Gender identity: Crazy/delusional?

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Why not just make unisex bathrooms with stalls?
Why do you care what's under people's clothes or what oddball behaviours they engage in at home?
Anything the majority subscribes to in any society is considered normal.


When everyone believed that the earth is flat and the sun comes up from underneath it every morning, believing that was normal.


Not believing that was considered delusional or heretical or whatever they called people who didn't believe what everyone else believed.

Probably more heretical

What things are called is not always what they are.


However we are not calling things by other name

Delusional people are experiencing happenings which are not present in reality

When everyone believed that the earth is flat and the sun comes up from underneath it every morning, believing that was normal

The above would be seen as a shared delusion (more accurately called conformity now) and the reason the experience (flat Earth sun etc) was NOT called delusional then was the lack of knowledge of reality

Napoleon was a specific person who is now dead. Gender identity isn't insanity. Gender is more than sexual organs, it's a social construct.
Contrary to all the science of actual biological sex differences...and correlated behavior regardless of gender identity.
Simple solution, eh?. Retool every single bathroom in every single public building, eh? Well, it will create jobs, eh? You're a funny guy too.
What needs retooling in a toilet? Most people don't have segregated bathrooms in their homes; the same basic fixtures serve at least two genders quite well, and I'm not aware of any sub-genders that require, or demand, a new kind of plumbing. Keep the urinals in one washroom, enlarge the other one with more stalls.
Or, how's this for a novel idea?
Keep all your washrooms just as they are (though a little cleaner wouldn't hurt, in some places) and let the public use whichever they want.
Simple solution, eh?. Retool every single bathroom in every single public building, eh? Well, it will create jobs, eh? You're a funny guy too.
Funny, we had coed bathrooms in college. It just wasn't a big deal for us. (Of course, we weren't raised in the mindset that the government has to tell you what bathroom to use.)
What would you suggest as a standard for gender identification?
Perhaps Trump can incorporate this need into a new jobs creation program - BBSDI - Bathroom Biological Sex Difference Identifier.

Think of the millions of new careers in this field...
Why not just make unisex bathrooms with stalls?
Why do you care what's under people's clothes or what oddball behaviours they engage in at home?

What would you suggest as a standard for gender identification?

A good start would be the chromosome possession

Since I understand only about 2% have problems with their assigned gender let those people work it out with the experts in the field

We have




To qualify for the ? it should be a requirement you are under an assigned expert

Eliminate self diagnosis of gender

Eliminate the ' shame ' and discrimination of being ? and you have it made

I did wonder if those with more than one X chromosome would want a MAN'S MAN toilet in a male prison ,:)

Does being a XXY have any privilege attached?

There is a need to qualify the definitions we use, otherwise their meanings become useless. In the case of gender, what degree of psychological and physical attributes must be present to qualify as a given gender? Are all masculine females men? Are all feminine males women? Who chooses, society or the individual?
There is a need to qualify the definitions we use, otherwise their meanings become useless. In the case of gender, what degree of psychological and physical attributes must be present to qualify as a given gender? Are all masculine females men? Are all feminine males women? Who chooses, society or the individual?

I would certainly not go for individual choice

Instead of any senerio I can cook up reach into your own mind and think about what the oddballs can cook up in their minds if given a chance to pick their gender

The above is not about those who have a true reason for confusion

Think of the oddballs who would seek to exploit the freedom to choose their gender

Are you referring to LGBT as "oddballs"? Because this seems to be a recurrent theme from you in this thread.
Are you referring to LGBT as "oddballs"? Because this seems to be a recurrent theme from you in this thread.


