Finish my Sentence

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run for cover or at least have access to some noise canceling earphones that drown out her voice as well as
access to a vomit bag in case your watching one of her videos but if you can survive 15 minutes of it then Special Forces will sign you up immediately and put you on a plane bound for ....
Canada. "It's time to eradicate shite music at the source." says the campaign poster. The small print, however, stipulates...
that all new cadets must move to Quebec then learn to skate and play hockey, sharpen their fighting skills before they can approach French Canadian women who really like ....
rough-and-tumble, hockey-playing skate dudes. Luckilly, each plattoon will have a small number of English soldiers which, as everyone knows, means...
...that in the middle of any instance of hot-n-heavy action, this contingent will be certain to pause for a "brew-up" and some exceedingly dry-witted banter concerning...
the relationship between the Royal family's looks and something the cat dragged in, here's a sound byte from one such conversation, 'The Royals are so ugly......
a frog hopped up out of the pond and started singing the theme from Dr. Who, somehow emulating the exact frequencies that the shows music had in it , then without warning
a portal to Dimension X opens up and what do you know, there's a beautiful girl dressed in a potato sack there to greet you, she bids you to enter and you hesitate because....
of your potato allergies. But you suck it up and step forwards, placing your foot for the first time onto...
understand anything about spcae/time, fractal physics or even Star Trek. As you kick yourself in the back of the head, something falls out of your pockets. It's a...
trans-universal inter-dimensional super reductive timespace continuum containment unit that I just bought at Future Shop with my Astronutz Cereal coupons, I somehow managed to reach it with the hand protruding from my ass but dammit, I had forgotten to.......
take his continua container's license, so it would be a risky business for him to try to
put his head up his ass to find out where he was trying to go in life but he knew that by going into another dimension of ass and time he could find
his long lost love, Lola. Lonely now without his lovely Lola, he lolled his head and
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