Finish my Sentence

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easy pickings, not only that but when she said 'Hey big boy, I'm hot and I'm horny, do me right now', I unzipped and released my.....holy shit, I forgot I was in another dimension, my package was now a ......
explore in the other direction, which it then did, causing me to have the most massive...
a machete in my back pocket, always carried one, so I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes and in one swipe I hacked it off. but instead of pain I felt myself floating through an ethereal cloud of plasmic energy and when I opened my eyes I saw .......
paramedics fussing over me. I'd finally snapped out of my meths-induced coma. As I recuperated, a nurse bought me in a newspaper to read. I was shocked to see the headline said...
of a time when blacks were negroes, gays were queers & arabs were camel jockeys, so I joined a redneck paramilitary troupe just so I could drink, shoot up, drop acid, smoke a few joints & screw as many ugly chicks as I could but there was one thing missing, so where the hell was ....
undigested rabbit dung, he liked to wash them down with straight vodka, said that everytime he popped a raisin he would ......
swollen scrotum, oh oh, then realizing it's really a 1500 lb bull and is standing in the middle of the Plaza de Toros in front of 10000 screaming Spanish drunkards who are ready to......
I see one of the Picadors throwing his lance at the hot dog vendor in Section 12, piercing him right thru the head, the ensuing melee for the franks allowed me to .....
I really had shagged a 3/4 ton bull and then to my surprise he got around behind me and what happened next will go down in Bullfighting history, for I became the ......
first person to be impregnated by a horny bull. It was a few months until the date of my first scan and I was nervous. Not least because...
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