From MY post

Instead of any senerio I can cook up reach into your own mind and think about what the oddballs can cook up in their minds if given a chance to pick their gender

The above is NOT about those who have a true reason for confusion

Think of the oddballs who would seek to exploit the freedom to choose their gender

Emphasis not in the original post

There are to many oddballs to list them all so instead of trying to list them all and being accused of leaving out some particular oddball I thought I would use a generic term to cover them ALL

It's a better way to allow you to pick your own group of who you think are oddball and to concoct your own senerios without being spoon-fed mine

The point should stick more firmly in your mind after you learn and are not mearly taught

More from MY post

Think of the oddballs who would seek to exploit the freedom to choose their gender

I will name one type of oddball


who would be on the top of my list

Hope that clarifies my stand and answers your concerns

Think of the oddballs who would seek to exploit the freedom to choose their gender
Other than peace of mind, what else do you imagine is gained in the freedom to choose one’s gender? And unless society backs your choice, you’re simply making life harder on yourself.

I will name one type of oddball


who would be on the top of my list

Hope that clarifies my stand and answers your concerns
How would a pedophile use gender choice to their advantage?
Other than peace of mind, what else do you imagine is gained in the freedom to choose one’s gender? And unless society backs your choice, you’re simply making life harder on yourself.

As I understand it around 2% of the population have genuine problems with their gender assignment

Help from experts in the field help those with genuine problems to come to their own decision about which gender they wish to be known as

Society does not get a look in

The experts will also provide them with the tools to cope with problems they will confront in the world outside of the understanding experts

How would a pedophile use gender choice to their advantage

Anybody else want to comment on this which should be very obvious?

If no one comments I will respond later

Delusional people are experiencing happenings which are not present in reality
Ordinary men make extraordinary claims regarding the character and requirements of supernatural beings who are said to exist outside the observable world.
Some of these men wear elaborate dresses and ridiculous headgear and declare themselves infallible. Billions of people believe them without demanding any evidence whatsoever.
Religion is never measured against reality, yet is completely normal.

Other ordinary people make ordinary statements regarding their own experience of actual, observable self, and are considered delusional.

Bathrooms are practical and relatively cheap to build. Cathedrals and mosques are impractical and expensive.
Go, figure.
Ordinary men make extraordinary claims regarding the character and requirements of supernatural beings who are said to exist outside the observable world.
Some of these men wear elaborate dresses and ridiculous headgear and declare themselves infallible. Billions of people believe them without demanding any evidence whatsoever.


I would call all those who claim and those who believe delusional


The believers ask for no evidence

Religion is never measured against reality, yet is completely normal.


Religion is considered normal

The beliefs are delusional

Other ordinary people make ordinary statements regarding their own experience of actual, observable self, and are considered delusional.

If you are referring to the 2% of the population who have genuine concerns about their gender identity I can assure you no one in the field would call them delusional

Bathrooms are practical and relatively cheap to build. Cathedrals and mosques are impractical and expensive.
Go, figure.

Sorry I have no idea of what I am supposed to figure from that section of post

As I understand it around 2% of the population have genuine problems with their gender assignment

Help from experts in the field help those with genuine problems to come to their own decision about which gender they wish to be known as

Society does not get a look in

The experts will also provide them with the tools to cope with problems they will confront in the world outside of the understanding experts
The experts? Who are these experts that will decide how broad the definition of gender will be? In a free society anyone should have the option to explore a given gender role if they are so inclined. If society is not accepting of the wants and desires of these individuals, their explorations will not end well. So yes, in this matter, just as all others, society will have a big say in how this all goes down.
How would a pedophile use gender choice to their advantage?
Anybody else want to comment on this which should be very obvious?

If no one comments I will respond later
Female nuns transitioning to male priests so they can molest alter boys?
Who are these experts that will decide how broad the definition of gender will be?

I don't know their names but most of them would be concentrated in a very broad medical field

I doubt you would find any in the Master Builders Union

In a free society anyone should have the option to explore a given gender role if they are so inclined.

Of course

A male (allegedly a male) leaving the court decides (s)he wants to explore his(r) feminine side

See how that flies

So yes, in this matter, just as all others, society will have a big say in how this all goes down.

So no they won't

There will be some small portion of the population, as there currently is now, who will cry doom and gloom, the sky is falling blah blah blah while most of the population could not care less

Female nuns transitioning to male priests so they can molest alter boys?

I would not have classified s female nuns as a pedophile but I guess there may be some out there

But also we are NOT talking about transitioning

Mearly talking about self allocation

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