Malaysia is the saddest country in the world.

I don't know much about Malaysia because I've never been there but Israel (the place where I currently live with my parents) is rapidly becoming a garbage country.

First of all healthcare in Israel is corrupt and the doctors in Israel do not really care about their patient health and wellbeing. Healthcare in Israel sucks and the waiting lines and the beaurocracy makes it so that sick people don't receive the healthcare they need.

And second thing that makes Israel a bad place to live in is the climate.

The climate of Israel is way too hot for my taste and summer is Israel is way too long and harsh and if you don't have the money to pay for air conditioner and electricity bills to keep you cool during the hot summer months then you're pretty much screwed I think.

Summer in Israel is way too hot and long to stay healthy without a working air conditioner to keep you cool and healthy all the time.

I'd rather live somewhere else where the temperature is cooler and summer is not so long: Places such as northern Germany, Denmark, Canada or even southern Norway have a much more comfortable climate than Israel.

My point is that Israel is becoming very corrupt and a bad place to live in.
Get of my thread you fucking troll.

Yes I hate women but I also hate you so please go fuck yourself.
That's nice.


Oh, and I am women so go fuck yourself.

You're nothing but a piece of shit.

Fuck you.
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