Fun Facts

Right the point is when W4U makes a mistake instead of saying, "oops", he doubles down and refuses to admit any error and makes increasing embarrassing assertions hoping to cover his error. His behavior is baffling since 'sticking to his guns' just makes him look way, way more foolish than just admitting his error.
Nailed it.
Do you realize what you are doing here? You are sabotaging a worthy legitimate program!!!!!!!!!
To make it abundantly clear, nobody is sabotaging anything. OceanHero's model of sponsoring cleanup via revenue from clickthroughs (which they openly declare for all who care to read) is a perfectly common and legit revenue model, employed my thousands of companies. There's nothing untoward about it, and the rest of the world is well aware of it.

This is Commerce 101. The money has to come from somewhere! OceanHero doesn't have a license to print money...

All that's happening here is a disabusment of Write4U's naivete - thinking that there is a such thing as a free lunch in today's commerce.

"If you are not paying for it, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold."
- Andrew Lewis

Again, this is not a bad thing; it's the just way capitalism is. Don't be a sucker.
So you seem to think. We have shown where the organization itself says that's not the way it works.
How does OceanHero work?

On average every 5 searches in OceanHero helps recover one plastic bottle.

If my surfing helps cleaning the oceans, I don't care about the financial structure.

Are you now claiming that the number + 60,670,668 bottles removed from our beaches is a lie? The organization is a scam?
To make it abundantly clear, nobody is sabotaging anything. OceanHero's model of sponsoring cleanup via revenue from clickthroughs (which they openly declare for all who care to read) is a perfectly common and legit revenue model, employed by thousands of companies. There's nothing untoward about it, and the rest of the world is well aware of it.
Then what is the problem? Is participating in this "scheme" beneficial or harmful to the world's oceans and beaches?

All you do is cast suspicions about the financial model used to earn, account for, and benefit the effort to be environmentally responsible.

You make me sick !
That is a sympton of having your unfounded beliefs shaken, yes.
No, it is my reaction to your response to a post in "Fun Facts" sub-forum. It's called "spoilsport".
Again, this is not a bad thing; it's the just way capitalism is. Don't be a sucker?????
A sucker for doing what? Participating in a good thing? This program doesn't even allow for private donations. Nobody gets scammed.
Now do you understand why you make me sick? It is your callous disregard for Nature and the damage we inflict on ocean life by our wanton behaviors.

And don't tell me you care. Your priorities have been demonstrated.
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Right the point is when W4U makes a mistake instead of saying, "oops", he doubles down and refuses to admit any error and makes increasing embarrassing assertions hoping to cover his error. His behavior is baffling since 'sticking to his guns' just makes him look way, way more foolish than just admitting his error.
Well, that or he tries to change the subject. "Couldn't blindsight be, like, smelling something? Smell is the most important sense!" And nonsense like that.
Then what is the problem?
The problem is that you are spreading misinformation out of ignorance.

Is participating in this "scheme" beneficial or harmful to the world's oceans and beaches?
But you are not participating. You said so.

And it's not a "scheme" (that's a strawman). It is
... a perfectly common and legit revenue model, employed my thousands of companies. There's nothing untoward about it...

All you do is cast suspicions about the financial model used to earn, account for, and benefit the effort to be environmentally responsible.
Then you have failed, once again, to read and comprehend. I cast no "suspicions". (That's another strawman.)

This is what I said:
OceanHero's model of sponsoring cleanup via revenue from clickthroughs (which they openly declare for all who care to read) is a perfectly common and legit revenue model, employed my thousands of companies. There's nothing untoward about it, and the rest of the world is well aware of it.

A sucker for doing what? Participating in a good thing?
Once, again: you are not participating. You said so.

Nobody gets scammed.
Who said anything about getting scammed? (Another Strawman.)

Now do you understand why you make me sick?
I do. I shine a light on your naivete, and lack of comprehension of things you copy-paste. That's got to be embarrassing.

It is your callous disregard for Nature and the damage we inflict on ocean life by our wanton behaviors.
I have shown no callous diseregard for Nature. (Yet another strawman.)
I haven't said anything negative about OceanHero. Once again:
...[it is] a perfectly common and legit revenue model, employed my thousands of companies. There's nothing untoward about it...

And don't tell me you care. Your priorities have been demonstrated.
What I care about, here on this forum, is the spreading of misinformaiton due to ignorance. That hurts the world. Stop doing that.

P.S. The fact that you have erected no less than four independent strawmen in the same post is an indication that you have no actual complaint, so you have to make your own things up and then attack them. "scheme" is your word, "suspicion" is your word, "scam" is your word, "callous disregard for nature", your words. None of these things apply to anything I've said (and you would know this if you bothered to read before posting.) So you attack yourself, and in doing so, look the fool.
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But you are not participating. You said so.
Is helping participating? It is you who brought up the monetary aspects, not the participating aspects.
According to OH records (as shown on my screen), I have now earned 738 removals of plastic and it hasn't cost me a penny.

