Donald Trump is Not Well

The funny thing is those 'others' are Republicans. Republicans control the government, if only Trump could control himself they could move their agenda forward.
The constant accusation have been a distraction, but I agree that the Republican Party is not unified.
Those numbers are unbelievable: the year is already half over so the US citizens shootings numbers should be far over 10,000!
The constant accusation have been a distraction, but I agree that the Republican Party is not unified.
Of course they are (they vote as bloc, punish outliers, etc) - they just aren't unified in pursuit of governance, or governing.

For that, they would have to have an ideology, principles, some kind of philosophy that carries over from one week to the next and guides or coordinates their political thinking, political behavior, etc.

They are unified in their rejection of levying taxes and imposing regulations on wealthy people and their corporations. But that is accomplished by disruption, obstruction, etc. - the defense, on a football field, where governance is the offense.
If you read that you will see it is about obtaining money or property. But it may be a difference in definition between legal systems. In the UK we would not use the term extortion for a threat intended to change behaviour rather than to obtain money or property, because you have to extort something tangible from the victim.
I do not think he committed that crime in your country ... you're welcome to bring other charges in the UK if you wish.
The constant accusation have been a distraction, but I agree that the Republican Party is not unified.
Constant accusation? I think you are confusing Democrats with Republicans. The two are not the same. Republicans have been falsely accusing Democrats for at least the last 30 years. And now you are worried about distractions when your party controls government? That didn't bother you when Democrats had some control over government.

Two, these aren't accusations. They are investigations and observations. There is a lot of smoke out there of criminal wrong doing. There is evidence of his unfitness to serve the office he holds. And now there appears to be evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. This only gets worse for Trump and Republicans.

The lies Republicans have been telling about Obamacare have now caught up with the Republican Party, and that too is a big problem for Republicans.
5 second on google, type in "us gun statistics". There are over 30,000 US citizens are year killed by guns, over 10,000 deemed homicides.

*buzzer* Wrong answer - you made a claim, you provide the source. Don't expect the rest of us to do your homework.

Also - where do you get off? You do NOT get to demand absurd levels of explanation or detail from other members, then hand-wave a request for sources by saying "Go find it yourself". That is bad faith and trolling of the worst sort.
*buzzer* Wrong answer - you made a claim, you provide the source. Don't expect the rest of us to do your homework.

Hey it is not my fault you can't use google.

Also - where do you get off? You do NOT get to demand absurd levels of explanation or detail from other members, then hand-wave a request for sources by saying "Go find it yourself". That is bad faith and trolling of the worst sort.

Absurd... wtf? Do you know what a joke is?
Hey it is not my fault you can't use google.


Sciforums - Rules, posting guidelines and advice to members (summary)

When posting:
  • Support your arguments with evidence.
  • Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.
  • Avoid logical fallacies.
  • Do not expect members to do your homework for you.

Telling someone to "go google it" has never been, and is not now, an acceptable substitute for providing evidence to back your claim.

Absurd... wtf? Do you know what a joke is?

Are you now attempting to say your post was a joke, rather than something to be taken seriously?

Telling someone to "go google it" has never been, and is not now, an acceptable substitute for providing evidence to back your claim.

Are you now attempting to say your post was a joke, rather than something to be taken seriously?

Actually out of interest I did read the Wiki article on this topic, since Electric Fetus is too bone idle to support her claim herself:

Seems there were ~33,000 deaths due to guns in 2013, of which about 1/3 were homicides and 2/3 suicides. The gun homicide figure for 2015 was ~13,000.
Actually out of interest I did read the Wiki article on this topic, since Electric Fetus is too bone idle to support her claim herself:

Seems there were ~33,000 deaths due to guns in 2013, of which about 1/3 were homicides and 2/3 suicides. The gun homicide figure for 2015 was ~13,000.
I heard on the TV (I think it was DURING the BBC prog about driverless cars) quite recently that there were a million deaths a year worldwide due to traffic accidents.

That seems extraordinary but here is a link that backs it up
Actually out of interest I did read the Wiki article on this topic, since Electric Fetus is too bone idle to support her claim herself:

Seems there were ~33,000 deaths due to guns in 2013, of which about 1/3 were homicides and 2/3 suicides. The gun homicide figure for 2015 was ~13,000.

