Denial of evolution IV

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One of the things that creationists so often fail to appreciate in arguments on evolution is the sheer amount of time involved. Life has been on Earth somewhere between 3 and 4 billion years. The time involved is literally beyond human conception. We cannot envisage one million, let alone a billion.

This makes your argument about small changes quite invalid. Certainly mutation and genetic recombination variations are mostly quite small. However Silbury hill, a prehistoric grave site, at 40 metres high, 2 hectares area, and over 200,000 tonnes, was built by individual men carrying baskets of dirt up the hill and dumping them (500 men for 15 years estimated). Small changes over a long period equal massive net changes.

If, every generation, a tiny genetic change happens in a population, then over trillions of generations, we end up with a total change that is massive and profound.

On fossils, again. Paleontologists now have amazing dating techniques, which can usually place a bed of fossils in geological time. So each type of fossil will be known to be of a certain age, plus or minus an error factor (usually under 5%).

The progression of changes in the fossil record across time fit very nicely in the time line for evolution. For example : Archaeopteryx precedes true birds. The first agnathans preceded the jawed fishes. Shark relatives preceded bony fishes.

It has been said that evolution would be easy to disprove. Just find a rabbit fossil in Precambrian sedimentary rock. That has never happened. Any fossil way out of its time line would cast the same level of doubt. Again, apart from a few obvious hoaxes, that has never happened.

Evolution has no direction, and no motive. But there are, nevertheless, overall trends which can be seen over time.
zenith said:
but thanks, it seems the nitrogen issue is not an issue in terms of the current theory, but of course I have many more questions
Not from that source, please. That is just abusing the forum - there are several fairly well informed people on most topics around here, who bring the possibility of actual discussion, and your creationist blogs have made themselves very tiresome. It's like the frequent attempts by students to get people to do their high school homework for them - eventually, you will be simply brushed off.
zenith said:
For instance, i recently found on a creationist sight a very intersting article on the apparent problem of chirality in terms of an natural cause for abiogeneiss. I have since done the reserach and have yet to see a senseible argumetn to account for the chirality of boht dna and amino acids. Its quite a predicamnet for any abiogenesis model...
If you keep on reading those creationist blogs, you will keep on spamming the forum with bs you don't know anything about.

The nature and origin if chirality in organic compounds is an interesting topic, with a lot of attention paid to it over many years now, and if you are actually interested you can quit wallowing in creationist bilgewater and search out some of the many sources of information and insight and so forth.

Actually do some of that "research" you claim to have, but obviously have not, done.
okay, so basically your saying it "could" have been lighting, to me this is not definitive, i read that lighting only contributes a minute amount to fixed nitrogen.

Oh, and alhough many creationists are..we IDiots, i would never decline from reading there blogs as they present fascinating information about nature!

thanks for the warm welcome!

It is definitive, in fact it's chemistry. Lightning fixes nitrogen, this is not up for debate.
TOPO(I actually got banned from that ask a biologist forum for asking these exact qu)

Are you sure they're not suggesting a possibility and exploring the potential consequences?
Perhaps you could give an example?

First off, i simply could not undertsand the directions about the quotes(by no means your fault! thanks alot for the help).. i feel like im literrally stupid, i did programmign in college and right now i just cant "get it" for one reason or another...I'll just put your reply first then mine to that with a fair bit of space between..sorry, and thanks again

they actaully specifially say" The most parsimonious explanation
of this observation is that Topo IA was present in the last common ancestor of all
Archaea and was lost in Thaumarchaea"

The last common ancestor? see, there not talking about an analouge or a simlpler protein, there talking of topo being in the last common ancestor?
to me, that is irreconcilable(for now) with what i know about evoluiton!

Who do you mean, specifically?
Who has said that a particular enzyme and associated machinery appeared at exactly the same time as it was required?

