give your opinion... government lying about technology


Registered Member
do you believe that there are technology out there that are very complicated to make and are being regarded as science fiction and not true or possible. and yet the government has made this technology and denies the public any knowledge that it is possible to create?
examples: force field techonology (practically every question about force field technology is told that there is no such thing, would the government lie about this?)
portals and teleportation: everyone in the science community would automatically say this is not possible, yet I think even if someone discovered it, it definitely would be kept a secret.

those are just some examples.

please im new here yall give me your opinions.

I hope there are many people who think like I do and believe it is possible.

What you have listed are not possible

I suspect anything else you post will likewise not be possible

force field techonology (practically every question about force field technology is told that there is no such thing, would the government lie about this?)




: physical strength, power, or effect

: power or violence used on a person or thing

: strength or power that is not physical

Miriam-Webster dictionary

Which of the 3 definitions above would you build a force field from?

"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong."
- A.C.Clarke

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
- A.C.Clarke

“The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed."
- William Gibson

do you believe that there are technology out there that are very complicated to make and are being regarded as science fiction and not true or possible. and yet the government has made this technology and denies the public any knowledge that it is possible to create?
examples: force field techonology (practically every question about force field technology is told that there is no such thing, would the government lie about this?)
Plenty of people and things use force fields. Scientists levitate materials sonically. Motors use force fields to spin their shafts. Maglev trains use force fields to levitate themselves.

Did you see a science fiction movie, see a "force field" depicted and think that was real or something?
portals and teleportation: everyone in the science community would automatically say this is not possible, yet I think even if someone discovered it, it definitely would be kept a secret.
We have done quantum teleportation. Google it. Again, it is nothing like science fiction, and no one is trying to keep it secret.
Of course the government has advanced technologies that they ain't gonna share-now.
Your guesses are most likely wrong.
However, nothing stays secret forever.
We have done quantum teleportation. Google it. Again, it is nothing like science fiction, and no one is trying to keep it secret.
I have a sneaking suspicion this bloke maybe pushing one of river's lines re anti gravity machines/technology.
All the people employed to keep this so-called "Ultra High Triple Top Secret Classified Technology" from the public should be employed to hide the sex lives of politicians

Now there's a leaky bucket which needs to be plugged

Better than government spies.
I don't know why people make these sorts of drive-by posts. They take the time to sign up to the forum, post their question and then are never seen again. It's weird.

Maybe they try spamming lots of forums and are satisfied by the first answer they get, wherever it happens to come from? Maybe they read the answers but don't feel the need to respond or even thank anybody?

Any ideas?
Any ideas?
I believe at least some of them are floating a half-baked idea in the hope that smarter people provide them with justifications and arguments to take back to their facebook adversaries. And maybe a few, possibly this one, are seeking plausible explanations for science fiction stories they think they can write, except for the tricky technical bits.
I don't know why people make these sorts of drive-by posts. They take the time to sign up to the forum, post their question and then are never seen again. It's weird.

Maybe they try spamming lots of forums and are satisfied by the first answer they get, wherever it happens to come from? Maybe they read the answers but don't feel the need to respond or even thank anybody?

Any ideas?
And they near always post in the wrong forum [the sciences obviously] A clue there I suggest.
YouTube is full of stuff like this. I'm not in a position to be able to verify any of it.

Top 10 Most Famous Magnetic Motors

Why These Engines Are Banned?

free energy generator - outside - filmed in one take

Video response to free energy generator.

My Magnet Motor Free Energy Study motion

Check this one out at the 4:08 time mark.

Perpetual motion machines 永久運動機

Fix the World Documentary Part 1

SOLAR DEATH RAY WATER aqua lens with 1/3 Kilowatt Heat Energy grid free energy
So fatfreddy thinks the government is lying and hiding advanced technology, but he also thinks the government is lying and hiding that it doesn't have the technology to get to mars. I'm not surprised.
So fatfreddy thinks the government is lying and hiding advanced technology, but he also thinks the government is lying and hiding that it doesn't have the technology to get to mars.
Any person of normal intelligence who sees what looks like a road in one of NASA's pictures...

... is going to get suspicious and want to investigate using the scientific method*. You seem to believe in knee-jerk dismissal. Knee jerk dismissal is not the scientific method.

Also, I never said they didn't have the technology to get to Mars. It may have been a question of cost. NASA seems to have faked some of their spacewalks** even though they had the technology to walk in space. You also compared the technology in those videos with the technology required to go to Mars. Those technologies in the videos aren't very advanced. The theory is that they'd compete with the oil companies so they're being suppressed.

* method&rlz=1C1AWFC_enES882ES884&oq=scientific method&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l4j46j0l2.9239j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

In these two videos what looks like air bubbles can be seen rising.

Go down about a third of the way in this link... where it says, "APOLLO 9: Dave scott performs Extra Vehicular Activities LAVA # :
The astronaut is unusually flexible compared to today's shuttle astronauts on EVAs; the Apollo suit does not appear to have bearings at the joints like the space shuttle extra vehicular suits. The experimental thermal samples flutter and follow non-linear curved paths, as if under the influence of or affected by atmospheric drag and turbulence.


I've just noticed that the link to Dave Scott's extra vehicular activities doesn't work any more. I'll leave it anyway so that people can look for it.

Here's something else.
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all those "free energy motors" now have an actual real world application use
they can be used to almost charge 1 cell phone over a period of several days
all those "free energy motors" now have an actual real world application use
they can be used to almost charge 1 cell phone over a period of several days
Are you sure about this? Start watching at the 2:34 time mark.

Top 10 Most Famous Magnetic Motors

This might turn out to be true. The oil companies would want to squelch this if it worked.