*nod* The Gun Violence Archive lists this:


To reconcile the numbers, I looked for Amir's twitter feed, and found this:

Those numbers are referring to *mass* shootings only. The number of death due to gun violence in the US is much, much bigger: 15,061 in 2016

At the time he posted that, the numbers were accurate regarding casualties from mass shootings perpetrated by US Citizens.

Interestingly enough:

Number of deaths for leading causes of death
  • Heart disease: 614,348
    • Cancer: 591,699
    • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,101
    • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 136,053
    • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 133,103
    • Alzheimer's disease: 93,541
    • Diabetes: 76,488
    • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,227
    • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,146
    • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 42,773

So, if we assume even a doubling of the 2013 figure for gun related deaths, it would wind up at 7th place - otherwise, it doesn't even make the top 10.

It boggles my mind that despite all this data, all these obvious conclusions... that the thing we are focused on right now (we being the US Government, mind you) is banning people from seven countries... oh, and stripping health care away from those that need it most.

Yeah, priorities...
I really do not want to watch the opposition to the Republican Party once again slam itself into the made-to-order prepositioned berg of gun control, and once again founder in a calm sea.

That is almost the only issue the Dems can lose on. For starters, because it's almost the only issue the Reps win by doing nothing - incompetence works in their favor, in that matter and almost no other. Second, because much of what the Dems say and want to do on the issue is in fact wrong, confused, misled, etc; incompetence works against the Dems in that matter, and almost no other.

When the Reps set out to gut Medicare and Social Security, launch war against Iran or North Korea, and pass a flat Federal income tax, with Donald Trump as their leader

if the Dems are setting out to battle righteously against guns then the hell with them.

If the Reps open up a legislative effort to amend the Constitution under this administration and a Republican Congress,

and the Dems cooperate because they are promised a chance to change the 2nd Amendment, all bipartisany and so forth,

I want my State to secede while it still can.
I really do not want to watch the opposition to the Republican Party once again slam itself into the made-to-order prepositioned berg of gun control, and once again founder in a calm sea.

That is almost the only issue the Dems can lose on. For starters, because it's almost the only issue the Reps win by doing nothing - incompetence works in their favor, in that matter and almost no other. Second, because much of what the Dems say and want to do on the issue is in fact wrong, confused, misled, etc; incompetence works against the Dems in that matter, and almost no other.

When the Reps set out to gut Medicare and Social Security, launch war against Iran or North Korea, and pass a flat Federal income tax, with Donald Trump as their leader

if the Dems are setting out to battle righteously against guns then the hell with them.

If the Reps open up a legislative effort to amend the Constitution under this administration and a Republican Congress,

and the Dems cooperate because they are promised a chance to change the 2nd Amendment, all bipartisany and so forth,

I want my State to secede while it still can.

And I agree with you, in all honesty - "Gun control" isn't going to solve this issue. Access to and education on affordable mental health services will. People paying attention to those around them and taking the time to ask "Hey, are you ok? Is there something I can help you with?" Will.

Gun control needs completely reworked - scrap the entire process and start over - that is essentially a given. However, it isn't the problem - it is a symptom of the problem.
Are you now attempting to say your post was a joke, rather than something to be taken seriously?

yes, when said "Those numbers are unbelievable: the year is already half over so the US citizens shootings numbers should be far over 10,000!" that was a joke, a dark joke, and also true, now if you have contention with those numbers frankly I don't care.

Also while certainly "affordable mental health services" would make sense at reducing the suicide by gun problem, I don't see it helping the shootings for robbery and murder sort of thing, more so I don't see why we can't have both gun control and affordable mental health services. Also what process of gun control do you want scraped and reworked precisely... or is that a joke?
yes, when said "Those numbers are unbelievable: the year is already half over so the US citizens shootings numbers should be far over 10,000!" that was a joke, a dark joke, and also true, now if you have contention with those numbers frankly I don't care.
Seems more like an attempt at retraction to me... but as you wish.

Also while certainly "affordable mental health services" would make sense at reducing the suicide by gun problem, I don't see it helping the shootings for robbery and murder sort of thing, more so I don't see why we can't have both gun control and affordable mental health services. Also what process of gun control do you want scraped and reworked precisely... or is that a joke?