Its not that there saying it, its that there is no solution by evolutions mechanisms, becuase as soon as it is needed, it must be there, otherwise, the cell wouldn't have gotten to where it is now.
If we look backwards, your right we cant tell a whole lot about that speculated time in history, but we can say, if evolution works the way we think, then topo MUST have been there the first time dna supercoied(as is suggested for archea!), and that is just...i cant yet get my head around such a statement. Again, this is not even discussing the fact that any TOPO or Gyarase simply cant be much "simpler", it must cut dna with its "pincers", otherwise(for the first cell needing it) its game over.
And of course I am skipping over the fact (and so are ALL these papers) that TOPO's are regulated and somehow brought to the right place by other proteins, then of course we have to have an energy source, and a binding sight...and the first time a cell with double stranded DNA had this probelm, all this had to be there by blind chance and "selection"?
hmmm, not convincing as of yet.

of course those sites could theoretically have been there from the "co opted proteins", but that is specualtion of course. Not to mention that it would have to arrive on the scene at just the right time in the cell cycle!
therefore if it was somehow adjusted and co opted from a precursor, then the gene encoding that precursor would need the new info to coincide wtih the morphological changes so it would arrive at the right time in the cell cycle.

Yes. That part isn't guesswork, but detective work.

Ahh, so they are not guessing? yet they dont know?
the poitn is, we can of course come to this conclusion, but only if you have already decided how it evolved. And of courese we must ask, is such a theory even plausible?

No, that's doesn't match what I've read. Who came to that conclusion?
Probably because you've mislearned the supposed evolutionary origins from creationist sources.

I mean the first ancetor of the organissms they were studying of course, sorry if i confused you. Oh, and i am not stupid enough to simply take a creationist source at face value without checking the "official story " before posting on it.

Which ones? I'll email them to you if you like.

I wish i had access to tonnes of these papers, thats where the real up to date work is being done, but i cant ask for the emails from you becuase otherwise i will only be even more hungry...but thanks alot for the offer!

A molecular biology text is chiefly concerned with molecular biology as it is *now*, not as it was 4 billion years ago. And Youtube? Needles and haystacks spring to mind.
And once again, you're looking for knowledge that we don't have. We don't know and perhaps can't know the details of what happened. All we can do is speculate, and examine whether those speculations are consistent with what we see now.

Well infact since we are unable to see the topo's of the past, AND it is postulated that topo existed in the first ancestor of archea and bacteria, AND topo has to perform a particular function with regards to DNA, then surely it wasnt much differetn in the past if it existed. When i say youtube, i mean real lectures from universities(is that bad?).

I don't know what you're thinking. We can look at something and see the reason for its existence in it's apparent purpose, its function. No origin theories required.

What so you dont need to explain how an ezyme came to be, but rather assume particular mechanissm explain it? oh and your right we can see the purpose of somethign, what was i actaully thinking? that was a mistake.

No, it doesn't work that way. That's a typical creationist caricature of evolution.
Actual evolution is about combinations and subtle changes in existing machinery or its environment, that sometimes results in new useful functions.

First off, i dont really worry whether or not my arguments are "creationsist" like, thats simply coincidence. And explaining to me the proposed processes of evolution does not get rid of the fact that it indeed did have to be there "on time", whether or not it was formed from a precursor, it still had to be in the right place on the dna on time, otherwose supercoiling woudl prevent access to base pairs.
its truly amazing what goes on just below our reality!

The idea that some amazing biological functions seen today sprang into existence fully formed is creationism. It is no part of evolution.

and i am not suggestign that, if i come across that way im sorry, becuase frankly i dont know how anything i see in the cell came about since so far almost everthign i have looked at is dependet on so many other factors as to boggle the mind.

Where did you hear it? In what context?

too many to adress, surely you in your reading have come across this slack phrasology that simply trivializes the entire origin of certain stuctures?
its pretty common actaully.

Like I said, the required machinery must have been there already, and performing some pre-existing function. Why is that miraculous?

Bingo! of course it must have been there(assuming this hypothetical time actaully occured the way we suspect)...but the fact that it had to be there already should indeed ring some alarm bells! becuase that means you have to explain(or guess based on what you belive or accept) how it was there "on time" for this event!! Now that is miracoulous if ever I've heard it.(infact life is full or miracles, and i dont mean that in a religous way)
mutations are stochastic and unawere of each other, logically, we should never expect this pre existing machinery you talk about to get the right chagnes "on time"..that is ludacris beyond words!!