Now that makes me feel good, whereas your obsession with fraud and capitalism makes me sick.

Apparently, you do not understand the term "not-for-profit corporation", which is not a capitalist enterprise.
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your obsession with fraud and capitalism
"Fraud". A fifth strawman. I have said nothing about fraudulence.

My obsession is with spreading of ignorance. It hurts the world.

makes me sick.
That feeling is the realization that you've made a fool of yourself, by once again:
- stating something that is not true, because
- you didn't bother to read before copy-pasting, and
- doubling-down on your ignorance,
- instead of simply saying "Oopsie! My bad!"
But you are not participating. You said so.
I am not? Where did I say so?
I am participating by running the Ocean Hero search engine and according to them, I am productive, as shown by their counting system of shells.

You can twist and bastardize all you want. I feel good about it and recommend it to all who have an interest in conservation.
Oh my God. And you have a short memory too. I have said what your mistake was about a dozen times now.
Please reread this page of threads before posting more dumb stuff.
Start here:
My mistake was hoping to find a sympathetic ear instead of ridicule and ad hominem.
OceanHero is a search engine like any other. The major difference is that with every search, you help save the oceans from plastic pollution. For every five searches you do, we collect one ocean-bound plastic bottle.
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My mistake was hoping to find a sympathetic ear instead of ridicule and ad hominem.
To be absolutely clear, originally you were neither ridiculed nor ad hommed at all, let alone for anything to do with OceanHero.

You thought you were saving the world just by using the browser (post 21). All I did was point out their business model did not support that in post 22. That's it.

Absolutely everything that followed - from post 23 to post 56 and counting - has been entirely because you were - and are historically - utterly incapable of acknowledging when you make an error, and, historically, double-down on your errors, despite being shown when and where you made the error.

That's all on you.

I think you crave attention, even if it's negative attention.

When something is pointed out that you didn't know, try saying "Oh. I didn't know that."
That would have saved 33 posts of you acting foolish and having a cathartic meltdown, and us having to point it out to you.
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I'm intrigued, how does it work? How does a search or clicking on an Ad remove a bottle?

Who removes them?

I sent the link to our sustainability team.

Too tricky to open on this device.
How does OceanHero work?

On average every 5 searches in OceanHero helps recover one plastic bottle.
Are they really claiming that once in every 5 searches, a user will click through on an ad? And does clicking through on one ad result in OceanHero being paid enough to fund the recovery of one plastic bottle?

It sounds unlikely to me.

If my surfing helps cleaning the oceans, I don't care about the financial structure.
Are you making sure you click through on the ads?

Did you even read to the end of that "how it works" page?
OceanHero said:
How do you earn money?
We earn money by showing ads. We show a few links on your new tab page. Whenever you use those links, we receive a small share of the revenue.
If you don't click on the ad links, OceanHero doesn't get money as a result of your searches.

Really, is this so hard for you to understand?

How many times do you think it will need to be explained to you, before you understand how and when it works?
Are you now claiming that the number + 60,670,668 bottles removed from our beaches is a lie? The organization is a scam?
That's a lot of bottles. Over what time period were these bottles collected?

What did you do to check that the claimed number of bottles is legitimate?
I'm intrigued, how does it work? How does a search or clicking on an Ad remove a bottle?
From the FAQ:

Like any other search engine, OceanHero makes money by showing ads

1. Every time you search for something, OceanHero will show you ads relevant to your search request. These ads are typically displayed above and below your search results.

2. Whenever you click on one of these ads, OceanHero receives a share of the price which the advertisers pay in order to show their ads. (Please note that clicking on many ads intentionally, it does not help us, as advertisers realize that this was done intentionally and they then penalize us.)

3. Fifty percent of OceanHero's generated profits are then used to help saving the oceans.

(They are, by the way, a for-profit organization, which means that other 50% goes straight into their pockets.)

Who removes them?
Some money from searches is finding its way to The Plastic Bank, the organization actually doing the cleaning,

Kind of funny how OceanHero gets all the glory, while Plastic Bank does all the work.
Are they really claiming that once in every 5 searches, a user will click through on an ad? And does clicking through on one ad result in OceanHero being paid enough to fund the recovery of one plastic bottle?
Apparently the Plasticbank does
Kind of funny how OceanHero gets all the glory, while Plastic Bank does all the work.
Yes, Ocean Hero is a search engine that allows access to a wide audience and has search counting ability.
And it does have an excellent ocean life photo library, free to download.