CIVIL WAR. Whoever takes control of Syria , if that does happen, they won't like the West just like now so what will we accomplish by doing so? It is a no win situation for America.

I don't think anyone is saying throwing a few rockets at this problem will solve the Syrian civil war. I think most people with half a brain understand Syria is a mess. But throwing a few rockets around does send a statement about the use of chemical weapons against civilian targets.

I have never been an advocate of military adventurism. And I am not for a wholesale US land invasion of Syria. The preferred solution and the ultimate solution must be a political solution. As I understand it, Obama intends to try to strengthen the secular opposition (e.g. The Free Syrian Army) to the point where it can ultimately overthrow the Assad regime. But I think at some point the US or one of its allies (e.g. Turkey) will need to have boots on the ground in the country to secure Assad’s chemical weapons. I just don’t think this is going to end well without allied troops on the ground…that is to say Turkish troops to secure the chemical weapons.
I'm going to state again that by just throwing some rockets at this problem will not solve this CIVIL WAR. Whoever takes control of Syria , if that does happen, they won't like the West just like now so what will we accomplish by doing so? It is a no win situation for America.
I don't believe that. If we truly help and not just make futile gestures, they will respect us.
...It has been many years since I conversed with James R., but I know that he is a fair man and probably would see your actions as malicious trolling too. Please remove your troll posts and go over to Free Thoughts or perhaps the Cesspool.
Thanks . . .[/i]
LOL infowars!

Not a credible source.


As I stated in my 1st post:
"These are some of the articles that I have been researching (any help on this story from fellow Sciforums Conspiracy Trackers would be greatly appreciated):"

I created this thread so that other Conspiracy Enthusiasts of this tiny subforum could openly discuss the possibilities of a known and ongoing Conspiracy without being harassed. I did not create this thread for detractors (and trolls) to insult, attack, or even to be morally judgmental regarding the subjects involved. I never will do this to any thread that you might create here at Sciforums.

In my previous post, I respectfully asked for these trolling posts to be removed voluntarily by those who have been posting them. I am sorry, but I again respectfully ask the following members to remove their postings at their next logins:


I am sorry about this . . .

I am sorry about this . . .
You should be sorry, you aren't a moderator. If you have a problem with our posts, you should contact one. I wasn't trolling, that was questioning your sources. I'm also sorry that a conspiracy theory "enthusiast" seems to mean someone who is less diligent about the quality of information they believe. No doubt there are real conspiracies going on, but you undermine your own credibility when you do that. No wonder people call you wackos.
Since neither Iran nor Syria have nuclear weapons, this could only be interpreted as a direct threat from Russia, and yet these psychopaths running the U.S. and NATO are pushing forward. This is not going to be a replay of Afghanistan. This is not going to be a replay of Iraq. This is the beginning of something much, much bigger!
references to 2 movies:
• "The Road To World War Three"
• "World War 3 Has Already begun"

Thanks again . . .
So what? It would be about time we confront Iran. Who cares if the rebels were responsible for the gas release. It just means that Assad's chemical weapons supply is not secure, all the more reason to invade, which we won't, because everyone got all anti-war after Iraq. But we should. We should be bombing Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities too. Let's get this over with!

In my previous post, I respectfully asked for these trolling posts to be removed voluntarily by those who have been posting them. I am sorry, but I again respectfully ask the following members to remove their postings at their next logins

Not only no, but hell no.


Click On The Link For a Larger Picture:

Here is the link to the incredible story reported by Yahoo! News way back on January 30, 2013:

Archived backup Here:

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report
By ANI | ANI – Wed 30 Jan, 2013

London, Jan 30 (ANI): The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad's regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, leaked documents have shown.

A new report, that contains an email exchange between two senior officials at British-based contractor Britam Defence, showed a scheme 'approved by Washington'.

As per the scheme 'Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons,' the Daily Mail reports.