Absolutely correct.

Once again i sound silly, your right of course there was a reason!! my problem is the how, as you can proberbly tell.

Then why are we having this discussion?
I think you do very much want to speculate on origins.
Isn't that what creationism is?

Not speculate on origin of life, but origin of adaptions at molecular and macro level, i dont claim to know anything about abiogenesis but i of courfse have my thoughts!
of course you should not confuse creationism with considering origin, that is simply a part of creationism, but anybody can think deeply on origins no matter their disposition.

Are you confusing coiling with supercoiling? Or are you only thinking of circular DNA?
Many full turns of non-circular DS DNA can be replicated before supercoiling becomes a problem, because the tension in the double helix can be relieved by twisting the whole molecule. It would have to be pretty long before that twisting results in a supercoiled tangle.

Im obviously not taking about those DNA that didnt need topo's,
but dont forget, you dont just releive tension by "twisting the whole molecuel" need helicases or analouge to do that(and initiating factors and ssbp's)..and that is a whole other mind numbing process. why should we expect a blidn process to innovate to this extent! or should we?

I will have many posts on molecular biology, im sure you'll be very interested, and i will try my best to thourougly think out my questions as to not sound like a creationist!

The relevance is that there would have been a reason for DNA manipulation before long DS DNA existed.

It seems like you are saying that becuase there was a reason, therefore it was there? there are many things taht would benefit from many other things, that does not mean they will ever get them.

Right, so the functions of DNA topoisomerase might have been performed less efficiently by other enzymes, at least for short DNA segments.

Can you see the potential for gradual change? As DNA maintenance machinery gradually becomes more efficient, it can gradually maintain longer and longer DNA strands.

There is no point at which development is halted unless several things appear at once.

how do you less efficeintly cut a phosphodiester backbone?
and could an organism survive such lack of efficency?
far too much specualtion i feel.

of course i see the potential for gradual changes! but i dont see how you can just say "as DNA maintanance machinery gradually becomes more efficeint" without stopping and think of the sheer number co evolvign enzymes we are talking about here for the improvement of efficiency!!

topo, to me so far, defies evolutionary mechanisms, it seems like the only way we can fit them into it is by saying it does...
(and i know its in the past but my future posts will include MUCh form the present)

I am open(and that is the truth, i have a policy of self to be open minded, becuase at teh end of teh day, holding onto what you think is right simply becuase it fits your worldview or brings you comfort is not a honest life at all and it is a sign of a childish mind that cannot accept change).......what i was saying was i am open to my mind being changed on the matter
It is definitive, in fact it's chemistry. Lightning fixes nitrogen, this is not up for debate.

Indeed it is, i was naive about the issue, very intersting and again demonstrastes the amazing cycles of nature!
of coures one can truly only speculate about such issues

One of the things that creationists so often fail to appreciate in arguments on evolution is the sheer amount of time involved. Life has been on Earth somewhere between 3 and 4 billion years. The time involved is literally beyond human conception. We cannot envisage one million, let alone a billion.

I dont know if your referring to me here but just so you know i am not a creationist by any means, I am not even religious in the classic sense of the word(i just have a kind of reverence for nature and life itself ).
but of course you obvously comprehend the timescales but silly me cant is that it? talking timescales does not prove the origin of anything, let alone the adaptions we see. does this timescale make it more liklely to you that opposite sexes will co evolve? or that sperm will "hit on" the right enzyme to break down the egg?(even though it was never there) or that the egg will "it on " the exact chemical to secrete to make teh sperm tails actually speed up?
another thing you must take into accoutn is how fast evolution has been observed to take place! it took just 36 years for italian wall lizards to evolve a whole new strucute to digest plant matter(even though it only at insects on the island it was moved from by the scientists to the one with plants). this alone challenges our views and frankly i cant explain it..

