Could Jupiter become a second Sun?

So then at a diameter of 126,000 miles still not enough?


Jupiter's diameter is 88,800 miles

I would say def. not.

However a calculation needs to be done for calculation of mass of jupiter as though it had its diameter increased to 126,000 miles from 88,800 miles
Its clear you do not have the skill to find such out for your self, i have nothing to prove, it is just a mere inference.

Wrong, wrong - I have no interest in looking for things that do not exist!!

You claim the things I listed (from your statements) exist - either show that they do or go away.
Well i assume that it would have to be nearly arsenic, or gallum for the mass to met the stated requirement.

The defintion of 126,000 miles as a diameter was attributed to the atmosphereic diameter that juptier should have given it current distance from the sun. correct jupiters diameter is not 126,000 miles and so it is assume that juptiter may have lost atomsphere in a magnetic pole reversal or other event, it was also suggested that juptier may have been a small sun that burned its atmosphere off becomeing a gas giant, perhaphs a red dwarf acting as sols compaionion star.

what would you say dragon

Well i assume that it would have to be nearly arsenic, or gallum for the mass to met the stated requirement.

The defintion of 126,000 miles as a diameter was attributed to the atmosphereic diameter that juptier should have given it current distance from the sun. correct jupiters diameter is not 126,000 miles and so it is assume that juptiter may have lost atomsphere in a magnetic pole reversal or other event, it was also suggested that juptier may have been a small sun that burned its atmosphere off becomeing a gas giant, perhaphs a red dwarf acting as sols compaionion star.

what would you say dragon


not enough information to calculate such.
Ok Dragon

does it exist as a possbilty that a satlite of jupiter maybe composed of nuclear material, and being 2Km in diameter could fall in a erratic orbit and detonate destroying jupiter.

your brief assement would be apppreciated

not enough information to calculate such.

There's more than enough to refute his silly ideas. If Jupiter HAD once been a sun, it would not have "burned out" and left so much fuel behind. Also, it WOULD have left a massive amount of heaiver elements - the byproducts of fusion.

And there's absolutely no physical way it could have lost mass due to a magnetic reversal. Magnetic reversals are just another of his pet ways of explaining things that need no explaination at all.

Everything he's said is just plain goofy. There's no truth in any of it - not one little bit.
I heard you say alot about to much amss left behind could you please provide some proof to that.

Believeit or not read only you meathod of disscussion is one of the dumbest.

I heard you say alot about to much amss left behind could you please provide some proof to that.

Believeit or not read only you meathod of disscussion is one of the dumbest.


I said no such thing - I said a lot of FUEL left behind!!! Can you not even read?? Since you obviously aren't into heavy reading, here's a little short reference of proof for you:

See? I'm able to back up what I say. Too bad that you cannot do the same, isin't it?? :bugeye:
There's more than enough to refute his silly ideas. If Jupiter HAD once been a sun, it would not have "burned out" and left so much fuel behind. Also, it WOULD have left a massive amount of heaiver elements - the byproducts of fusion.
I'm not saying Dwayne's ideas could be correct, but you seem to focus on main sequence stars like our sun. Smaller Brown Dwarfs are about the same diameter as Jupiter, but at least 13 times as massive. Brown Dwarfs cannot fuse ordinary hydrogen, but they can fuse deuterium for a period of time until it is used up. The ordinary hydrogen would still be left once it burned the deuterium. But if Jupiter had once been a brown dwarf, how could it lose most all of its mass and still retain so much of the light hydrogen?

Buy the way, diameter is not a good criteria for describing whether a body is a planet or a star. After all, white dwarfs are about the size of the Earth and neutron stars are only are few miles in diameter. Mass, and the method by which the body formed, is generally used, but there have been some objects discovered that don't fit into either catagory.

I'm not saying Dwayne's ideas could be correct, but you seem to focus on main sequence stars like our sun. Smaller Brown Dwarfs are about the same diameter as Jupiter, but at least 13 times as massive. Brown Dwarfs cannot fuse ordinary hydrogen, but they can fuse deuterium for a period of time until it is used up. The ordinary hydrogen would still be left once it burned the deuterium. But if Jupiter had once been a brown dwarf, how could it lose most all of its mass and still retain so much of the light hydrogen?

That's correct and exactly my point.

Buy the way, diameter is not a good criteria for describing whether a body is a planet or a star. After all, white dwarfs are about the size of the Earth and neutron stars are only are few miles in diameter. Mass, and the method by which the body formed, is generally used, but there have been some objects discovered that don't fit into either catagory.

That's correct also - and is exactly why I haven't even bothered addressing his silly notion about physical size.

It's nothing more than his usual nonsense - like hollow planets! - because he does not even understand simple gravity and pressure. What a shame!
Jupiter is too small to become a star. It's gravitational field, while substantial, is still insufficient to ignite a nuclear fusion process at its core. For that to occur, Jupiter would have to be about 10 x larger than it is, and even then it would be a pretty wimpy star.
And any idea when our current sun is going to die?

The Pomo tribe of Native Americans ......... tell a story about a bear who goes out for a stroll along the Milky Way. Soon Bear met up with the Sun and the two began to argue about who would move out of the other's path. The argument turned into a fight, which was represented by an eclipse of the Sun. Eventually the Bear continued along his way, but soon met up with the Moon, the Sun's sister. Again, an argument ensue about who would move over and again the argument turned into a fight. Now there was an eclipse of the Moon. After the eclipse Bear continued on his way along the Milky Way and the cycle repeated.

That's what's happened up to now, but what if that bear whacks his big paw at the Sun and kills him?
No though large it doesn't have the elements to do so. But then some Gas Giants we found our Brown Stars(Small Stars) But Jupiter is tiny. Comparing to other Gas Giants we found you can't even compare. So no. To have a star it needs to start as a star. It can't become one. Though I hear that it does expel radiation of its own.
Jupiter cannot become a star because it lacks the mass required to undergo nuclear fusion. Due to the physical conditions required to 'start' nuclear fusion (sufficient temperature and pressure), objects below a certain mass cannot become stars. This threshold is about 0.08 solar masses. Jupiter's mass is about 0.0009 solar masses. In other words, an object would need to have about 70-80 Jupiter masses to undergo nuclear fusion, otherwise you get a 'brown dwarf':

Jupiter will therefore never become a star like the Sun. That is, unless you get something very exotic happening, like intelligent aliens contriving to make the planet collapse in on itself (like the scenario outlined in Arthur C Clarke's 2010 novel).
Perhaps a more interesting question would be, under what circumstances could Jupiter become a star?
Jupiter will therefore never become a star like the Sun. That is, unless you get something very exotic happening, like intelligent aliens contriving to make the planet collapse in on itself (like the scenario outlined in Arthur C Clarke's 2010 novel).

Would you need certain elements though? Of course from what I gather Jupiter has almost all it needs to become a star. Except mass.
How much mass will Jupiter pick up when the sun goes nova or will it loose mass?

Well from what I learned(Which isn't much cuz I am 15). If there is a lot of radiation the atmosphere can be slowly striped off the planet... more like out of but still xP