Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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So what, Israel used one human shield boo hooo, Hamas has used a few thousand yet none of you whine about that. Israel targeted a civilian boo hooo, what do you think the Qu sam rockets are aimed at?

Nothing that can be noted. :)

Unfortunately for your misplaced sense of righteousness, Israels crimes are being exposed. There will be consequences.

'IDF troops used 11-year-old boy as human shield in Gaza'

Israel Defense Forces soldiers used an 11-year-old Palestinian boy as a human shield during the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a group of UN human rights experts said Monday.

IDF troops ordered the boy to walk in front of soldiers being fired on in the Gaza neighborhood of Tel al-Hawa and enter buildings before them, said the UN secretary-general's envoy for protecting children in armed conflict.
Bunch of miserable cowards.
And your sources of that are from what? Your imagination? In my imagination there is no more Gaza and west bank because the world would be so much better off without them.

That is what Zionism is all about young man. Hatred and genocide. G-d knows, you should be ashamed of yourself. :(
That is what Zionism is all about young man. Hatred and genocide. G-d knows, you should be ashamed of yourself. :(
Precisely, religious supremacism and expansion at the expense of those already living their. Truth is none of those who claim to be Jews are anyway related to who the ancient Jews were, they are simply converts to Judaism.
According to Shlomo Sand, the real descendents of the ancient Jews in that area are the Palestinians and not the converts from Brooklyn.
Really, so you think that Hamas has not been firing rockets into Israel? That it hasn't kidnapped Israeli civilians? That it has not been blowing up school buses? That it doesn't create car bombings?

You are pathetic.

Hamas doesnt have rockets, it has flyswatters. israel kidnaps 100s every day and or week. And Israel doesnt need to carbomb, it just shells them from all over the place. Same result: people die.
Rockets kill people, but please, don't let me interrupt the fine circle-jerk you are having here.
The US Army in Afghanistan uses similar "flyswatters", but Arsalan doesn't seem to like THOSE flyswatters, does he?? ...LOL!

Baron Max

Unless the flyswatters by Hamas are dropped by unmanned aerial drones with precision over large distances and with enough power to level whole villages, weddings, funerals and school, there is no comparison. Im not advocating Hamas firing anything into a village or whatever, but comparing those flyswatters with real rockets and bombs is ridiculous
Unless the flyswatters by Hamas are dropped by unmanned aerial drones with precision over large distances and with enough power to level whole villages, weddings, funerals and school, there is no comparison. ....

Nope, you've already convinced me ....rockets are flyswatters. You said so yourself several times.

If Hamas could get bigger flyswatters, they'd still fire them into Israel in the hopes of killing innocent civilians. But I agree ....rockets are just flyswatters.

Baron Max
Nope, you've already convinced me ....rockets are flyswatters. You said so yourself several times.

If Hamas could get bigger flyswatters, they'd still fire them into Israel in the hopes of killing innocent civilians. But I agree ....rockets are just flyswatters.

Baron Max

How about ridding the region of the need for flyswatters or Fighters by for starters, giving back the stolen land, and lifting the blockade?
Nothing that can be noted. :)

Unfortunately for your misplaced sense of righteousness, Israels crimes are being exposed. There will be consequences.


Oh yeh sure, because Israeli's rape their children, sodomize livestock, murder neighbors, behead troops, kidnap children, and blow up cars and school buses, oh whups thats the Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iranians and Afghans isn't it?
Oh yeh sure, because Israeli's rape their children, sodomize livestock, murder neighbors, behead troops, kidnap children, and blow up cars and school buses, oh whups thats the Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iranians and Afghans isn't it?

Actually it turns out Austrians and Englishmen keep their kids in a cellar and rape them for years, Americans murder neighbours and sodomize their livestock and other animals, Mexicans behead troops, and the rest goes for almost every Western country.
Actually it turns out Austrians and Englishmen keep their kids in a cellar and rape them for years, Americans murder neighbours and sodomize their livestock and other animals, Mexicans behead troops, and the rest goes for almost every Western country.

Yeah, perhaps, but we civilized people of the world vilify people who do things like that.

On the other hand, Muslims seem to cheer when Muslims blow up civilians in horrific suicide attacks. See the difference?

More Muslims are killed by other Muslims than are killed by all the other people on Earth! And yet, Muslims claim to love all other Muslims. Odd, huh?

Baron Max
Yeah, perhaps, but we civilized people of the world vilify people who do things like that.

On the other hand, Muslims seem to cheer when Muslims blow up civilians in horrific suicide attacks. See the difference?

More Muslims are killed by other Muslims than are killed by all the other people on Earth! And yet, Muslims claim to love all other Muslims. Odd, huh?

Baron Max

So when someones family gets killed in an attack, he cheers? When exactly did this happen? Also, are you insinuating that Muslims dont denounce terrorist attacks?
Israel slams UN rights report on Gaza as 'one-sided, unbalanced, unfair'
Israel on Tuesday slammed as "one-sided" a report by a UN human rights investigator which said its three-week war on the Gaza Strip was possibly a war crime.
"Unfortunately this is a further example of the very one-sided, unbalanced and unfair attitude of the [UN] Human Rights Council," government spokesman Mark Regev said.
Note that Israel does not say the report is in error, only that it is "unfair."
Actually it turns out Austrians and Englishmen keep their kids in a cellar and rape them for years, Americans murder neighbours and sodomize their livestock and other animals, Mexicans behead troops, and the rest goes for almost every Western country.

Oh sorry i forgot to say that in Islamic countries all of the above is actually legal.
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