Appealing to time is simply not good enough in light of what we see in nature and especially co evolution of parts. not to mention i havent yet done a study of dating techniques but i surely will soon.(dont panic i dont belive the earth is only 6 thousand years old!)

This makes your argument about small changes quite invalid. Certainly mutation and genetic recombination variations are mostly quite small. However Silbury hill, a prehistoric grave site, at 40 metres high, 2 hectares area, and over 200,000 tonnes, was built by individual men carrying baskets of dirt up the hill and dumping them (500 men for 15 years estimated). Small changes over a long period equal massive net changes.

Im not quite sure what you mean by this analogy since those graves were built purposfully with an envisioned outcome in mind?

simply stating that "small changes over a long period equal massive net changes" is again, not sufficeint to explain anythign accept that thigns chagne over time becuase when you say a massive net change that is inherent in the amoutn of time suggested, it doesnt speak to the adaptions we see in nature specifcally, only paints them with the same broad and trivializing brush.

If, every generation, a tiny genetic change happens in a population, then over trillions of generations, we end up with a total change that is massive and profound.

oh, that explains it, now i know exactly how orchids hit on the " pheromones of a bee" as well as imitatign its look amazingly, yes thats it, tiny genetic changes over time!! simply saying it, its very easy to convince yourself.
what you should do is zoom out in your mind from all your views and consider those orchids(check out the hammer ochid holy fraking sh..t) in light of evolutions blind mechansims and think..okay lets just say that somehow it did hit on the look of a bee that just happens to be around, can we really excpect that we will also hit on the smell of the opposite sex?
this is truly pushing the boundaries of faith in evolutions mechanisms.

On fossils, again. Paleontologists now have amazing dating techniques, which can usually place a bed of fossils in geological time. So each type of fossil will be known to be of a certain age, plus or minus an error factor (usually under 5%).

i have no qualm wtih fossils or anything like that, not full faith, but no qualms in the sense that i have no problem with change over time etc.
although i do know that we cant date rocks directly so...ill have to do more research(or is it the fossils we cant date?, one or the other)

The progression of changes in the fossil record across time fit very nicely in the time line for evolution. For example : Archaeopteryx precedes true birds. The first agnathans preceded the jawed fishes. Shark relatives preceded bony fishes.

ok, but that explains the origin of nothing, you cant use the fossil record to prove the co evolution of sexes through blind chance? as far as i know
oh and you should look deeper into the bird dinosaur controversy as its by no means a settled issue!

It has been said that evolution would be easy to disprove. Just find a rabbit fossil in Precambrian sedimentary rock. That has never happened. Any fossil way out of its time line would cast the same level of doubt. Again, apart from a few obvious hoaxes, that has never happened.

well, indeed i am not here to "disprove evolution" only question the origin and co evolution of adaptions etc along with its mechanisms

i dont see how finding an out of place fossil would disprove evolution in any way? it would simply destroy our prevous thoughts on it!
do you think finding a rabbit in the precambrian would change dr lenskis thoughts on his bacteria variants?

Evolution has no direction, and no motive. But there are, nevertheless, overall trends which can be seen over time.

yes and that is that things change over time, hardly need a thoery to tell us that do we?
zenith said:
yes and that is that things change over time, hardly need a thoery to tell us that do we?
The theories involved account for the patterns in the changes, in the traces of the past changes, and so forth.

If you care about understanding them.

But since you don't, and are simply engaged in abusing the forum with bad faith objections to things you don't bother to honestly consider or comprehend, the insights available from the great theories of life on earth are not available to you.
Zenithat said:
First off, i simply could not undertsand the directions about the quotes(by no means your fault! thanks alot for the help).. i feel like im literrally stupid, i did programmign in college and right now i just cant "get it" for one reason or another...I'll just put your reply first then mine to that with a fair bit of space between..sorry, and thanks again
Hi Zenithar,
Try this.
Here's what a short quoted post would look like as I construct it. The black text is given by the
button. The red text is what I would add in:
[noparse][quote="Zenithar66, post: 2773803"][/noparse]im not quite sure i understand your reply? if your
asking does it cleave the genes then no, it simply cleaves the phosphodiester
bakcbone of the DNA duplex.[color=red][noparse][/quote]
Kind of the same thing, though. It cuts the DNA strands that genes are made of,

