My theory 1 step at a time

Just found out that an Electron is a negative mass particle. So weight is actually Gravity entering an electron. In which case the Higgs Boson is actually Gravity. And Gravity is space-time flow. Time is Gravity Scale.

Things sure get mixed up.

I like that...

TIME = Gravity Scale
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Just found out that an Electron is a negative mass particle. So weight is actually Gravity entering an electron. In which case the Higgs Boson is actually Gravity. And Gravity is space-time flow. Time is Gravity Scale.

Things sure get mixed up.

I like that...

TIME = Gravity Scale
How did you come to that conclusion?
You broke a rule, and egg is a young chicken, so you broke a time rule. A baby chick has a name for a reason. So time = linear is broken. You would have to put Time = circular, and then you create a paradox.
What come first the chicken or the egg? Neither for the rooster bet them to it!

Because he's a moron and he doesn't know a damn thing about science.
I see plenty of sites discussing whether there is such a thing as time and no one really could describe what it was, other than they knew it measurements.
It is courageous of PP to even guess what it is. I don't have the foggiest idea of how he came to his conclusion.:)
How did you come to that conclusion?

Well electrons are holes in my theory because electrons are negative. Atoms are containers. Gravity flows into holes, so it flows into electrons. Gravity has to escape so it scales down into negative mass. From the electron hole comes a virtual particle due to Gravity scaling down, the hole is now large enough for the virtual particle to escape. The virtual particle is time. With velocity the forward motion of atoms fills the hole faster, the virtual particle escapes more slowly because Gravity cannot scale down fast enough. So time therefore is dependent on the speed which gravity can scale down. If Gravity cannot scale down fast enough you get a bow shock.
What about positrons?
You realise that positive and negative charge are only conventional? "Negatively" charged electrons have the same amount of charge as "positively" charged positrons; that is, their charges are equal and opposite.

Electrons aren't "negative" at all. And they certainly aren't "holes", not when they diffuse through semiconductors at least (which is something electrons do).
Well electrons are holes in my theory because electrons are negative. Atoms are containers. Gravity flows into holes, so it flows into electrons. Gravity has to escape so it scales down into negative mass. From the electron hole comes a virtual particle due to Gravity scaling down, the hole is now large enough for the virtual particle to escape. The virtual particle is time. With velocity the forward motion of atoms fills the hole faster, the virtual particle escapes more slowly because Gravity cannot scale down fast enough. So time therefore is dependent on the speed which gravity can scale down. If Gravity cannot scale down fast enough you get a bow shock.
I liked one part of that when you said
The virtual particle is time.
Not that I'm saying you could be correct, but it seems like the ultimate "Tick" of the Universe. That is the rate at which virtual particles are needed to maintain the orbit of the electron around the Hydrogen Atom. There is a calculation of orbital speed and wavelength (as in the old Bohr model). But however you think the electron behaves I'd say there is the need for these virtual particles to maintain the relationship to the proton.
So How do you see the electron maintaining this relationship to the proton?
What about positrons?
You realise that positive and negative charge are only conventional? "Negatively" charged electrons have the same amount of charge as "positively" charged positrons; that is, their charges are equal and opposite.

Electrons aren't "negative" at all. And they certainly aren't "holes", not when they diffuse through semiconductors at least (which is something electrons do).

Holes are particles of negative mass. At the quantum scale they bump together like particles, but pass through positive mass. So for example Neutrinos are holes, they pass through solid matter, yet can bump into negative mass holes... they bump into Nucleus of atoms. Electrons are definitely holes of negative mass.

The Charge of electrons is the cloud, and it's not the electron. The cloud is something else, I'm not sure what it is. It's almost perfectly spherical so its very small.. could be gravity.
I liked one part of that when you said Not that I'm saying you could be correct, but it seems like the ultimate "Tick" of the Universe. That is the rate at which virtual particles are needed to maintain the orbit of the electron around the Hydrogen Atom. There is a calculation of orbital speed and wavelength (as in the old Bohr model). But however you think the electron behaves I'd say there is the need for these virtual particles to maintain the relationship to the proton.
So How do you see the electron maintaining this relationship to the proton?

Electrons maintain orbit because of The Kissing Problem. They stack in the standard formation. 6 holes, around 1 hole. The orbit that is observed is more likely the flow of gravity through the holes. Not a true orbit at all.

I have a reason for the virtual particles anyway. They are scale 1..

1 + -1 = 0

And scale 1 is always waiting to fit in a scale 1 hole. This is because scale 1 is the most fundamental particle. It is the particle that is allowed to appear into our Universe. I have worked out some of the standard formation of the Universe, and it has a pattern.
Holes are particles of negative mass. At the quantum scale they bump together like particles, but pass through positive mass. So for example Neutrinos are holes, they pass through solid matter, yet can bump into negative mass holes... they bump into Nucleus of atoms. Electrons are definitely holes of negative mass.

