Strip mod status/ban WellCookedFetus

Should WellCookedFetus be removed as a moderator or banned?

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WellCookedFetus said:

OK so why is it my fault that someone called Paulsamuel, oh that right Paulsamuel claimed I did it, so thus I must be punished! The thought never even occured to you that I might be innocent?

I wonder how many times we need to remind you of your confession. It's on page four of the thread 'harassment'.

WellCookedFetus said:
yes I have, I have direct someone to fight against him, as this person came to me asking if there was anyone bothering me they could "scuff up" so I direct him to paulsamuel membership page here, I did not figure it would come to all this but now that it has happend I am both sorry and pleased. I was expecting him to argue with him here in sciforums not to call him outside of the forum.

Just stop posting, okay? Suicidal depression doesn't excuse you from sending people to harass paulsamuel, nor does it exempt you from being treated like the whining idiot you are now.

What's the matter, chronic depression kill your brain cells?

I was joking about that, so no I did not confess to anything, it was just when someone said "why did you say "almost"" on a pervious version of a joke, i should have said to scare people, but instead I made up a story for it, I really did not take the thread seriously.

oh ya and you can go fuck your self.
Just drop the topic and let the thread die. Nothing will ever happen because there are too many options in the poll. You need not be worried.
no its not that
let us not convict and hang without substantial proof. let us not base judgements on emotions and gut feelings
we can leave that up to the grand poobah

You need to tell your parents that you need help. They can help you find the right people. You need to be honest with yourself and realize that you have a problem you can't overcome or solve on your own. Talking about it anonymously here is doing no good, and just is another way of escaping for you. Seriously man, for your own well being talk to someone who has an active role in your life before it's too late.

I am not trying to be a bitch, just that one of my best friends ended their life last year for much of the same reasons you are stating... and had I known then (she didn't tell anyone) I would have stepped in and said the same things to her.
I have been seeing a psychologist for 9 months now, much to my mother dislike as she does not believe in having others help you for your mental problems. My family has problems, let not get into that here. Thankfully its free as the school has free psychological help, it hasn’t help much.
You want to hear the truth: I live a very sad life here at mother's home now, trying to earn money in a fucking nightshift job at walmart, money I'll waste away in a college eduction thats getting me nowhere, I drop out of class, don't know what I'm doing with my life, hate who I am and can't seem to find any joy in anything anymore. I have tried to commite sucide one. I tried anti-depressant to no avail. but now for the weird part: sciforums provides me more comfort then sex! thats right my social life is not shit, I have friends, a girl friend as well, but I put them off so I can be here! Of all the fucked up things in my life this is the only place were I feel Ok. and if I were banished from here because of the pestering of the one guy that treats me like shit so he could satify his own superiority complex, then I’ll dam sure make it so people will call and “harass” him when they wonder why I have him well described in my suicide note. And I’m not fucking joking about this!

Extremely tempting to ban him just for this.
airavata said:
WCF said:
[strong]You want to hear the truth:[/strong] I live a very sad life here at mother's home now, trying to earn money in a fucking nightshift job at walmart, money I'll waste away in a college eduction thats getting me nowhere, I drop out of class, don't know what I'm doing with my life, hate who I am and can't seem to find any joy in anything anymore. I have tried to commite sucide one. I tried anti-depressant to no avail. but now for the weird part: sciforums provides me more comfort then sex! thats right my social life is not shit, I have friends, a girl friend as well, but I put them off so I can be here! Of all the fucked up things in my life this is the only place were I feel Ok. and if I were banished from here because of the pestering of the one guy that treats me like shit so he could satify his own superiority complex, then I’ll dam sure make it so people will call and “harass” him when they wonder why I have him well described in my suicide note. And I’m not fucking joking about this!

Extremely tempting to ban him just for this.

Turning the mirror over, one can also infer a motive—a bid—for that sudden out-of-context black mood dropping from nowhere.

How best to deflect a burdensome impression of one's character but to present an entirely new one? Such as a wretched, suicidal melancholiac instead of a vengeful, hateful miscreant? From Hyde to Jykell?
Imitating humans is easy, I can do that all day... but I think that this should not be the point here.
Somewhat humorous...
Or do you want to make a point of it?
I dunno. Was just making a point that someone involved in so much drama doesn't really come from a place to criticize others for doing the same thing.
You need to tell your parents that you need help. They can help you find the right people. You need to be honest with yourself and realize that you have a problem you can't overcome or solve on your own. Talking about it anonymously here is doing no good, and just is another way of escaping for you. Seriously man, for your own well being talk to someone who has an active role in your life before it's too late.
what the hell? who are you to tell someone how to live their life...or not live it? just stay out of it. i have had it with people like you. :disgust:
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