On Nothing in a void.

Ever looked a a Mandelgrot fratal. it has a perfectly circular interior.
A Mandelbrot fractal is not a sphere; there being a circle in its interior doesn't make a sphere a fractal.

Milk.for one.
Milk has the color white, yes, but it is not the color white. I asked for a bucket of (pure) color white, not some liquid that happens to be white.

But hee you are talking about additive colors, not the colors of the EM variety.
No, I was talking about the color white, not the additive color white. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

According to Hameroff. We think we see shades of the color red as a wave function consisting of three fundamental frequencies. The rainbow is but one example.

And care to respond to my statement that a color is not a mathematical value, or have you purposefully ignored that part of my post?

Edit: You've changed your post...
Snow.for one.
Same problem: snow has the color white, but is not the color white.

But I was not suggesting that all expressions of color are the same.
Irrelevant; I didn't make such a statement either.

Hameroff, Tegmark, and LIvio believe we see shades of the color red as a wave function consisting of three fundamental frequencies.
What is a "fundamental frequency"? And it's false anyway; the human eye responds to whole ranges of frequencies. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectral_sensitivity#/media/File:Cones_SMJ2_E.svg

The rainbow is but one example.
I would surely call that a pattern.
Please explain how the color red is a potential?
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It was one of the wave frequecs contained (enfolded) in the color white light.
Ah, you weren't talking about physical potentials then. Got it.

Also: false. The color white doesn't contain wave frequencies. White light is composed of light of different frequencies, yes, but the color white itself isn't.
Ah, you weren't talking about physical potentials then. Got it.
Also: false. The color white doesn't contain wave frequencies. White light is composed of light of different frequencies, yes, but the color white itself isn't.
. Precisely, it is a harmonic bundle of wave frequencies, it is a compound color, made up of different values.
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. Precisely, it is a harmonic bundle of wave frequencies, it is a compound color.
Please stop misrepresenting my position: I never said that the color white is not a harmonic bundle of wave frequencies. In fact, it is not: you are describing white light, not the color white.
Please stop misrepresenting my position: I never said that the color white is not a harmonic bundle of wave frequencies. In fact, it is not: you are describing white light, not the color white.
True, it just appears that way to us. A fly may see infra-red (beyond our range of our visible frequencies. Other animals use ultra-violet light.
True, it just appears that way to us. A fly may see infra-red (beyond our range of our visible frequencies. Other animals use ultra-violet light.
Good, and now please explain to me how the color white (note: not white light!) is "made up from a ratio of three distinct other colors".
That is actually a very good question, and I can't wait to see what Write4U is going to answer.

it did occur to me after asking it that there is 2 potential fields
1 the actual physical tone we define as black(which i might speculate is more so a shading factor of a named chemical value or property...
and on the other, the absence of anything, though that leaves a question as to if one is able to actively see "nothing" as a perceptual recognition.
Geometry ?

are not all things concepts by thier philisophical presence in the mind ?
it seems a little perceptioneptiony

Not all concepts have physicality or are detectable

Love and gravity are both concepts .Only one has a quantifiable scale and can be measured against such scale accurately

Work it out

Good, and now please explain to me how the color white (note: not white light!) is "made up from a ratio of three distinct other colors".
It is reflected as white to our senses,because the othe frequencies have been reflected. 3 fundamental quantum organizations. Hameroff demonstates how we think we see red, but in reality we assemble the constituent quantum values of each color frequency.

For instance if you reduce gold to nano particles gold reflects and looks red Silver at nano scale can display a range of colors depending on the actual shape of the silver nano-particle and can range from green to purple .

This is where quantum states and shape become a factor . This is also the scale of the nano-tubules in brain cells and they operate like little computers, but at a quantum scale where the state of the system is uncertain, because they are in a bidirectional quantum state until a wave function collapses, and Bing, a mental experience and physical motor response, throughout the entire system.
It is reflected as white to our senses,because the othe frequencies have been reflected.
You are talking about light, not color. Please learn the difference, and then answer the question.

3 fundamental quantum organizations.
This appears to be a mere sentence-fragment that doesn't mean anything?

Hameroff demonstates how we think we see red, but in reality we assemble the constituent quantum values of each color frequency.
Once again you are talking about light, not color. Please learn the difference, and then answer the question.

For instance if you reduce gold to nano particles gold reflects and looks red Silver at nano scale can display a range of colors depending on the actual shape of the silver nano-particle and can range from green to purple .
Once again you are talking about light, not color. Please learn the difference, and then answer the question.

This is where quantum states and shape become a factor . This is also the scale of the nano-tubules in brain cells and they operate like little computers, but at a quantum scale where the state of the system is uncertain, because they are in a bidirectional quantum state until a wave function collapses, and Bing, a mental experience and physical motor response, throughout the entire system.
What are nano-tubules in our brain cells, and how do they operate like little computers? What is a bidirectional quantum state? How does a wave function collapse lead to a mental experience and physical motor response?

And once again you are talking about light, not color. Please learn the difference, and then answer the question.
Not all concepts have physicality or are detectable

Love and gravity are both concepts .Only one has a quantifiable scale and can be measured against such scale accurately

Work it out ...... :)

Single celled organisms "make love". Hameroff shows how and why such motivation occurs. Apparently something motivated such bonding.

As to gravity. I must admit that is a cunundrum, yet the ceation of a gravitational well stretching the fabric of spacetime and create a more or less local phenomenon associated with the mass on an object is imeginable and as I understand it there are several serious contending theries.
Once again you are talking about light, not color. Please learn the difference, and then answer the question.
In the dark everything is black. It requies light to acquire color as a reflective property we have given to roses and similar colored flowers, etc..

No matter waht medium you use, a color requires light to be visible.
In the dark everything is black.
So objects change color depending on the lighting conditions?

It requies light to acquire color as a reflective property we have given to roses and similar colored flowers, etc..
Are you claiming that objects magically change properties when light hits them (i.e. they acquire a color property), or that color is not a property of an object at all?

Additionally, if color is a reflective property, then all your previous posts about red light and red wave lengths and such are incoherent: color is then a property of an object, not of the light.

No matter waht medium you use, a color requires light to be visible.
I'm not talking about a color being visible, I'm talking about the color itself.
Single celled organisms "make love". Hameroff shows how and why such motivation occurs. Apparently something motivated such bonding.

I would contend single cell organisms repoducer and that they do not have any means of labelling the process "making love"

There would not be any "motivation" in the same way a stone has no motivation to roll down a hill. Hameroff appears to be anthropomorphising the "love making" process. So unless he has tape recordings or videos of interviews where the single cell organisms are telling him "Yes we just made love and why were you watching? Are you making single cell porno movies?" I'm calling this Cowpat Woo Woo

None of which has any relevance to where did your proposed potential energy come from?
