Now reading (The Book Thread)

Read the book by Bruce H. Lipton PH.D - The Biology of Belief ( Unleashing the power of consciousness , matter and miracles )

Great read , picked it up yesterday , finished it today .

Its about that DNA does not have the final say on who we are and who we could become .

Epigenetics , the environment is what is important
Originally, the movie was to have an original score by Alex North. North actually composed music meant to be used in the film. You can hear the opening score as it would have sounded here:
The music used in the end came about in a bit of an unusual way. At a certain point in the film's production, MGM was getting anxious, and to ease their concerns, Kubrick showed them some finished footage with classical music as the background to act as "guide music". In the end, he decided to not use the originally composed score and used the guide music instead.

Hi Janus58
Remember I was wondering what made the producers of '2001: A Space Odyssey' select the 'Blue Danue' for the film?

I was surprised to read this transcript of an interview with Patrick Moore.

According to Patrick it seems he may have had something to do with the inclusion of the ' Blue Danube' in the film.

Mark Lawson Talks To...Sir Patrick Moore

You are listed in some places as music consultant on 2001: A Space Odyssey. Is that true?

I think it is. Only one bit. I was having dinner with Arthur, and they were wondering what music to use for the space sequence, and I said, "Use the Blue Danube,"and they did.

Whether this originally came from me, I don't know.

That was my only connection there, but certainly I did say, "Use the Blue Danube,"and they did.

It would have been a big coincidence if it isn't from you saying that...

You're probably right.

But something to be proud of, I would, think.

Yeah, I agree. It's an amazing film.

I wonder if it's true??
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It's a rainy day here, meeting up with a friend to go bookstore browsing. In the mood for a sci-fi romance story. :smile:
Remember I was wondering what made the producers of '2001: A Space Odyssey' select the 'Blue Danue' for the film?
I think I recall reading that they had some music commissioned for the film, but either they didn't like it, or it wasn't ready yet, so they put in the Blue Danube as a filler, pending later substitution of the intended music. Patrick Moore may well have suggested it. Anyway, for whatever reason, the powers that be decided they liked it, so it was left in.
I just started "The White Tiger" by by Aravind Adiga! It's quite interesting so far. I've read some good reviews about it, and a friend recommended it to me.
I'm currently rereading Sherlock Holmes for the umpteenth time. (I have three editions - two with the complete stories and novels and one with the illustrations from the Strand.) I'm surprised how inaccurate my memory is.
Just finished 'Life after God' by Douglas Coupland. He writes wonderfully about the profound personal angst of people who seem to me a complete waste of West Coast Nirvana.
Have just started 'Into the Same River Twice' by Francis Nevins. Competent, if rather dense, writing; a protagonist with some potential for sympathy; haven't got to the mystery yet.
I'm surprised how inaccurate my memory is.
I couldn't possibly keep the stories, or subjects, straight in my head: I've read them at various times, at random, and seen several cinematic versions of the main ones: they all blur together.
As do, for that matter, Miss Marple stories.
Michael J. Benton ; Dinosaurs Rediscovered ( first published in 2019 . In the UK and US )

The Scientific Revolution in Paleontology

" The final impression of ' Dinosaurs Rediscovered ' is one of infectious excitement...It belongs on the shelf of every adult collector of dinosaur books. "
river said:
Michael J. Benton ; Dinosaurs Rediscovered ( first published in 2019 . In the UK and US )

That looks like a good read.

You surprised me, river.

In a good way , I like to think . I needed a break in thinking ( I was getting bored ). I've always liked palaeontology so I looked up books on the latest thinking . And bought it .

I'm on page 71 . ( in the condensed version , very small print . There is a normal size print available , which I will get as well ) . It really has been ; a very interesting read . An eye opener to the study , for me anyway . Just as important ; I am , Enjoying the read !
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So you would like to be Fucked by Donald Trump and would write a book about it , is this your point ?

This a reading a book thread not free thoughts .

Beer w/Straw . You replied in the wrong thread . Go away .
The Hidden Life of TREES . By , PETER WOHLLEBEN . What they Feel , How they Communicate .( Discoveries from a Secret World )

250 pages of a smallish size book . Enjoy .