Star Trek vs Warhammer 40k


Warhammer 40k with the Necrons, Eldar, Imperium, Orks and etc. And ST gets Federation, Dominion, Borg, Species 8472 and etc.
I think that star trek would win since they have a more established commercial basis with several TV series and motion pictures.

The royalties alone would bring them out on top.
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I think that star trek would win since they have a more established commercial basis with several TV series and motion pictures.

The royalties alone would bring them out on top.

I disagree, they can barely bring in gigatons when Imperium fleets easily bring in 600 gigatons.
neither, i dont like both of them. star wars is much more bad ass.
I think that star trek would win since they have a more established commercial basis with several TV series and motion pictures.

The royalties alone would bring them out on top.

neither, i dont like both of them. star wars is much more bad ass.

No it isn't lol. Warhammer 40k would MASSACRE Star Wars in the "cool" department and in an actual fight. Damn Warsies, always acting retarded...
lies, there are some cool lightsaber duels, i havent seen anything in either of those 2 that can rival the awesomeness of that.
lies, there are some cool lightsaber duels, i havent seen anything in either of those 2 that can rival the awesomeness of that.

*Sigh* Boring. Now Eldar and Orks vs Space Marine fights for the DoW games are interesting, this idiot must have never played, seen, or seen anything 40k related. IDIOT GET OFF!
Are you a fanboy all of a sudden? The Federation fleet gets solo'd by a ISD with the utmost of ease, and yet you actually think it can beat the IoM? Freaking ST fanboy.

No offense, but the feds actually kick SW ass.
My best example of how the differences in the weapons are is this:

In SW to destroy a planet you need a battlestation the size of a fucking moon

In ST you need 8 ships each around the size of a fighter plane (modern day).

But I do agree that WH40k can kickt eh fed's asses 7 days to sunday.

For one thing, the average ship size for the feds is around 700 meters, max 1000, for WH40k the avergae is 8.5 kilometers the max being 14 kilometers.

And between the space marines and the Imperial guard there are hudnreds of thousands of those kinds of warships.

With the entire WH40k universe theres probably a few million such warships.

The feds in a huge emergancy response to the borg can barely muster 40 ships (and they still lost btw). and at the most the feds brag about mustering 2000 ships of which 1000 being civilian ships or retired ships.

and even then only about 2/3 of the 1000 are actual warships the rest are science vessels.

Now the arrogance of the pro feds in this topic is astounding considering that they think that 700 ST vessels of which 350 are multi purpose and only 350 are dedicated warships and succesfully square off against a fleet of several million dedicated and veyr potant warships each one several times the size of whatever the feds have to offer.

And this is before we get into the whole deal of how much more powerful the weaponry on a battlebarge is agaisnt a galaxy.

A galaxy has what? 12 phaser arrays? a battlebarge has more than 100 main gun batteries.
*Pulls out Plasma Pistol and looks around to make sure its safe before leaving cover, puts Plasma Pistol back*

Two words: Nova Cannon.

From what I remember it is a 200 ton round shot at 75% the speed of light which should be in the low Petaton range assuming the density of iron.
And they take the time to put explosives in this thing.
ST is doomed.

That is all.
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No offense, but the feds actually kick SW ass.
My best example of how the differences in the weapons are is this:

In SW to destroy a planet you need a battlestation the size of a fucking moon

In ST you need 8 ships each around the size of a fighter plane (modern day).

But I do agree that WH40k can kickt eh fed's asses 7 days to sunday.

For one thing, the average ship size for the feds is around 700 meters, max 1000, for WH40k the avergae is 8.5 kilometers the max being 14 kilometers.

And between the space marines and the Imperial guard there are hudnreds of thousands of those kinds of warships.

With the entire WH40k universe theres probably a few million such warships.

The feds in a huge emergancy response to the borg can barely muster 40 ships (and they still lost btw). and at the most the feds brag about mustering 2000 ships of which 1000 being civilian ships or retired ships.

and even then only about 2/3 of the 1000 are actual warships the rest are science vessels.

Now the arrogance of the pro feds in this topic is astounding considering that they think that 700 ST vessels of which 350 are multi purpose and only 350 are dedicated warships and succesfully square off against a fleet of several million dedicated and veyr potant warships each one several times the size of whatever the feds have to offer.

And this is before we get into the whole deal of how much more powerful the weaponry on a battlebarge is agaisnt a galaxy.

A galaxy has what? 12 phaser arrays? a battlebarge has more than 100 main gun batteries.

