God is defined, not described.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

Buddha is a state of mind . Understanding the bigger picture of Humanity and the Universe .

But not one that puts Humanity first and foremost .
god , is in all things .

Not creationism , because creationism is based on abrahamic god. This god is mean , nasty .
Not creationism , because creationism is based on abrahamic god. This god is mean , nasty .
I need to pick up the Bible again and give it a read. I'm thinking there might have been something there I missed.
He showed others what he had discovered. It was so incredible that, yeah, he was idealized for what he had given them. The ritual has meaning and shows appreciation on many levels.
Yeah, too bad it's total bullshit.
I need to pick up the Bible again and give it a read. I'm thinking there might have been something there I missed.
From some things you hint at I respectfully suggest that you certainly may have missed something...try thinking credibility.

Recognise the flaws and mistruths but take away any machinery that helps you deal with the cruel world...love others and turn the other cheek are worthy of not throwing out.
Guys, guys, guys! :biggrin: So many posts. Just look for him and he will find you. And know he has and always will love you.
Jan's view of the world turns on there being a God and for him any alternative is beyond his comprehension and God will figure in all his responses ...

Alex's view of the world turns on there being no God, and for him any alternative is beyond comprehension.
Rejection & denial of God will figure in all his responses.
I can understand that and can see how it causes him to avoid considering even the remote possibility that there could be a situation where there is no God.

That's what I've been saying. Silly!
There is a situation where there is no God. Atheism.
If we want to know what it would be like if there was no God, we need not look further than an atheist.

That's what I've been saying. Silly!
There is a situation where there is no God. Atheism.
The issue of there being no God or not, as being discussed by Xelasnave, is clearly with regard objective reality, not the "there is no God for you" subjectivity that you seem to prefer.
So when he is discussing the situation where there is no God, he is referring to God not being the "cause of all", there being no God at all, that God only exists as a concept people might believe in but has no reality beyond that.

Are you able to consider the situation where God does not objectively exist/Is?
Or, for you, is it a case of "if God does not objectively exist (or Is) then we would not exist - we exist therefore God Is"?
The issue of there being no God or not, as being discussed by Xelasnave, is clearly with regard objective reality, not the "there is no God for you" subjectivity that you seem to prefer.
So when he is discussing the situation where there is no God, he is referring to God not being the "cause of all", there being no God at all, that God only exists as a concept people might believe in but has no reality beyond that.

There is no God at all, for the atheist.
That is what the atheist experiences (hence the term).

Are you able to consider the situation where God does not objectively exist/Is?
Or, for you, is it a case of "if God does not objectively exist (or Is) then we would not exist - we exist therefore God Is"?

What do you mean by objectively exist?

If you mean like pots and pans, there is no need to make any considerations.

There is no God, for the atheist, because he/she can only consider pots and pans existence as real, when it comes to God
This is the denial, rejection, and disbelief, that theists encounter when discussing with atheists.

There is no God at all, for the atheist.
That is what the atheist experiences (hence the term).
That is not necessarily true, as has been discussed over numerous threads with you.
But be that as it may, I am not asking about matters of subjectivity, but objectively.
What do you mean by objectively exist?

If you mean like pots and pans, there is no need to make any considerations.
No, I do not mean like pots and pans.
I even deliberately used both "exist" and "Is" - being that you have made such a fuss previously about the distinction - so as not to mean just a "pots and pans" existence.
What I mean by objectively exist/Is is an existence that is the case for everyone, i.e. irrespective of subjective viewpoint.
So no "does not exist for you" - which is a subjective viewpoint - but "does not exist/Isn't, period".
There is no God, for the atheist, because he/she can only consider pots and pans existence as real, when it comes to God
That is blatantly not true.
It is quite possible for the atheist to consider God's existence as being "God Is", just as you are capable of it.
The only difference would be that the atheist does not hold the belief that it is the case (although they don't necessarily hold the belief that it is not the case).
To dismiss atheists view on the matter, and their arguments, simply because you assume that all atheists are incapable of what you think they are, is both fallacious and, because you deliberately do it, dishonest.
This is the denial, rejection, and disbelief, that theists encounter when discussing with atheists.
Well, some atheists, perhaps, and certainly your strawman caricature.
But you are being dishonest if you generalise all atheists, even on this site, even those that try to discuss with you, as being per your strawman.