Barack Obama made it clear to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that the U.S. would not tolerate Syria using chemical weapons against its own people.

According to, the December 25 email was sent from Britam's Business Development Director David Goulding to company founder Philip Doughty.

The emails were released by a Malaysian hacker who also obtained senior executives resumes and copies of passports via an unprotected company server, according to Cyber War News.

According to the paper, the U.S. State Department has declined to comment on the matter. (ANI)

p.s. I do not wish to be nasty about this, but since 99% of the posts made here on my thread have been extreme trolling, I am now asking that those of you who have been doing this to please stop posting here. I would also very much appreciate it you would remove those posts as well. It has been many years since I conversed with James R., but I know that he is a fair man and probably would see your actions as malicious trolling too. Please remove your troll posts and go over to Free Thoughts or perhaps the Cesspool.
Thanks . . .

The anonymous opinion piece you offered alleging US involvement in a WMD attack in Syria makes some big allegations but offered no evidence and no proofs to support its allegations. If you want people to believe those audacious allegations then you need to have convincing evidence. And you offer no evidence much less convincing evidence. Just repeating unsupported allegations does not make them true.
LOL, refusing to acknowledge reality doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It doesn’t make your unpleasant realities any less real. And there is ample evidence, go back and reread the posts. But then it does require a bit of knowledge and intellectual ability to recognize fallacies and to recognized neurotic patterns of behaviors. Perhaps you are lacking that knowledge and ability. But you should be able to easily verify your many factual errors with a few Google searches.

This is basically cut-and-pasted from the joepistole Book of Trolling. Seriously, I've seen this post a hundred times from you.
The anonymous opinion piece you offered alleging US involvement in a WMD attack in Syria makes some big allegations but offered no evidence and no proofs to support its allegations. If you want people to believe those audacious allegations then you need to have convincing evidence. And you offer no evidence much less convincing evidence. Just repeating unsupported allegations does not make them true.

If you want UN convincing evidence that Assad supposevly used the chemical weapons in that attack, than you better GET THE CONVINCING EVIDENCE.

Another fallacious analogy. Assad is not Hitler. Assad is in no danger of becoming Hitler. This comparison is beneath you.

Another example of your failure to understand what is posted or your propensity to distort what you read. I NEVER SAID ASSAD WAS HITLER. Who do you think Hitler was, some superhuman freak never to be seen again in history. He wasn't, he was an immoral thug that only achieved power because no one stood up to him and his street gang(the Brown Shirts)in the beginning. In this he is exactly the same as Assad and the danger is very real. Amazingly the propaganda of the Right Wing in our country today is comparable to that of the Nazis in the thirties, just with better PR men. HITLER WAS NOT UNIQUE or even that remarkable, even in his own era Stalin was more than twice the outright killer. Proportional to population Pol Pot killed 30 times as many. HITLER IS JUST ONE EXAMPLE OF A TYPE, a type all too common throughout history. It was the technology of the time that increased the scale of the evil, it had no effect on the kind of evil I speak of, A kind of evil Assad is certainly a practitioner of.

As for being our brother's keeper, why aren't you advocating for the invasions of Iran, or North Korea, or China, or anywhere else there exists gross human rights violations?

I don't advocate invasions at all, why should a whole country and all it's innocent people suffer because of the actions of a few? I would advocate for rocket propelled dildos through a few of these asshole's bedroom windows, however. AS I POSTED BEFORE, precision, snipers not grunts. Invasive interference will not help in most cases, but taking out a few of the worst actors would.

You've arbitrarily decided that using gas weapons is the line? Why?

THE WORLD MADE THAT DECISION AFTER WW1, not me. Because of their experience of poison gas on the battlefield. We made the same decision after WW2 about atomic weapons, for much the same reasons. Gas, biological and nuclear weapons use is the world's concern, no use can be permitted because they affect the world outside the borders of any conflict.

