Static Energy?Electricity?

Yes homeopathic remedies look like medicines but they are not so. Since, no traces of molecules of active substances in higher potencies can be possible, we need to look energy presence.
All we need to know is that homeopathy is fantasy and it does nothing except act as a placebo. The only positive of a homeopathy concoction is that it can't hurt you any more than just drinking water, since that is just what it is.
Yes question mark is due to oversights. Rest we need to better understand. Yes homeopathic remedies look like medicines but they are not so. Since, no traces of molecules of active substances in higher potencies can be possible, we need to look energy presence.
So you ARE trying to justify homeopathy and you were lying earlier in the thread when you said you were not. I've now asked for this thread to be moved out of the science section and to Pseudoscience. We'll see what the mods think.

As you have failed to take on board ANY of my explanations, I have finished with you now.
How it is odd if I try to know science of ÀNY system?
You are not doing science. You believe that homeopathy works and you are only looking at things you think will support that position. That is more like religion than science.
So you ARE trying to justify homeopathy and you were lying earlier in the thread when you said you were not. I've now asked for this thread to be moved out of the science section and to Pseudoscience. We'll see what the mods think.

As you have failed to take on board ANY of my explanations, I have finished with you now.

NO, as I said, it is to know all science of all unclear system relevant to OP including homeopathy. I clarified it initially and many times. Pls do not talk on it again and again.
You are not doing science. You believe that homeopathy works and you are only looking at things you think will support that position. That is more like religion than science.
Why should I doubt when there is lot of clinical/practical observation in millions are there in homeopathic community. There are so many unclear understanding(reasoning not yet known etc etc) but still those are well practiced. Bothway studies are therem you can search on a link previously quoted by me. Actually, I respect all well existing systems since long back but ramain skeptic untill their science remain pending to understand. Let the things either clear in understandings or die in themselves if absolutely fake, till them wait and watch. Opt or not, it is your choice.
Arrrrr not fair not fair hissey fit not fair. You said you would go away and stop with the rubbish

Or did you say you would go away with the rubbish?


Sucks thumb and sits in corner

In reality goes for coffee

Ok as you like. Thanks.
Why should I doubt when there is lot of clinical/practical observation in millions are there in homeopathic community.
What you need to doubt is not the observations, but the explanations. I'm quite sure a lot of people get better while taking homeopathic preparations. But a lot of people also get better while praying. Or doing nothing; most common colds fall into this last category.
The observations are the data, not the evidence. The proposed explanations are what science has to test. And science did, and there is no evidence that supports homeopathy that cannot be explained with existing explanations (placebo).
Why should I doubt when there is lot of clinical/practical observation in millions are there in homeopathic community.
I don't believe 'practical' observation. 'Practical' observation results in people believing in flying saucers, big foot and a flat earth.
The 'clinical' observation that you supplied seems seriously flawed.
First the participants were described as having self-reported depression, not diagnosed depression. Secondly the participants were asked if they wanted to participate and if they did 100% were given the homeopathic concoction. The 'control' group was the people that did not take the concoction. So the people that took that concoction were motivated to feel better. This seems to be little more than a study that shows homeopathic concoctions work about as well as taking a sugar pill.
There are so many unclear understanding(reasoning not yet known etc etc) but still those are well practiced.
I do not know what you are tying to say here.
Actually, I respect all well existing systems since long back but ramain skeptic untill their science remain pending to understand. Let the things either clear in understandings or die in themselves if absolutely fake, till them wait and watch. Opt or not, it is your choice.
It has been shown time and again that homeopathic concoctions do nothing, they are fake, unfortunately it won't die and people are making money selling this 'snake oil' to the uneducated and/or gullible.

I too have reported this thread so that it can be placed in the proper section of the forum, which is the pseudoscience section.
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Why should I doubt when there is lot of clinical/practical observation in millions are there in homeopathic community. There are so many unclear understanding(reasoning not yet known etc etc) but still those are well practiced. Bothway studies are therem you can search on a link previously quoted by me. Actually, I respect all well existing systems since long back but ramain skeptic untill their science remain pending to understand. Let the things either clear in understandings or die in themselves if absolutely fake, till them wait and watch. Opt or not, it is your choice.

I think at this point we can safely call this "not science" and kick it to where it belongs...
So now discussions are not limited.

Homeopathy has substantial practical or clinical significance and observations(which is ultimate) in its community in millions spread in most part of world, approved practice by regulating/govt authorities. It is consistent since about last 200 years and observed to give least adverses/side effects. It is comparatively much lesser expensive, homeopath give lot of time to patient, understand them from root level to tree level and accepted repeatedly by the patients and their near and dear ones. Statical significance(though not ultimate) still apear to justify in accordance with the different nature of healing agent. In most part i.e lower potencies & molecular transfer due to adsorption principle is no problem, Simply we need to find, how sub-atomic type of remedies can acquire information of active substances, that what I was trying. It can also be relevant to many other alternative systems which are yet unclear in science eg sun-rays color therapy, crystal therapy etc.

It is usually claimed that heat is the product of work done for preparing the remedies which is dissipated in air. But I don't think it is the case. Heat is contrasted with work. It can be a bye-product not product like eg side effects and real effects. For it we may need to check it with many scientific and logical relevances. Few can be:

1. Covalent Bond
2. Non-Covalent Bonds
3. Intermolecular forces
4. Potential Energy
5. Potentiality
6. Newton's 3rd law of motion

7. Natural Position

8. Heat

9 . Other?(suggest)
I think we had considered molecular interaction partly as a miss or weakness, something due to oversight. Some other changes, say potentiality change, also happen along with heat generation. An excercising young person while generate heat but also improve its performance specific to that excercise. I think it is applicable to all interactions.
Just when I think the pile of Woo Woo Cowpat can not get any higher. Surely if has reached its limits. Along comes a post to prove me wrong

As a retired Registered Nurse Midwife and Safety Officer I am sorry for those wwho will suffer because they put their faith in such Woo Woo and a little less sorry for the who waste their money

I'm sympathetic to my colleagues and various others in the TRAINED medical professions who frequently get blasted by patients who are in hospital because of they followed such crap and refuse to believe they have been duped. Talk about hard to treat.

