Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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spidergoat i think i would trust human rights watch more than israil's millatries own investigation
spidergoat i think i would trust human rights watch more than israil's millatries own investigation

Why, Asguard? The HR people weren't there during the fighting could they know what they claim to know? No, Asguard, they accused the Israelis based on the biased accounts given to them by the Pals. Note I said ...BIASED accounts?

Baron Max
The Israelis themselves acknowledge now that WP was used on civilian targets, that civilians were targeted with intent and on purpose. So the Israelis are biased against the Iraelis well?
Why, Asguard? The HR people weren't there during the fighting could they know what they claim to know? No, Asguard, they accused the Israelis based on the biased accounts given to them by the Pals. Note I said ...BIASED accounts?

Baron Max

Nice attempt at spin.

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Palestinian Axes Children to Death.

[URL=""][/URL] said:
Axe-wielding Palestinian kills Israeli child
An axe-wielding Palestinian terrorist attacked two children in the Samarian Jewish community of Bat Ayin on Thursday, killing one and seriously wounding the second.

A 13-year-old Jewish boy was fatally wounded as the attack began. A 7-year-old child who was accompanying him was also struck in the head, but managed to run away and was chased by the terrorist. He was later treated at a Jerusalem hospital for serious injuries, but is now in stable condition.

A neighbor who saw the injured boy being chased ran out of his house and confronted the terrorist, who then tried to attack him. During the ensuing struggle, the local man succeeded in disarming the terrorist, who then quickly fled the scene.

Security forces set up roadblocks, but it is assumed that the terrorist found shelter in a nearby Palestinian Authority-controlled town.

The assailant was reportedly a Palestinian laborer hired to work in the settlement.

They gave him a job, he killed children. I understand killing adults...I guess I understand at least using a gun....but why kill a children with an axe?

Second...why are the Palestinians harboring a man who just murdered children with an axe? Pro-Palestinian/Pro-Israeli...does anyone really think it's acceptable to harbor someone cruel enough to murder a child with an axe?

It's reported to be for this reason;
Both Islamic Jihad and the Martyrs of Imad Muginyeh claimed responsibility for the attack. Hamas called the attack a "natural reaction" to the "occupation," a spokesman said.
So it's natural to murder children in retaliation as a MEANS of reaction, and not an indirect result of reaction according to Hamas leaders.



Where did this occur? Bat-Ayin, a primarily religious community that legally purchased the land. A resident is quoted as saying "I've been living in Bat Ayin for five years," Yona Bitkover told Ynet. "There are all kinds of reasons why there isn't a fence here. I personally think that there is no reason for settlers to live any differently than the other residents of Israel. I don't think residents should live behind fences." evidence that the community wanted to live in peace with the surrounding neighbors even when offered a security segregation wall by the Israeli Government.

Yet still; it seems their efforts to find some semblance of unity fails. Furthering the list of evidence that a two-state solution is an inevitable failure.
but why kill a children with an axe?

He forgot his sniper rifle at home?


a two-state solution is an inevitable failure.

Theres the archipelago solution.


Where did this occur? Bat-Ayin, a primarily religious community that legally purchased the land.

Where are the Palestinians who were staying there?
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I can predict S.A.M's response. "The oppression this man was under made his fragile Muslim mind snap, so the poor guy went Lizzy Bordon on a bunch of kids. Waa waa waa. Oh, and by the way, Israelis and Americans kill kids!"
What would Americans do to religious fanatics who burst in and dispossessed them violently? The West Bank settlements are all illegal under international law.
What does the Torah say you can do to anyone breaking into your house?

Kill him if you think you're in danger. These people legally purchased their homes from Palestinians. How was it legal? They gave the Palestinian owners fact hyper-values of the homes, the Palestinian gave them property under no duress. Does that law not work?

You're still not answering. Would you harbor a man who just killed Jewish children in your home?
What would Americans do to religious fanatics who burst in and dispossessed them violently? The West Bank settlements are all illegal under international law.

Ergo. "I do believe that this Palestinian man was behaving in an appropriate manner when he hacked these kids into fleshy cubes."

Come on S.A.M, just have the balls to flat out admit to it, instead of skirting around Cheski's question.
Kill him if you think you're in danger. These people legally purchased their homes from Palestinians. How was it legal? They gave the Palestinian owners fact hyper-values of the homes, the Palestinian gave them property under no duress. Does that law not work?

You're still not answering. Would you harbor a man who just killed Jewish children in your home?

She's pretty much already implied that she supports this man's behaviour. This is precisely why most mainstream Muslims are enemies of non-Islamic nations.
Kill him if you think you're in danger. These people legally purchased their homes from Palestinians.

Sorry, they did not legally purchase the land from Palestinians.
The boy killed was named as Shlomo Nativ, whose parents were among the founders of the settlement in 1989. His funeral was to take place later on Thursday.

The wounded seven-year-old was Yair Gamliel, the son of Ofer Gamliel who is serving a 15-year prison sentence for participating in a foiled attack on a Palestinian girls school in Jerusalem in 2002, media said.

Bat Ayin is one of the most radical settlements in the occupied West Bank. Most of its fewer than 1,000 residents are hardline settlers who normally prevent Palestinians from entering the settlement boundaries.

In a phone call to AFP and a statement released to media in the West Bank, Islamic Jihad and the Imad Mughniyeh Group claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was "a natural response to the crimes of the occupation."
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