[quote][/noparse][/color]Oh, and then re seals it of course![/QUOTE]
[color=red]Interestingly, type Ib topoisomerases do this passively, without any ATP, and
without controlling both sides of the cut.[/color]

[noparse]See how I type "[/quote]" after the section I want to reply to, then "
" at the beginning of the next quoted section?[/noparse]
zenith said:
so, if we imagine this enzmye from an evolutionary perspective(I literally found 3 papers online dealing with it, hence i come here...i dont have membershp on any sites to look at papers...damn!) then wouldnt we have to assume that the very first time DNA supercoiled,
From an evolutionary perspective, there was no very first time that DNA supercoiled.

So your entire approach there is irrelevant, because you haven't bothered to acquaint yourself with the basics of the topic you are attempting to discuss.
Hi Zenithat,
The conversation has become unwieldy already, so I'll summarize;.

First, here's my amateur understanding of topoisomerases and their function:

- Type II topoisomerases are complex protein machines that untangle supercoiled DNA double helices by cutting and rejoining both strands of the double helix. Type II topo uses ATP.
- Type I topoisomerases are complex protein machines that relieve twisting tension in a DNA double helix by cutting one strand and allowing or encouraging the double helix to unwind before rejoining the cut strand. This helps to avoid supercoiling. Type I topo uses no ATP.
- DNA can be replicated without topisomerase if it is not ring DNA, and if it is not bound to another structure like a histone. I suspect that the length of the chain is also relevant, with supercoiling likely to result if the chain is too long (how long? dozens of full turns? hundreds? thousands?) I think that the longer the double helix, the more likely it is to build up twisting tension to the point of supercoiling.

Enzymes in general:
- The efficiency of an enzyme is measured by how many reactions it can successfully catalyse per unit time. See Enzyme activity
- The enzyme's efficiency depends on its affinity for its target, its specificity for that target, the chance it has of performing its function before letting go, and it's ability to let go once its function is performed. There's a lot of randomness in chemistry. Enzymes often aren't the perfect machines they're imagined to be.
- A particular function (eg that of a topoisomerase) can often be performed by an enzyme with a different apparent purpose (eg RNA enzymes can also have affinity for DNA)

Evolutionary science concepts:
- The last common ancestor means the most recent shared descendant. Eg, the last common ancestors of me and my cousin is two of our grandparents. So last common ancestors are not original forms.
- Evolutionary biology does not rely on a number of codependent functions appearing simultaneously.

Enzyme evolution:
- New improved enzymes are (almost?) always slight modifications or combinations of existing enzymes
- The first organism to use a new improved enzyme does not need it. Ie the new enzyme makes an existing process more efficient.
- The first organism to use a new improved biomolecular process does not need it. Ie the new process makes the organism more successful.
- The first time a beneficial new biomolecular process occurs is always a serendipitous result of existing mechanisms.
- From then on, marginal improvements in the process drive marginal improvements in enzymes, always with the possibility of serentipitous new processes emerging from interactions of existing enzymes.

And science in general:
- Speculation is a natural and necessary part of scientific investigation, along with subsequent investigation of the compatibility of speculations with observations.
Last edited:
Summary of the summary:

The first organism to use a topoisomerase did not need a topoisomerase.

From an evolutionary perspective, there was no very first time that DNA supercoiled.

So your entire approach there is irrelevant, because you haven't bothered to acquaint yourself with the basics of the topic you are attempting to discuss.

can you at least tell me why there was not a first time dna supercoilded?
since dna obviously do ot from its inception, surely it would have too have done so fir the first time at some point. And my whole approcah is not irrelevant since that is not my only approace. Im trying to find out is the evolution of this enzyme via evolutinos mechanisms plausible. thanks
If i got the quote thing wrong sorry!!