Well, for starters, I don't think the current "one license fits all" method is any good. If you have any experience with firearms at all, I'm sure you would agree - the way you handle, use, and train with a pistol is vastly different than that with a shotgun, and is further still different than you would for a automatic rifle. We have different classes of drivers license - why not do the same for firearms? Require some sort of actual proficiency in using them.

Also, I would think it prudent that someone with a history of damaging mental illness or mental illness that could lead one to self-harm (or harm others) undergo additional scrutiny before being allowed to own a firearm. Right now, it is all too easy for someone who is suicidal to purchase a weapon and attempt to end their own life. This is where the additional mental health services would also come into play.

As for how it would help with robbery/murder/et al - typically, a normal, functioning, well-adjusted adult would be adverse to murdering another person without extreme cause. Some, obviously, don't give a flying feather, but for most people they talk a good game, but will freeze up if/when the time comes to actually take a life. This is a good thing all said and done - the question is, why do some not have that tendency, and how can we help them. To the other, what is pushing those that DO have normal inhibitions to be desperate enough to override said tendency and take a life in the committing of a crime?
Seems more like an attempt at retraction to me... but as you wish.

Yeah because I retracted nothing.

Well, for starters, I don't think the current "one license fits all" method is any good. If you have any experience with firearms at all, I'm sure you would agree - the way you handle, use, and train with a pistol is vastly different than that with a shotgun, and is further still different than you would for a automatic rifle. We have different classes of drivers license - why not do the same for firearms? Require some sort of actual proficiency in using them.

Also, I would think it prudent that someone with a history of damaging mental illness or mental illness that could lead one to self-harm (or harm others) undergo additional scrutiny before being allowed to own a firearm. Right now, it is all too easy for someone who is suicidal to purchase a weapon and attempt to end their own life. This is where the additional mental health services would also come into play.

I don't see anything in here I disagree with, there is only the problem of implementation as republicans will hear nothing of it.

As for how it would help with robbery/murder/et al - typically, a normal, functioning, well-adjusted adult would be adverse to murdering another person without extreme cause. Some, obviously, don't give a flying feather, but for most people they talk a good game, but will freeze up if/when the time comes to actually take a life. This is a good thing all said and done - the question is, why do some not have that tendency, and how can we help them. To the other, what is pushing those that DO have normal inhibitions to be desperate enough to override said tendency and take a life in the committing of a crime?

Poverty, a culture that glorifies thuggery because they have nothing else to look forward to? That can only be helped through massive investment in social programs and education, another thing republicans will hear nothing of.
Seems more like an attempt at retraction to me... but as you wish.

Well, for starters, I don't think the current "one license fits all" method is any good. If you have any experience with firearms at all, I'm sure you would agree - the way you handle, use, and train with a pistol is vastly different than that with a shotgun, and is further still different than you would for a automatic rifle. We have different classes of drivers license - why not do the same for firearms? Require some sort of actual proficiency in using them.

Also, I would think it prudent that someone with a history of damaging mental illness or mental illness that could lead one to self-harm (or harm others) undergo additional scrutiny before being allowed to own a firearm. Right now, it is all too easy for someone who is suicidal to purchase a weapon and attempt to end their own life. This is where the additional mental health services would also come into play.

As for how it would help with robbery/murder/et al - typically, a normal, functioning, well-adjusted adult would be adverse to murdering another person without extreme cause. Some, obviously, don't give a flying feather, but for most people they talk a good game, but will freeze up if/when the time comes to actually take a life. This is a good thing all said and done - the question is, why do some not have that tendency, and how can we help them. To the other, what is pushing those that DO have normal inhibitions to be desperate enough to override said tendency and take a life in the committing of a crime?

Kitta: Actually there ARE different types of firearm licenses. For example, one (a US citizen) cannot own an AUTOMATIC weapon without special registration/licensure/certification from the US Government (ATF). BTW: I know of several persons (mostly collectors) who have such licensure (I don't) and they enjoy participating in (legal) shooting events that include automatic AR-15, AK-47, 50 cal. machine guns, and 20 mm cannons . . . to name a few. As you should be aware, semi-automatic (one shot per trigger pull) weapons are NOT automatic (multiple shots per trigger pull) weapons. [However, it is a fairly simple procedure to modify semi-automatics to be automatics - if one is so inclined - but it is ILLEGAL! There are also other weapon modifications that are ILLEGAL!].

As for the rest of your post, that is only your (and perhaps others') opinion.