So then you want to intervene because of a political decision made a century ago. That's as silly and vapid a reason I've ever heard. Might as well intervene because they don't line their troops up correctly.

Don't be an idiot, the world came together and made a MORAL decision that no one of any political bent or in any circumstance could use poison gas based on their direct experience of the consequences. There is nothing silly or vapid about that. "Those who forget history..."

There is no difference in kind, just one of degree. A person who murders an innocent is just as evil as one who kills more than one,
I certainly hope you don't believe that. For one, it isn't true that the man who kills his wife in a fit of anger could in no way be compared to Ted Bundy, who killed for pleasure. There are too many motivations for murder to say that all killers are equal. That simply doesn't wash. Secondly, equating mass murderers to anyone else does a disservice to the victims of those crimes. I don't want to hear that George Zimmerman is the moral equivalent of Anders Breivik. That's just not true.

It is what Christianity teaches. To those being MURDERED, there is no difference, the motivation for MURDER makes not one whit of difference, nor does the MURDEREE'S place on the MURDERER'S hit list. A killing in a fit of passion is MANSLAUGHTER, not murder, a MURDER is the deliberate, unjustified killing of another, so I did not say a wife slayer was a murderer or say they were equivalent. MURDER OF AN INNOCENT is what I spoke of. And one or one hundred, it's not a difference in kind of evil, only in number of instances, both are as evil as men get, there is no lower floor. So, yes, George Zimmerman(IMO)is as evil as Breivik, just not as successful in implementing his evil. I really don't care what motivates these sick pukes, it is their actions that reveal their character and unless stopped you get more Breiviks rather than just Keystone cop wannabes like Zimmerman. The Florida Police almost let him walk away clean without charges, wouldn't that validate his actions for next time? He's already shown himself capable of stalking, attacking and killing an innocent, Skittles armed black boy in a hoodie. Zimmerman became responsible for Trayvon's death the second he got out of his car armed, he became guilty of murder when he killed him to save himself from a situation of his own making(like Assad's use of poison gas, he uses it in a situation he, himself is responsible for). We often execute murderers, we don't then revive them for each murder they committed so we can execute them again. A murderer has always been unacceptable in any civilized society, and the morality of a society is judged by how they deal with them, in part.

The Germans tried to stop him. They underestimated his willingness to break laws in his power-grab. He had many supporters, of course, but to say all of Germany is culpable for Hitler's crimes is ridiculous.

No, the German's closed their eyes to the creeping murder regime that Hitler and his gang created. Hard times got better under Herr Hitler, times were good, lots of work. The Jews were not their problem, let them defend themselves(only one in a hundred Germans were Jewish). The communists were a minor faction that the Germans didn't like much. The crazy people were better off being out of their misery. The country was recovering from the Great Depression, the people followed the ones with the food, and the Nazis sure knew how to make the trains run on time(an allegory for an efficiently run dictatorship).

This is a slippery slop fallacy. Failing to intervene against Assad does not mean that future generations will believe it is acceptable to use such weapons against Americans.

Future generations of tyrants will certainly know it is possible to get away with massive chemical attacks if they get themselves in trouble, if Assad did. Who knows under what circumstances that would occur? Or in what part of the world. Or what constitutes "trouble", for that matter. In 1930 Germany had no idea what was going to happen in the next 15 years, similar conditions in the Middle East could very well have similar outcomes(Egypt falling apart, Iran acting an ass, Syria already at war). History repeats unless we learn the lessons it teaches, the lesson on chemical, biological and atomic weapons is they are our doom if we don't control their use WORLDWIDE. Whereas if Assad was reduced to his constituent atoms future dictators will KNOW that they will not survive such use, that it WON'T save his ass, we would be wise to treat that Son Of Kim in North Korea exactly the same way if he ever used a nuclear weapon.

This post has been CONTENT HIGHLIGHTED for those who have terrible reading comprehension or a severe case of distorted cognizance of what they read.