Type I topo uses no ATP.

yes, but infact certain topo 1's do need it to stimulate its function as i read here.. at the beginning of the abstract!. and of course we cannot overlook the fact that(and i havent found the reason anywhere, maybe we simply don't know?) it has to arrive "on site" at the right times during the cell cylce and after it performs the nick in DNA it must then at the end of replication seal it at the right time. do you have any idea how topo's are transfered to the sight needed?

And of course, whether or not the first gyrase needed energy is besides the point, what iceaaura(user) doesnt seem to understand is there indeed must have been a first time DNA supercoiled, and if, as you say, topo may have come from a modified enzyme that perfomred other functions, is it realistic to suggest that this was co opted at the "right time".[/quote]

- DNA can be replicated without topisomerase if it is not ring DNA, and if it is not bound to another structure like a histone. I suspect that the length of the chain is also relevant, with supercoiling likely to result if the chain is too long (how long? dozens of full turns? hundreds? thousands?) I think that the longer the double helix, the more likely it is to build up twisting tension to the point of supercoiling.

first off, I'm obviosly not alluding to DNA's that do not need a gyrase function(though i havent personally come across that yet).
it wouldnt actually be so much down to the size of the helix or how many turns(that certainly would have an impact), but even short dnas need first to be opened up ahead of the replication fork by helicases for access to bases, and its the action of these helicases before and behind the replication fork that actually brings the need for topo, becuase as they unwind ahead, supercoiling insues further still ahead, and topo is then "recruited" at a particular point in the cell cycle!
Indeed without topo 2 chromosnes would not be able to untangle before replication, so do we suggest that the first replicaing chromosomes of considerable density just happened to have topo 2 at the ready?

Enzymes in general:
- The efficiency of an enzyme is measured by how many reactions it can successfully catalyse per unit time. See Enzyme activity
- The enzyme's efficiency depends on its affinity for its target, its specificity for that target, the chance it has of performing its function before letting go, and it's ability to let go once its function is performed. There's a lot of randomness in chemistry. Enzymes often aren't the perfect machines they're imagined to be.
- A particular function (eg that of a topoisomerase) can often be performed by an enzyme with a different apparent purpose (eg RNA enzymes can also have affinity for DNA)

first off, i would highgly suggest not to keep using wikipedia as your main source as i have found it very unreliable on many many issues and would rather look at a textbook or available paper. Of course i always check wiki anywho because it is still full of much correct info i simply wouldtn rely on it thats all!

when you say theres alot of randomnes to chemistry, that is true, but the cell is a quite different ball game, it is ordered beyond belief, The cell cycle alone is enough to make one awe at the startling solutions, accuracy, efficiency(proteins are recycled and reused!), timing, co ordination and maintanance present within. Yes, the cell is not simply chemistry, it is orderd to an extent far beyond what we could have ever imagined looking through our early microscopes!! it is like a city among a landscape, made of the same stuff, but clearly highly ordered, specialised and purposeful, so i dont really see your remark as relevant.

Do you think there is randomness in the perfecly timed separation of sistar chromatids at the correct time in teh the cell cylce? or that, in order for this to occur, the cohesins holding together the chromatids must be destroyed by other multisub enzymes at the exact right time for replication to happen at all? this is not random chemistry, but, somehow, a cosmically ordered symphony of endless parts! and no I'm not inferring god, just that a huge mystery confronts us!!

Evolutionary science concepts:
- The last common ancestor means the most recent shared descendant. Eg, the last common ancestors of me and my cousin is two of our grandparents. So last common ancestors are not original forms.
- Evolutionary biology does not rely on a number of codependent functions appearing simultaneously.

yes i know, thats why i said the last common ancestor of archea and bacteria, do you think what you said makes it anymore likely for a gyrase function was present in this early organism?

Enzyme evolution:
- New improved enzymes are (almost?) always slight modifications or combinations of existing enzymes

well I havent yet studied the evolution of enzymes as much as function so I'll have to look into that! That doesnt make the corectly timed modifications any more viable to envision the then the creationists model since your stil relying on pure chance events to coincide with "need", when i say taht i mean it in a mechanical abstract sense. it "needs" somethign at a particular time otherwise replciation cant continue.