Umm, SW has ships that can destroy planets IT'S CALLED BASE DELTA ZERO PEOPLE. God, this forum is Trek paradise, where Trekkies don't know shit about SW. *Hint* a ISD can destroy a planet in less than 10 minutes.
Umm, SW has ships that can destroy planets IT'S CALLED BASE DELTA ZERO PEOPLE. God, this forum is Trek paradise, where Trekkies don't know shit about SW. *Hint* a ISD can destroy a planet in less than 10 minutes.

Bullshit, an ISD barely escapes with it's life in an asteroid field.

Hell the most powerful weapon youve ever made the death star got killed because the idiots that designed it decided to put a hole conveniantly large enough for a torpedo to go right through.

How did you solve said problem? You made an even BIGGER HOLE so that rather than a torpedo, a ship could fly through.

Second, your main guns are manually fired and manually rotated LASERS, lasers are far far weaker than phasers, and we have actual physics to back that claim up. Here is the weapon hierarchy obeyed by practically all Scifi.

lasers < plasma guns < phasers < disruptors <cutting beams

phasers are two tiers ahead of turrets.

How about torpedos?

concussion missile < proton torpedo < photon torpedo < Quantum torpedo < tri cobalt torpedo < transphasic torpedo.

ST has used photons, quantums, triocobalts, and a little bit of transphasics, we are far ahead of you on both main weapons and secondary weapons.

Lets see shields.

Well for starters, the shields in SW cant block solid objects half the time, and even then a basic missile can get through.
In ST the shields protect against everything from solar flares, black holes, time rifts, let alone lasers and *cough* concussive missiles.

And where may I ask my silly little friend does it say an ISD can roast a planet in 10 minutes?

Thats RIGHT it doesnt.

Because if they could, than why the fuck did they build the death star?
It denoted the most severe of several levels of destruction that could be directed against a center of resistance, and involved laying waste to an entire planet by orbital bombardment, reducing the upper crust of a planet to molten slag or in extreme cases going so far as to atomize the planet's top-soil.

A Base Delta Zero fleet bombardment was regarded as one of the most devastating operations that the Imperial military was capable of, and unlike other Imperial military codes, the designation was not subject to change, so that there was never any confusion when it was issued. Due to its effects, BDZs were considered a last resort.

And the Death Star having a bigger hole in RotJ? Are you smoking crack or something it was UNDER CONSTRUCTION and that hole would have been closed.

Turbolasers are lasers? YOU ARE ON CRACK. It is stated turbolasers are a fucking name damn it. They fucking shoot plasma! Besides your pathetic shitty ships do 100 gigawatts and ISD's do 1.2 teratons per turbolaser. Hey retard, did you ever hear of the word google? An ISD can destroy a planet in less than ten minutes. The DS would destroy your pathetic Federation.
Besides your STRONGEST weapons do 30 gigatons, and that's FIREWORKS to SW. Let's see, Acclamators do 300 gigatons on MEDIUM turbolasers and they're 30 year old transport ships, the amount of ST idiots here is unbearable. Face it one ISD is MUCH stronger than the Fed's entire amount of firepower.
Not to mention that Force users can suck planets dry of life in an instant, create force storms that obliterate fleets and wormholes that do that and obliterate planets as well. and then there is the sun crusher, a tiny ship that can destroy entire systems in an instant, the mass shadow generator that can utterly tear a planet apart in 2 instants and super star destroyers that can destroy any ship within an instant.

btw this discussion is hilarious.
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It denoted the most severe of several levels of destruction that could be directed against a center of resistance, and involved laying waste to an entire planet by orbital bombardment, reducing the upper crust of a planet to molten slag or in extreme cases going so far as to atomize the planet's top-soil.

A Base Delta Zero fleet bombardment was regarded as one of the most devastating operations that the Imperial military was capable of, and unlike other Imperial military codes, the designation was not subject to change, so that there was never any confusion when it was issued. Due to its effects, BDZs were considered a last resort.

And the Death Star having a bigger hole in RotJ? Are you smoking crack or something it was UNDER CONSTRUCTION and that hole would have been closed.

Turbolasers are lasers? YOU ARE ON CRACK. It is stated turbolasers are a fucking name damn it. They fucking shoot plasma! Besides your pathetic shitty ships do 100 gigawatts and ISD's do 1.2 teratons per turbolaser. Hey retard, did you ever hear of the word google? An ISD can destroy a planet in less than ten minutes. The DS would destroy your pathetic Federation.

You remind me of this guy:
Anytime the phrase "your pathetic Federation" comes up non-facetiously in a conversation, you have to wonder.

...Anyway, 40K would totally pwn those Federation fools. BOOM.