My theory 1 step at a time

The rules are coded at a level that the Universe can understand. Which means that all code has to happen as an effect of a previous cause. I can code it easily, but I am currently working on a Neural Network because I need some money. I can't make money on a program that nobody can understand.

And in what computer language do you write neural networks? Well I hope the customer is happy with the result. :)
There is no code.

It's all just a figment of Pincho's imagination.
I had seen that earlier. But from just watching it one can't decide if the tank is learning where to go.

But if you showed me the programing behind it I might be able to see it? :)

I don't prove myself. I wait for the intelligent to realise the truth. I don't try to create more parrots.
I don't prove myself. I wait for the intelligent to realise the truth. I don't try to create more parrots.

Pincho demonstrates the fact that the easiest person in the world to fool, is yourself. He really does believe that he is a genius and smarter than Einstein, which is rather astounding and depressing at the same time.
Pincho demonstrates the fact that the easiest person in the world to fool, is yourself. He really does believe that he is a genius and smarter than Einstein, which is rather astounding and depressing at the same time.

Much smarter than anyone. Depressing for people who want to cling onto their version of reality. But why am I smarter? Because I started the universe from nothing, and evolved every aspect of it one step at a time, meaning that I know the whole, rather than parts. Einstein tried to accommodate some current thinking, it was a mistake, there wasn't anything worth keeping.
Much smarter than anyone. Depressing for people who want to cling onto their version of reality. But why am I smarter? Because I started the universe from nothing, and evolved every aspect of it one step at a time, meaning that I know the whole, rather than parts. Einstein tried to accommodate some current thinking, it was a mistake, there wasn't anything worth keeping.

Living in a fantasy world is not a good idea. Hopefully, this is just a very minor aspect of your life, if not I, wish you luck.:(
Living in a fantasy world is not a good idea. Hopefully, this is just a very minor aspect of your life, if not I, wish you luck.:(

Based on your words, based on science, everything in current circulation leads to me having a problem, however in my real life I have been tested at genius level on 3 different occasions.

1/ By the Royal Air Force.
2/ During tests in a hospital when I was thought to have an eating disorder.
3/ By Mensa.

Not to mention internet tests.

The truth is that the vantage point of science is so screwed up that my theory looks wrong. But Earth is the laughing stock of the Universe with its Big Bang, and it's gravitational pull. I'll bet that we are the only race that came to the conclusion that gravity was an attractive force. Other races think that the Earth is too backwards to communicate with. Unless they find me on the internet the alien races just laugh at us.
Based on your words, based on science, everything in current circulation leads to me having a problem, however in my real life I have been tested at genius level on 3 different occasions.

1/ By the Royal Air Force.
2/ During tests in a hospital when I was thought to have an eating disorder.
3/ By Mensa.

Not to mention internet tests.

The truth is that the vantage point of science is so screwed up that my theory looks wrong. But Earth is the laughing stock of the Universe with its Big Bang, and it's gravitational pull. I'll bet that we are the only race that came to the conclusion that gravity was an attractive force. Other races think that the Earth is too backwards to communicate with. Unless they find me on the internet the alien races just laugh at us.

I am really begining to think you should talk to a health professional. Tell you what, I will stop commenting on your threads - I am starting to feel kind of uneasy about the whole thing.

Good luck.
I am really begining to think you should talk to a health professional. Tell you what, I will stop commenting on your threads - I am starting to feel kind of uneasy about the whole thing.

Good luck.

You feel uneasy then you see a health professional. I feel fine.
It starts with the reasoning that particles cannot attract one another. The reasoning that Gravitons would not go out, and search like bees for nectar to find a particle, and bring it home. The reasoning that particles have no goals at all. Attraction is a goal, it requires reasoning. A particle does not even know that it has found another particle to bring it home. The Earth at a distance from an asteroid has no pulling power of any kind. The Earth has atoms. The asteroid has atoms. They are situated in space-time. Space-Time is a grain structure like an hour glass. The Earth is one end of the hour glass, the asteroid is the other end of the hour glass. Gravity bleeds into the atoms between the Earth, and the asteroid. This creates curvature. The pressure between the two objects is reduced. The pressure behind the asteroid remains the same. Therefore the asteroid moves towards the area of least resistance, towards the Earth. Gravity is the grains structure. The sun is the largest hour glass. Between the sun, and Earth is the flow of the grain of gravity, and space-time. Behind the Earth is the greater flow. Above a human is the greater flow towards the Earth. On the moon the flow is towards the moon. When gravity enters an atom it is a grain structure that bumps together. When gravity bumps together is scales down. The force behind the grain structure of gravity forces gravity into a icosahedron structure that is called Newton's Kissing Problem. The kissing problem has a central particle which has no escape. The central particle scales down to become a hole. A hole is a nucleus of an atom. So gravity then replaces the original nucleus of the original atom. This completes the regeneration of the atom's central structure. The old nucleus becomes a photon. The photon is bumped a second time to become a Neutrino. The Neutrino is now negative mass, and can travel through mass. So the particles can now escape the in-flow of gravity. There is a scale near to Neutrino scale that becomes magnetism. The magnetism is also a negative mass particle. The negative mass acts as a hole. Particles can flow into negative mass, so particles travel towards magnets. At the same time the magnetic material can leave.
Based on your words, based on science, everything in current circulation leads to me having a problem, however in my real life I have been tested at genius level on 3 different occasions.

1/ By the Royal Air Force.
2/ During tests in a hospital when I was thought to have an eating disorder.
3/ By Mensa.

Not to mention internet tests.

The truth is that the vantage point of science is so screwed up that my theory looks wrong. But Earth is the laughing stock of the Universe with its Big Bang, and it's gravitational pull. I'll bet that we are the only race that came to the conclusion that gravity was an attractive force. Other races think that the Earth is too backwards to communicate with. Unless they find me on the internet the alien races just laugh at us.

How big a disconnect from reality before the ban wagon moves in? This guy has no respect for the literature yet he thinks he's a genius three times over. If one spends inordinate amounts of time trying to convince everybody they're a genius it usually boils down to a personal self esteem issue.
How big a disconnect from reality before the ban wagon moves in? This guy has no respect for the literature yet he thinks he's a genius three times over. If one spends inordinate amounts of time trying to convince everybody they're a genius it usually boils down to a personal self esteem issue.
Let him show his brilliance.
You feel uneasy then you see a health professional. I feel fine.

But that's the thing about mania. You think you're the best in the world - the most handsome, the smartest, the most sexually proficient, the most successful etc. You feel not just fine, but fantastic.

The disconnect from reality is the issue, not the fact that you feel fine.