Malaysia is the saddest country in the world.

America won't nuke Malaysia because Singapore is just next to us.
Singapore is the dog of America.
America won't jeopardize Singapore.
It's not just Malaysia.

Israel is also increasingly becoming a bad place to live in. I think that Israel is becoming a Capitalist dictatorship.

The Israeli population is becoming more religious and believes in fairytales and fantasy and they believe everything the Television media tells them instead of trusting in real and solid science.

Science and rationality and also morality and human concern for one another is declining in Israel and the world in general.

The world as a whole is becoming a bad place to live in.

I think humanity is going back to the stone age (you know the so-called "dark" and primitive ages where any disease or natural disaster could kill you).

Religion and fantasy will destroy us eventually because I think because this world is governed by science only and not by religion and not by science fiction and not by fantasy or imagination.
I think humanity is going back to the stone age (you know the so-called "dark" and primitive ages where any disease or natural disaster could kill you).
So disease and natural can't kill us now? That's a relief.
Religion and fantasy will destroy us eventually because I think because this world is governed by science only and not by religion and not by science fiction and not by fantasy or imagination.
Exactly. Harry Potter will lead directly to Armageddon as fantasy replaces reality.
Unrestrained capitalism inevitably leads to fascism and authoritarianism and this is exactly what is happening in Israel and probably in other countries, such as Malaysia for instance.

Israel is becoming more authoritarian every day.

Capitalism at it's heart is a dog-eat-dog system where everyone thinks only about his wellbeing so I'm not surprised in the slightest that Capitalism inevitably leads to fascism and fascism is basically an authoritarian government backed by a police state.

Capitalism is a corrupt and unsustainable system that eventually leads to decadence and social degeneration.

Wikipedia defines decadence as:

"The word decadence, which at first meant simply "decline" in an abstract sense, is now most often used to refer to a perceived decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, honor, discipline, or skill at governing among the members of the elite of a very large social structure, such as an empire or nation state. By extension, it may refer to a decline in art, literature, science, technology, and work ethics, or (very loosely) to self-indulgent behavior.

Decadence - Wikipedia
Crony capitalism - Wikipedia
Corruption - Wikipedia
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Do most Israelites still believe Jehovah is God?
A lot of Israel's policies - e.g. concerning the Palestinians - seem to be designed to appease the ultra-religious right wing, so my guess would be yes.
A lot of Israel's policies - e.g. concerning the Palestinians - seem to be designed to appease the ultra-religious right wing, so my guess would be yes.
Biblical (Jewish) name for God is YHVH. Ancient Hebrew had no vowels, so adding vowels ended up with the name Jehovah, similar to Moslem name Allah.
Biblical (Jewish) name for God is YHVH. Ancient Hebrew had no vowels, so adding vowels ended up with the name Jehovah, similar to Moslem name Allah.
interesting -
how do you say YHVH?
answer: Jehovah
Money is everything is today's neoliberal Capitalist world. Even traditional family values no longer hold any value to people anymore: it's all about money and becoming very rich.

And most people these days will go to extreme lengths and to extreme measures to become rich and successful even if it means stepping (and may I say even killing) on other people.

Capitalist globalization is destroying society and morality by making money and getting rich quickly the center of everything.

I think we were much better off in the caveman times when money was not such a big influence on human behavior back then.
Money is everything is today's neoliberal Capitalist world. Even traditional family values no longer hold any value to people anymore: it's all about money and becoming very rich.

And most people these days will go to extreme lengths and to extreme measures to become rich and successful even if it means stepping (and may I say even killing) on other people.

Capitalist globalization is destroying society and morality by making money and getting rich quickly the center of everything.

I think we were much better off in the caveman times when money was not such a big influence on human behavior back then.

"EDUCATION" by the Kinks

In a deep dark jungle long time ago
Lived a lonesome caveman
He was a solitary soul
And he spent his playtime
Chewing meat from bones.
He didn't know how to talk much
He only knew how to groan
Then he lifted up his hands and reached to the sky
Let out a yell and no one replied.
Frustration and torment tore him inside
Then he fell to the ground and he cried and he cried.
But then education saved the day.
He learned to speak and communicate
Education saved the day.
He thanked God for the friends he made.
'Cause everybody needs an education
Everybody needs an education.
Black skin, red skin, yellow or white,
Everybody needs to read and write
Everybody needs an education.
Thank the day when that primitive man
Learned to talk with his brothers
And live off the land.
He left his cave and he moved far away
And he lived with his friends in a house that they'd made
He learned to think and to work with his brain
And he astounded his friends with all the knowledge he gained
He wrote it down on a rock that he found
And he showed all his friends and they passed it around
And then education came that day.
The day it came was a sacred day.
Education came that day
He thanked God for the friends he'd made.
Well man built a boat and he learned how to sail
And he travelled far and wide
Then he looked up above saw the stars in the sky
So he learned how to fly.
Thanks to all the mathematicians
And the inventors with their high I.Q.s
And the professors in their colleges
Trying to feed me knowledge
That I know I'll never use.
Thank you sir for the millions of words
That you've handed me down and you've told me to learn
But I've got words in my ears and my eyes
I've got so many facts that I must memorize
Because education's doing me in
I want to stop but my head's in a swim
Education drives me insane
I can't recall all the facts on my brain.
Education came that day
The day it came was a sacred day
Education saved the day
He thanked God for all the friends he made.
Teacher, teach me how to read and write,
You can teach me about biology,
But you can't tell me what I am living for
'Cause that's still a mystery.
Teacher, teach me about nuclear physics
And teach me about the structure of man,
But all your endless calculations
Can't tell me why I am.
No you can't tell me why I am,
No you can't tell me why I am.
Everybody needs education,
Open Universities, education.
Every race every creed, education.
And every little half-breed, education.
Every nationality, education.
All the little people need education.
Eskimos and pygmies need
And even aborigines, education.
Well physics and geography, education.
Philosophy and history, education.
Science and biology, education,
Geometry and poetry, education.
Well, education, education, education"

And that's a FACT!!!!!
Three sadder countries - Libya, Somalia, Yemen, which may soon be joined by Afghanistan.
Unfortunately, there's no shortage of sad countries.

I had a neighbour who came from Bangladesh. He said its a beautiful country but it was ruined by the people. (I don't know if he meant the politicians or the people in general.)
Unfortunately, there's no shortage of sad countries.

I had a neighbour who came from Bangladesh. He said its a beautiful country but it was ruined by the people. (I don't know if he meant the politicians or the people in general.)
Political corruption seems to be almost worldwide. Bangladesh doesn't have the main problem that the countries I listed - people being murdered routinely.
Unfortunately, there's no shortage of sad countries.

I had a neighbour who came from Bangladesh. He said its a beautiful country but it was ruined by the people. (I don't know if he meant the politicians or the people in general.)

It's a mixture of shitty, corrupt politicians, frequently occurring natural disasters, and MASSIVE overpopulation. Bangladesh is literally one of the most densely populated countries in the world, housing the 8th most populous nation within one of the tiniest areas of land on the entire planet. Their population is literally half that of the United States... crammed into ~1.5% of the territory.

Whenever Bangladesh gets a severe flood or cyclone, and they get them A LOT, it's like a mini-Armageddon for them.
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