Democracy in Action!

Should Bowser be banned?

  • Yea

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Nay

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Valued Senior Member
Hey, I don't want to be a burden, and I understand we disagree quite often. So I'm gonna put my head on the chopping block and let you decide.

I've been around this forum for years. In that time I've enjoyed the banter that we have shared. Though we disagree, I still appreciate the interaction that you have offered, and I don't mind saying I have been wrong at times. Anyways, perhaps it's time to move on and search for other avenues to express my opinions, thoughts, and feelings. Thanks again for the forum.

What I'm thinking is a Yea or Nay vote. Yea, I ask Tiassa to ban my account and never post again. Nay, I continue to return from time to time and piss you off. If banned, I still might check on the forum to see what you're doing, but I won't bore you with my mundane posts ever again.

I will check this thread in a few days to watch its progress.

PS: I do believe Trump will win in 2020, not because I want it to happen, but because the Democratic Party will make it happen.

PS: I do believe Trump will win in 2020, not because I want it to happen, but because the Democratic Party will make it happen.
The Republican Party will make it happen, you mean.
The Republican voter is an adult, presumably. "The Democrats made me do it" stopped being an excuse around age 10 - fifth grade.
Maybe just take a break, Bowser. Sometimes, that can be a good thing.
and I don't mind saying I have been wrong at times.

so you are going to hang your hat on the anti abortion issue because ... ?
because you dont want ?
dont want what ?
dont want people to know how you really feel about the subject ?

dont want people to know your a Republican party voter ?

you want to try and swing the direction of the debate from the inside and then get all prissy about being called out on it.
you want to offer comparative ideological realities but do not wish to reason your opinion or offer moral comparatives in absolute human value to the individual ?
but you think democracy is important ... ?

some things hurt you the longer you hold on to them
the longer you hold on the more they hurt you
instead of throwing the world away to prove you never let go, why not consider letting go of the thing that hurts ?

the battle for wining and losing sits only in your own mind.
that impasse to define your self in the outside process is your own process of personal freedom.

burn your bridges if it makes you feel better
but dont blame it on the people canoeing past.

The premise of your objective reality defines its self to become that which it opposes
you have been sliding that way for some weeks.
you know that...thats just the swings and roundabouts of feelings and emotions and trends and fashions.
you can no more hold on to that as you may hold on to the ocean
you cant control it. no one can.
According to our site rules, this thread would be shut down if it hadn't been posted by its subject. Calling for somebody else's banning, or starting a thread to campaign for it, is not allowed.

Given that Bowser himself has decided to put his membership to the vote, we're in a different situation.

I suppose we have to take this seriously and assume it is not just grandstanding.

So, the poll will be open for the next 7 days and we'll abide by the result, unless Bowser changes his mind before the poll closes. Let me know if you do, Bowser.

There's no way to tell if this will be a popularity poll, or whether people will vote based on other factors. I will not vote in the poll.
I'm in no position to judge whether and how often Bowser has breached the forum rules.
That should be the only cause of banning, and it should be decided by a moderator who's kept track and knows his record.
If we wanted membership open only to people we like, we'd have joined a brunch club.
OTH, I won't bar the door if he wishes to leave.
Now, let's play "Who gets voted off the island?"
i have worked and socialised with borderline narcissist([ic] personality disorder)s
its like having a 5 year old child holding your car keys threatening to run out in traffic[but in an adult body].

if its not sexual, then it is sympathy or complete godly devotion(like a cult leader)

i find it all very distasteful & inspires me to be a serial killer
I must say, I've really never understood the whole "burn your bridges" act. Unless it's an addiction and you don't trust yourself to stay away, you ought to be able to go away for a while but leave it open in case you ever decide to come back.
Hey, I don't want to be a burden, and I understand we disagree quite often. So I'm gonna put my head on the chopping block and let you decide.

I've been around this forum for years. In that time I've enjoyed the banter that we have shared. Though we disagree, I still appreciate the interaction that you have offered, and I don't mind saying I have been wrong at times. Anyways, perhaps it's time to move on and search for other avenues to express my opinions, thoughts, and feelings. Thanks again for the forum.

What I'm thinking is a Yea or Nay vote. Yea, I ask Tiassa to ban my account and never post again. Nay, I continue to return from time to time and piss you off. If banned, I still might check on the forum to see what you're doing, but I won't bore you with my mundane posts ever again.

I will check this thread in a few days to watch its progress.

PS: I do believe Trump will win in 2020, not because I want it to happen, but because the Democratic Party will make it happen.

You need to go stand in the corner for awhile and think about what you've done! Yea.
Don't worry you won't be leaving, some here are pulling out all the stops socks to make sure you stay.
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