Easier to spend two hours changing the dressings on a burns patient than 10 minutes listening to someone rabbit on about crystals and energy.

Sorry no training adequately prepared ME for the task of treating stupidity as you can probably guess from this rant

Time to calm down and a double strength coffee :)

Just when I think the pile of Woo Woo Cowpat can not get any higher. Surely if has reached its limits. Along comes a post to prove me wrong

As a retired Registered Nurse Midwife and Safety Officer I am sorry for those wwho will suffer because they put their faith in such Woo Woo and a little less sorry for the who waste their money

I'm sympathetic to my colleagues and various others in the TRAINED medical professions who frequently get blasted by patients who are in hospital because of they followed such crap and refuse to believe they have been duped. Talk about hard to treat.

Easier to spend two hours changing the dressings on a burns patient than 10 minutes listening to someone rabbit on about crystals and energy.

Sorry no training adequately prepared ME for the task of treating stupidity as you can probably guess from this rant

Time to calm down and a double strength coffee :)

Yes I know. This short article in the Smithsonian magazine summarises the state of play in 2015:

But...there is still money to be made by charlatans from gullible fools, and so it goes on, like all the crystals-and-shit woo we have to endure.

Sometimes it seems to me there is a political dimension to this nonsense, e.g people with a chip on their shoulder about what they see as the dominance of "Western" science and medicine, who want to assert some sort of equivalence for "Eastern" methods. But homeopathy is not one of these, having been invented by a German charlatan called Hahnemann about 200 years ago.

P.S. Hahn is German for cock, appropriately enough.

If you have seen 2½ men TV show you might have seen the episode where Charlie throws his back out and ask Alan to help. It is well known Charlie looks down on Alan's job as a chiropractor as voodoo. Alan thinks for 2 seconds before acting like a Indian chief stomping around a campfire doing a war chant

Does not get any better than that

If you have seen 2½ men TV show you might have seen the episode where Charlie throws his back out and ask Alan to help. It is well known Charlie looks down on Alan's job as a chiropractor as voodoo. Alan thinks for 2 seconds before acting like a Indian chief stomping around a campfire doing a war chant

Does not get any better than that

Well manipulation can help bad backs, while the conventional medical treatment for them has been very haphazard and riven with fads during my lifetime, so I don't rule out the practical efficacy of chiro 100%. However the theory of it is 100% ballocks of course. But homeopathy has been extensively checked and shown to be nonsense as it logically must be.

One of my favourite absurdities where homeopathy is concerned is the observation that, since tap water has been treated to reduce the concentration of harmful impurities, we should all be dead, due the "potentiation" supposedly caused by reducing the concentration!
Well manipulation can help bad backs, while the conventional medical treatment for them has been very haphazard and riven with fads during my lifetime, so I don't rule out the practical efficacy of chiro 100%. However the theory of it is 100% ballocks of course. But homeopathy has been extensively checked and shown to be nonsense as it logically must be.

One of my favourite absurdities where homeopathy is concerned is the observation that, since tap water has been treated to reduce the concentration of harmful impurities, we should all be dead, due the "potentiation" supposedly caused by reducing the concentration!

I have often had the fantasy of becoming a millionaire by marketing "dehydrated water"
Sell a flashy bottle with a vaccum inside as dehydrated water
To reconstitute add water to the required level on the bottle
You like to go into partnership?

Just when I think the pile of Woo Woo Cowpat can not get any higher. Surely if has reached its limits. Along comes a post to prove me wrong

As a retired Registered Nurse Midwife and Safety Officer I am sorry for those wwho will suffer because they put their faith in such Woo Woo and a little less sorry for the who waste their money

I'm sympathetic to my colleagues and various others in the TRAINED medical professions who frequently get blasted by patients who are in hospital because of they followed such crap and refuse to believe they have been duped. Talk about hard to treat.

Easier to spend two hours changing the dressings on a burns patient than 10 minutes listening to someone rabbit on about crystals and energy.

Sorry no training adequately prepared ME for the task of treating stupidity as you can probably guess from this rant

Time to calm down and a double strength coffee :)

This is one side of coin but other side is always there. Can we claim any system is absolute & final in science and in effects? Pros & cons are related to all yet not absolute & final understandings. So pls show all sides of all with equanimity. Giving and taking or risk benefit ratio should be checked for every system in accordance with nature of that system(not universal). You can not compare a needle with a sword. Every one has its on good or bad. You can not get injection by sword or stich cloth but can do many other things which needle can't do. It does not mean either is only valid or superier. So try to on both sided equally like a judge to justify.
This is one side of coin but other side is always there. Can we claim any system is absolute & final in science and in effects? Pros & cons are related to all yet not absolute & final understandings. So pls show all sides of all with equanimity. Giving and taking or risk benefit ratio should be checked for every system in accordance with nature of that system(not universal). You can not compare a needle with a sword. Every one has its on good or bad. You can not get injection by sword or stich cloth but can do many other things which needle can't do. It does not mean either is only valid or superier. So try to on both sided equally like a judge to justify.

All you listed HAVE been done and dusted

While I agree nothing on either side can be considered 100% I'm going to go with

Conventional medicine and associates

Homeopathy and associates minus placebo (you have no claim on that)

Consider both sides of the coin considered

And that's being generous