The Charge of electrons is the cloud, and it's not the electron. The cloud is something else, I'm not sure what it is. It's almost perfectly spherical so its very small.. could be gravity.
They can fire a beam of electrons into a container and weigh them and they have mass, positive mass, so you might want to think about this "negative mass" concept and Just call it negative charge. Then that would align with reality better.:)
They can fire a beam of electrons into a container and weigh them and they have mass, positive mass, so you might want to think about this "negative mass" concept and Just call it negative charge. Then that would align with reality better.:)

But they are weighing Gravity not the electron. And the charge isn't the electron either. I could call them anti-matter. But negative mass is what they are. I like this... call them negative mass. Call mass weight. In my theory negative charge would not cause a pull. Attraction is impossible, else you ruin Dark Matter. You can only move into a hole because you are pushed from behind, and this is very important. If you have attraction you have no Dark Matter, the direction is wrong. The force needs to be in the right place to create a bubble, and that force is a push from behind. Then you also get the Kissing Problem which is also very important.
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Pincho Paxton:

You missed half my questions.

Scale is a fundamental property of particles. particles must have scale, and scale converts to time.

How is scale measured? What equipment do I use?

How does scale "convert to time"?

Scale UP causes a bump between particles, scale DOWN removes the bump, slows down time in a clock.

A bump of what?
What does the bump do?
How do these bumps affect time?
Please show me the mathematics that predicts the amount by which time slows down.

Energy is the release of small particles from a larger particle, it is an overlap hole. When Gravity is forced to overlap it releases energy.

Please give an example of the release of small particles from a larger particle.

What is an overlap hole? What does it overlap?

How can gravity be forced to overlap? What is gravity?

Are you saying that when gravity overlaps it releases small particles from a larger particle? Please give an example.

A system needs to be a scale system, because scale causes time, and bump.

How does scale cause time?

Negative mass particles are a hidden by positive mass particles, and we observe the total sum of both particles. So it's hard to find them. Time slowing down is an observation of them. The two slit experiment is an observation of their bow shock. Two objects of a different weight falling in a vacuum is an observation of their compensation of weight. This compensation of weight should also slow down clocks (I don't know if anyone has ever tested it).

How would we test these things?

A virtual particle is a scale UP from 0.

What is 0?

What causes things to scale UP or DOWN?

You don't feel the weight on you because of the Dark Matter out-flow.

How can you calculate the amount of dark matter out-flow from something?
It feels a bit like watching a skilled magician performing card tricks, you sort of know it isn't possible but you don't know how it is done. Moving things around, going through holes, bumping, kissing problem, dark matter, dark energy , dark mysterious forces, and the weight of gravity.
All quite mysterious in fact.
Pincho Paxton:

You missed half my questions.

How is scale measured? What equipment do I use?

You would need my simulator to measure everything against an origin scale of 1.

How does scale "convert to time"?

1 + -1 = 0 is the first scale in our Universe. It is the only scale that doesn't have a paradox, so it must be used on Virtual particles. You take all other scales from this origin.

A bump of what?
What does the bump do?
How do these bumps affect time?
Please show me the mathematics that predicts the amount by which time slows down.

Must be simulated. I know the rules, but can't do them in my head.

Please give an example of the release of small particles from a larger particle.

Virtual particles in a hole have a scale of -1. When they come out of the hole they have a scale of +1.

What is an overlap hole? What does it overlap?
+1 overlaps - 1 to equal zero. The Universe must always equal zero.

How can gravity be forced to overlap? What is gravity?
Gravity is space time as a liquid grain.

Are you saying that when gravity overlaps it releases small particles from a larger particle? Please give an example.

When Gravity is forced into an atom hole it can't escape. It must scale down to escape. When it scales to -1 a virtual particle of +1 can appear. Gravity is then a negative number. Negative numbers can escape from a flow of positive numbers. This prevents the universe from creating energy increase.

How does scale cause time?

Nothing can move without free energy. Because scale is relative a fundamental particle can be any scale. This gives you inflation, and time. It is free energy without a paradox. The scale UP causes a bump with another particle scaling UP. You get a free push.... TIME.

How would we test these things?

My simulator will be almost perfect in all physics. There is only one way to start the Universe +1 + -1 = 0. Because of this seed you get a fractal. The fractal should be so accurate that my simulator will look exactly how the Universe looked at time 0.

What is 0?
Zero is +1 + -1.. a particle with a hole in it.

What causes things to scale UP or DOWN?
+1 + -1 = 0 is an infinite rule.. +2 + -2 = 0, +3 + -3 = 0. Scaling up causes no change in zero state.

How can you calculate the amount of dark matter out-flow from something?
Well, on the moon things fall at the same speed. So the outflow is even with Gravity. It creates a bow shock however in a velocity change. It's magnetism anyway, so use magnetism formulas. Science just has a mistake for magnetism calling it attraction. There is no attraction in the universe at all.

I wish I had a faster computer to run my simulator. I can't get a grant as a programmer. :)
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Why don't you post your code up on here so people can run it on their own machines, or would that make it obvious to everyone that the answer to James' questions is always "I pulled it out of my ass?"