James R: The S.A.M Issue

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for a science forum, this is embarrassing

I concur.
This entire thread is ridiculous, and serves no constructive point whatsoever.
Assuming we're all adults here, it goes without saying that there will always be differences of opinion, in particular on noted 'heated' topics such as religion and politics. That being said, it's a little pedantic to go tossing out accusations of discrimination whenever one is faced with opposition....
Nope. My faith in your perception of bigotry is diminished by this controversy. While what you say is pretty self-explanatory, the effect or result—what it means in practice—is still a mystery.

Faith, yes. This is your inevitable refrain when confronted by an argument you can't shout down. Your "lack of faith" in my honesty led you right down the blinkered road to accuse me, of all things, of homophobic bigotry.
I doubt my willingness will have any part to play in whatever decision is reached. I have no "agenda" as you and James so succintly put it, except to highlight what I consider is wrong with the way some people are treated here. I believe I have been unfailingly consistent in that regard, across the board of race, religion or ethnicity whenever the situation has come up.

Who has been treated badly..? What bigotry is "the other side" responsible for in the past few weeks..? Actually it's almost all just you.
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This entire thread is ridiculous, and serves no constructive point whatsoever.

Not true at all...


There, I fixed it....
Assuming we're all adults here, it goes without saying that there will always be differences of opinion, in particular on noted 'heated' topics such as religion and politics. That being said, it's a little pedantic to go tossing out accusations of discrimination whenever one is faced with opposition....

I thank an "adult" woud realize that durin heated discussons about politics an relegion that accusatons of discriminaton an biggotry will be par for the course :rolleyes:

Get over you'rselfs "children"... if a poster... or a subject is disagrable to you... move on :spank:
Locked Pending Review

do a cleanup

james said:
No. You asked for examples to illustrate my case against SAM. In effect I randomly sampled her posts. I looked ONLY at the 25 threads which she had started and most recently posted in. Of those threads, I generally posted an extract only from the very first post of the thread, with one or two exceptions where the first post was seemingly innocuous and the hate was held back until later.

SAM has 61000 posts. If I had wanted to quote-mine them for attrocious examples of her hatred, I could have done so. As it happens, I do not have the time to spare at present, nor do I have the inclination to go looking for the obvious just to please you, Gustav. I urge you, if you are honestly interested, to just go and read SAM's threads yourself. I should not have to do all the work for you. If you wish to dispute my assessment of SAM, feel free to go right ahead. Everybody has an opinion.

As it happens, I didn't spend much time selecting posts, like I said. I didn't actually realise that that particular example was a quote until it was pointed out. Nevertheless, it doesn't materially affect any of the points I have made about SAM's promotion of and concentration on hatred of particular groups such as atheists, Americans, westerners in general, Jews/Israelis, etc.

when james has something substantial to back up his allegations and is prepared to defend his characterizations, you can reopen with his response(s)
the onus is not on me to do anything until such a time. i withhold my opinion until all the facts are in. i cannot comment nor make suggestions until....

james said:
As a matter of fact, I have never denied that there are valid issues for discussion somewhere in amongst all of SAM's bile and hatred. My complaint, explained in detail above, is that SAM cherry-picks issues that invariably put her usual targets in the worst possible light, then actively works to avoid any real discussion or debate on the putative topics, instead using her time to troll, to evade and to push her usual set of agendas and opinions. SAM removes from members the possibility of having an intelligent discussion about any of the issues.

...that is actually verified to be the case. until such a time i shall tentatively characterize james's attacks as a really really vicious trolling.

who here is now actively working "to avoid any real discussion or debate"?
why would anyone think they can get away with what appears to be spurious allegations of misconduct without providing substantiation?

is this the example you want to set for the community?

james said:
I have been accused of being dictatorial and of moderating sciforums according to my personal whims and/or political views, but here is a prime example where I am constantly listening to other people, the general membership and other moderators.

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as it stands right now
what has been resolved so far in that thread

sam said:
I'm still waiting to see what the accusation is based on. So far we have explanation of a quote from a liberal American website branded as anti-American hate speech and a question on the WASP background of Americans as racist, anti-American, anti-Christian trolling that is still pending further analysis [maybe] . .......

What exactly am I supposed to do when the mods are frivolous?

an assessment i wholly concur with

you guys are unbelievable
you turn my forum into crap!
The threads pending a review by all moderators, unfortunately they aren't all online at the same time which makes it a bit time consuming. The closure is just to stop the thread side tracking and derailing beyond what the initial post was about.

Once an internal decision is made, the thread will either be reopen or scrapped. It won't be down to any singular moderators decision, however it doesn't mean that what ever decision is made is was agreed to by every moderator just the majority (and believe me most try to play a well rounded mediator role).

Until that time I ask people to just hold out on the subject (do not continue to create threads on the subject) until we have something to put forwards from the whole moderator team rather than just as individual moderators.
lock this

Once an internal decision is made, the thread will either be reopen or scrapped.

i want the decision to be made public
with reasoning

you either open the thread with an explanation
or close it for good with another one

what has been suggested are reasonable and rational courses of action from my perspective, as a member of the community

emoting about this is irrelevant. while it is your prerogative to do so, it also illustrates your priorities.

a focus on personalities
^Oh, perfect analysis. *clap clap*:rolleyes:

"I want this....with this.."
"You do this, or do this.."

Of course...that doesn't sound demanding, hm?

Anyway, thanks for not replying to my question, and dragging it to a "I know what your priorities are" level.
Like generally, I wasn't referring to your personality but to the quoted part...if you consider the previously quoted part as a reflection of your character...then..well..boo.
Is it time yet to post Muslim titties? Guys let me know....
Wait till spookz has had his fill of mental masturbation, then let em' fly!
Moderator note: I have reopened this thread. Closing it just results in people creating other threads on the same topic. I'd rather keep everything in one place. I have no problem with anybody expressing their opinion here; it just continues to prove my point about the diversity of views on this.

when james has something substantial to back up his allegations and is prepared to defend his characterizations, you can reopen with his response(s)
the onus is not on me to do anything until such a time. i withhold my opinion until all the facts are in.

As I said earlier, I have neither the time at present nor the inclination to wade through thousands of SAM's posts to find examples of her bigotry to present to you. You can go look for yourself, if you haven't read them in the past. They aren't that hard to find, but it takes a little time going through the list.

I have already made my substantial argument in this thread, which you have largely ignored in your demands for more "evidence". I have invited you, if you disagree with my assessment of SAM, to post your alternative opinion and assessment, explaining why she is not a hater and why her behaviour ought to be supported/accepted on sciforums.

Armchair critics are a dime a dozen, gustav. You can sit back and watch the game, interjecting the occasional ascerbic comment, or you can join in and put your case. At the moment, you're just shouting at the umpire from the sidelines.

gustav said:
...that is actually verified to be the case. until such a time i shall tentatively characterize james's attacks as a really really vicious trolling.

That's your prerogative.
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