- The first time a beneficial new biomolecular process occurs is always a serendipitous result of existing mechanisms.
- From then on, marginal improvements in the process drive marginal improvements in enzymes, always with the possibility of serentipitous
new processes emerging from interactions of existing enzymes.

it seems like your talking from experinece? have you seen this occur?
I think you are simply stating evolutions predictions here but i could be wrong,

[/quote]And science in general:
- Speculation is a natural and necessary part of scientific investigation, along with subsequent investigation of the compatibility of speculations with observations.[/quote]

indeed it is, and i would never disagree, only with overextendiNG those powers and participating in pure imagination.

The theories involved account for the patterns in the changes, in the traces of the past changes, and so forth.

If you care about understanding them.

But since you don't, and are simply engaged in abusing the forum with bad faith objections to things you don't bother to honestly consider or comprehend, the insights available from the great theories of life on earth are not available to you.

WOW, i honestly didnt expect this kind of close mindedness here, i made it quite clear that i am neither a creationist nor tryign to disprove evolution. Only to question it and to learn and challenge my own beliefs, becuase if i am not debated i will just go on comfortably believing such and such without other opinions on the matter!

I do not make "bad faith objections", i simply see the evidence and question it, like we should all do! if I can be convinced i am happy to be so.
and to assume I havent studied it is a huge mistake, since i am indeed and have been engaged deeply now for over a 2 year period.
again, you have neither rebutted nor explained anything, rather you have taken a lazy way out, so i hope you will reconsider your views about me and your reply.
I dont think its so much if we define it as good or bad but rather if we define it as a direction at all. How can a blind process have direction?

It's not blind. It goes in a very specific direction, the direction which allows animals to produce the most offspring.

it doesnt move "towards organisms most likely to reproduce", becuase it dosent move towards anythign, they are simply the results of a blind process

I don't get this. I mean, sonar is certainly a "blind" process; it has no goals and no intent. But bats navigate quite well using it.

It's not blind. It goes in a very specific direction, the direction which allows animals to produce the most offspring.

I don't get this. I mean, sonar is certainly a "blind" process; it has no goals and no intent. But bats navigate quite well using it.

huh? thats not exactly an analogy for a long process of blind modification?
and waht do you mean its "not blind"? it has no goal and no direction, only results? the only direction it could have is the abstract ones you apply to it.

but anyway, its a mincing of words and the fact is evolution is blidn in the sense that it is unguided.
zenith said:
can you at least tell me why there was not a first time dna supercoilded?
It's too complex an arrangement to have appeared in one step, suddenly, from no precursor behaviors or arrangements.

At least, that's what evolutionary theory grounds on. If you are discussing evolutionary theory, you begin by understanding that it specifically excludes the necessity or likelihood of a "first" anything complex.
zenith said:
since dna obviously do ot from its inception, surely it would have too have done so fir the first time at some point.
Not according to evolutionary theory. There is no "inception" of DNA, no "first time" for things like supercoiling, and so forth.
zenith said:
And my whole approcah is not irrelevant since that is not my only approace. Im trying to find out is the evolution of this enzyme via evolutinos mechanisms plausible.
It is your whole approach here. And it reveals that you have no idea what the Darwinian theory of evolution states, or how evolution works according to its formulations. So you have no hope of determining its plausibility in any situation, let alone one like this.
zenith said:
, i made it quite clear that i am neither a creationist nor tryign to disprove evolution.
You are abusing the forum with creationist bilge. I don't really care what label you apply to yourself or the many, many other people who have come here and done that. It's rude, and mindbogglingly arrogant. Do you think you are the first? Go to some site like talkorigins, and you will find everything you have posted here in their FAQ file.
zenith said:
I do not make "bad faith objections", i simply see the evidence and question it,
No. You simply regurgitate garbage from creationist blogs. You see nothing for yourself, and do not comprehend the nature of "evidence" in the discussion of matters you do not understand.
zenith said:
and to assume I havent studied it is a huge mistake, since i am indeed and have been engaged deeply now for over a 2 year period
You have posted nothing here but nonsense and silly mistakes we all recognize from creationist websites. You quite obviously have not studied evolutionary theory - it is not found on the creationist blogs that are your only sources, for one thing, and you keep making very basic, rock bottom, simple errors in description and analysis and assertion, for another.
zenith said:
becuase if i am not debated i will just go on comfortably believing such and such without other opinions on the matter
As long as you do that elsewhere, no loss. What you are doing here is not "debate", and I see no reason to pretend you are actually here to learn anything.
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For instance, i recently found on a creationist sight a very intersting article on the apparent problem of chirality in terms of an natural cause for abiogeneiss. I have since done the reserach and have yet to see a senseible argumetn to account for the chirality of boht dna and amino acids. Its quite a predicamnet for any abiogenesis model...
Again, this issue is a non-starter.

