Putin's invasion of Ukraine

One can only wonder as to how Putin can justify the sort of expenditure given that what he has annexed has been virtually destroyed by war and will cost billions to restore ( if he even get's the chance and has the want to do so)
Sometimes the economic cost is irrelevant to the ideological purpose.
Either Russia will rebuild that which has been destroyed, if it ends up being part of Russia (Putin has stated as much, I believe, not that his word has much weight these days), or they will have to pay reparations in some form.
Sometimes the economic cost is irrelevant to the ideological purpose.
In this case (extending your point) though it is relevant to consider how many Russians support this ideological stance, especially now that conscription has opened up a well of discontent and fear among the general population.

From general news it is suggested that support for this fake military adventure to support Putin's agenda is starting to fragment. Nothing compromises an ideological stance and all the lies that go with it more than truck loads of body bags and grieving families associated.

I sort of wonder what it would be like being a late teen being pulled out of university to go fight in a war that makes little sense. Maybe I should just chat with some Vietnam Vet and find out....
In this case (extending your point) though it is relevant to consider how many Russians support this ideological stance, especially now that conscription has opened up a well of discontent and fear among the general population.

From general news it is suggested that support for this fake military adventure to support Putin's agenda is starting to fragment. Nothing compromises an ideological stance and all the lies that go with it more than truck loads of body bags and grieving families associated.

I sort of wonder what it would be like being a late teen being pulled out of university to go fight in a war that makes little sense. Maybe I should just chat with some Vietnam Vet and find out....

They're opposing the war mostly because of the cost to themselves, not because they have any sympathy for innocent Ukrainians or respect for Ukraine's sovereignty. On that note, anyone who thinks Putin would find this adventure too costly to repeat if he's allowed to keep even so much as an inch of stolen territory, doesn't understand his ideology in the slightest.
They're opposing the war mostly because of the cost to themselves, not because they have any sympathy for innocent Ukrainians or respect for Ukraine's sovereignty.
Yes...it does seem to be a character trait of those severely oppressed and living in their own propaganda bubble.
On that note, anyone who thinks Putin would find this adventure too costly to repeat if he's allowed to keep even so much as an inch of stolen territory, doesn't understand his ideology in the slightest.
He is spending someone else's money after all and no doubt skimming off the top in the confusion of budget allocations etc..
Yes...it does seem to be a character trait of those severely oppressed and living in their own propaganda bubble.

They voted for the oppression and the propaganda bubble because they wanted to be lied to and told they're not intellectually, entrepreneurially and athletically inferior to people living in Westernized countries.

He is spending someone else's money after all and no doubt skimming off the top in the confusion of budget allocations etc..

Skimming money from Western purchases of oil and gas stolen from ethnic minorities, purchases that should never have occurred in the first place.
He is spending someone else's money after all and no doubt skimming off the top in the confusion of budget allocations etc..

there is billions of dollars missing from the military
soo much corruption

i wonder if russia intends to detonate a dirty bomb in kherson
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Russian cruise missiles and the fog of war:

Russia continues to target Ukranian power generation infrastructure with its missiles and drones.

Zelensky is quite likely keen to see NATO become more involved.

Is the latest incident, where Poland was hit by a missile, causing the deaths of two Polish citizens:

1) an accidental strike by the Russians, since there have been plenty of reports of, well, targeting failures, already?
2) a deliberate strike by the Ukranians with Russian-made missiles, so that NATO will invoke article 5?
3) an accidental strike due to the poor design of Russian-made air defense systems, launched by Ukraine to destroy incoming cruise missiles?

The news about this incident indicates (to me) that NATO won't be getting more involved, other than by supplying better air defense systems so that Ukraine can stop using the Russian ones.
Russian cruise missiles and the fog of war:

Russia continues to target Ukranian power generation infrastructure with its missiles and drones.

Zelensky is quite likely keen to see NATO become more involved.

Is the latest incident, where Poland was hit by a missile, causing the deaths of two Polish citizens:

1) an accidental strike by the Russians, since there have been plenty of reports of, well, targeting failures, already?
2) a deliberate strike by the Ukranians with Russian-made missiles, so that NATO will invoke article 5?
3) an accidental strike due to the poor design of Russian-made air defense systems, launched by Ukraine to destroy incoming cruise missiles?

The news about this incident indicates (to me) that NATO won't be getting more involved, other than by supplying better air defense systems so that Ukraine can stop using the Russian ones.

When Syria mistakenly shot a Russian plane down over the Mediterranean, Russia blamed the incident on Israel and used it as an excuse to send over S-400 air defenses, so I see no problem with reciprocating in response to this incident by sending Ukraine missile systems that weren't designed by low IQ thieving idiots.
Look like Putin will be defeated.
I doubt it. He will likely engineer some "victory with honor" scheme where he gives up most of the land he conquered, and retain some small part of it so he can claim victory. Then he can say "we won, I am the strongest leader ever" and retain his position.

Which is fine. As long as he leaves Ukraine he can say whatever he wants.
China will wage war against Taiwan and fight whoever comes to help Taiwan.
China will not go beyond Asia to fight any war.
China will wage war against Taiwan
That would be a similar sort of mistake for China as it has been for Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

It would be to China's own detriment and would significantly raise the chances of a widespread military conflict.

Let's hope the Chinese leadership aren't as isolated and deluded as Putin.
China has the power to take over Taiwan in 3 days.
Desert storm operation. US is too far to come to help.
China has the power to take over Taiwan in 3 days.
Desert storm operation. US is too far to come to help.
3 Days of China, say slaughtering its own people?

The US could say move its Navy near the Malacca canal and starve the Chinese military and others of energy. Making the Chinese military impotent in 90 days?
Bullshit, US's navy will sink into South China Sea and the soldiers will never make their way home.