Is time travel possible based on theory?

To write a comprehensive computer program requires the inclusion of a formula for time. :)
And that suggest the exchange of dynamic interactive values and functions, LIFE.
That is Max Tegmark's hypothesis of a mathematical universe where the inhabitants are dynamic patterns which are experienced as "being alive".

But it is impossible to travel back in time, even if we could rewind the clock. The time machine you want to use does not, cannot exist in the past. It always moves towards the future.
But it isn't even linear and there is no way for reconstructing the past and correct for "turbulence" in the past.

Contradiction of having to travel both backward and forward in time. It can't be done.
IMO, it is impossible to write an algorhythm for time control.
Why do you need a machine? You can do it yourself and travel to your conception (you existed then.) :)

Why do you think time-travel is impossible? You are travelling FORWARDS through time now! Simply accelerate this to forever (create something that remains forever) and that's you doing it (travelling into the future.) :)
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Why do you need a machine? You can do it yourself and travel to your conception (you existed then.) :)

Why do you think time-travel is impossible? You are travelling FORWARDS through time now! Simply accelerate this to forever (create something that remains forever) and that's you doing it (travelling into the future.) :)
You are travelling no direction in space , direction is relative and space is not time . There is many people who use definitions badly , this causes misinterpretation of the information.
Before traveller I am considering inertia , things age regardless of motion.
I am upon the Earth, which is in motion. Even if I was motionless (upon the Earth) I would still be moving through space.
Turtles live longer because they move slower.
Perhaps the turtles hard shell in someway protects them from the elements . The entropy process being effected by the shell . Movement of the turtle may not be why the turtle lives longer , it may be the turtles protective shell. Hare and Tortoises might be a better comparison .
Animals that move slower live longer. It has something to do with conserved energy; there was a B.B.C. documentary about it. Another example being Whales.
Animals that move slower live longer. It has something to do with conserved energy; there was a B.B.C. documentary about it. Another example being Whales.
Of course , whales move slow compared to smaller ocean fish , whales also having thick "skin" . I move and age , all things do ! The whole universe moves at the same time , aging is simultaneous .
True but does that imply that traveling back in time reverses your age? If not you can never get back to whence you were before.
No because you can neither go back or forward in time



Well done :)