Carbon rich meteorites have been found to have an excess of L-Enantiomers over D-Enantiomers in carbon rich meteorites, and there are several explanations that have been proposed for this observation - including circularly polarized light as a result of supernovae.

However, recently, the observation was made that the greater the enrichment of L-isovaline in these meteorites, the greater the amount of water alteration that appeared to have taken place. This is important to note because, at least in the case of isovaline, L-isovaline is slightly less soluble in water than D-isovaline.

Here is a paper from 2009 discussing the discovery of excess L-Isovaline in the Murchison Meteorite and the Orgueil Meteorite.
Enrichment of the amino acid L-isovaline by aqueous alteration on CI and CM meteorite parent bodies

And here's a NASA press release (there will be a paper associated with it somewhere, I simply lack the time to track it down) that exteds the initial findings to a wider range of meteorites.
More Asteroids Could Have Made Life's Ingredients

So, like the fixable nitrogen issue, this issue is a non-starter. You'll also note that there's an extra added layer of parsimony in all of this (to put it one way) in that the excess of L-Amino acids has come from the same source as the ammonia - indeed, they've both been found in the same meteorite.

Again, this issue is a non-starter.

Carbon rich meteorites have been found to have an excess of L-Enantiomers over D-Enantiomers in carbon rich meteorites, and there are several explanations that have been proposed for this observation - including circularly polarized light as a result of supernovae.

However, recently, the observation was made that the greater the enrichment of L-isovaline in these meteorites, the greater the amount of water alteration that appeared to have taken place. This is important to note because, at least in the case of isovaline, L-isovaline is slightly less soluble in water than D-isovaline.

Here is a paper from 2009 discussing the discovery of excess L-Isovaline in the Murchison Meteorite and the Orgueil Meteorite.
Enrichment of the amino acid L-isovaline by aqueous alteration on CI and CM meteorite parent bodies

And here's a NASA press release (there will be a paper associated with it somewhere, I simply lack the time to track it down) that exteds the initial findings to a wider range of meteorites.
More Asteroids Could Have Made Life's Ingredients

So, like the fixable nitrogen issue, this issue is a non-starter. You'll also note that there's an extra added layer of parsimony in all of this (to put it one way) in that the excess of L-Amino acids has come from the same source as the ammonia - indeed, they've both been found in the same meteorite.

the nitrogen thing, your right, from my ponint of view it seems to be one less issue to contend wtih in terms of abiogenesis!(not that i have yet seen anythign plausible).

but the chirality question is a whole lot stranger and much deeper.
That metorite was an excess of left over right, what does that prove, ti shouldnt be used as evidence for anything. How does having a slight excess mean that you will end up with 100 percent, but the strangest thing is that its ALL left for dna and ALL right for amino acids(or vice versa)..and even putting in a left to a right system can prevent proper folding of proteins.

I am no expert on this issue yet, but i simply have seen no real explanation. I really dont see what this meteorite is supposed to prove becuase even in the theoreticl prebiotic soup we would not see exactly 50 50 R and L, there would be concentration gradients, but nothing that is 100 percent.
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