Is there a more famous photograph?


Valued Senior Member
The most famous and widely reproduced photograph in the world is that of Che Guevara, taken in 1960 by Alberto Korda.

Can you identify exactly what makes this shot so gosh darn good?

First of all this is a photoshoped image of the man because of the leather clothing he has on, he wouldn't wear them. Then a picture of Che isn't any better than any other person that is a Marxist.
What exactly makes it iconic???

I don't think there is anything in particular about the picture itself that would make it iconic. There are many photographs of people in a similar pose, with a similar expression in their face, but they haven't become popular.

If anything, the photo of Guevara (in its edited form) became iconic mainly because of the significance attributed to Guevara.
Granted, many photos were taken of him, but only one became the most popular one - how come? Probably because this one was perceived as capturing Guevara's spirit best.

Similarly as an iconic picture of Hitler is like this one:

and not like this one:
OP, to answer the thread title question, yes there is:

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 60 years, or a backwoods hick, IMO more people would recognize the Iwo Jima photo than the OP's.
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 60 years, or a backwoods hick, IMO more people would recognize the Iwo Jima photo than the OP's.

What makes a photo famous? By how many people in how many different countries it is known; or by how many people (regardless of how many different countries)?

I don't think the Iwo Jima photo is nearly as famous outside of the US as it is in the US. But the picture of Che is famous in many different countries.
What makes a photo famous? By how many people in how many different countries it is known; or by how many people (regardless of how many different countries)?
Like I said, I bet more people are familiar with the Iwo Jima photo than the Che photo. I didn't even know who the fuck he was until a few years ago.

I don't think the Iwo Jima photo is nearly as famous outside of the US as it is in the US. But the picture of Che is famous in many different countries.
I do. That was during WWII....that involved the whole world. I'm damn sure Japanese people know what that photo is.
I don't think there is anything in particular about the picture itself that would make it iconic.
Ah, but there is indeed!

Note the unusual angle, taken from below.

The sky is overcast, giving us diffuse lighting.

The positioning of face and body is perfectly balanced, while still being dynamic.

The expression is static and concentrated...tragic and willful.

A second too soon or too late...and all would be lost!