21 years for 77 lives, congrats Norway!!!


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member

The Norwegian mass murderer after being judged sane, was sentenced to 21 full years!! But wait, there is more! He has to serve at least 10 years, so theoretically he could be out by 2022....

Now THAT'S what I call justice!!!

[sarcasm mode off]

And let's give him a platform too:

"Thirty-three-year-old Breivik, who has spent the time since confessing to the killings in a high-security prison wing with access to a computer and his own treadmill, has insisted he’s no lunatic. He’s used the trial to defend his xenophobic views, and said the killings were necessary to protect Norway from multiculturalism."
Yes, I know about the confinement part afterward. Still, this system actually encourages revenge. If the dude gets out after let's say 15 years and I as a father of one of the murdered kid kill him, I will only get 4 months or so (his average), in a nice comfy prison. Not to mention I will be a national hero....

More discussion for those who find Sciforums slow:

The justice systems around the world are may times so far off base that we sometimes forget just how great our system of justice is here in America for the most part. True there are times when even here in America our justice system gets it wrong but those times are few and at times can be rectified.
There is this thing called karma, and frankly he will not walk out of that jail alive, death catches up.

The Norwegian mass murderer after being judged sane, was sentenced to 21 full years!! But wait, there is more! He has to serve at least 10 years, so theoretically he could be out by 2022....

Now THAT'S what I call justice!!!

[sarcasm mode off]

And let's give him a platform too:

"Thirty-three-year-old Breivik, who has spent the time since confessing to the killings in a high-security prison wing with access to a computer and his own treadmill, has insisted he’s no lunatic. He’s used the trial to defend his xenophobic views, and said the killings were necessary to protect Norway from multiculturalism."

Disgusting. Setting aside my belief that some crimes deserve death, this guy should have been -- at the very least -- packed away in a box and never seen the light of day again.

It's the most horrific thing for those 77 people to have been killed and an even more horrific thing that a guy will walk free one day for doing it. Norway is seriously in need of some criminal reform.

The justice systems around the world are may times so far off base that we sometimes forget just how great our system of justice is here in America for the most part. True there are times when even here in America our justice system gets it wrong but those times are few and at times can be rectified.


There is this thing called karma, and frankly he will not walk out of that jail alive, death catches up.

Rubbish. I mean, yes we all die, but then why did people like Mengele and Manson get to live so long?

If some of you read the provided Reddit link, apparently, the conditions in Norvegian jails are so good, that foreigners go there and commit crimes just to be jailed. No shit... This guy is going to have a better life than I would say 80% of the planet...
look Syzygys, the conditions in Norwegian jails are really good. And now a demonic person will spend his time there. Does this mean the condition in Norwegian jails should become as crappy as those in USA? I think not. It's like saying that the free sex life style tourists go for in Thailand, should be abolished to that of the western world nocturnal sexlessness, just because someone in Thailand killed 70 hookers.
Not necessarily 21 years.
He will be up for parole in 12 years.
Norway is a country that believes in a system of justice.
Justice even for the most evil of its citizens.

On the other hand, after 21 years he will not be released if he is considered a danger.
I doubt he will ever be out of confinement,
who could trust an apparent change of heart in someone proven so wicked and devious?

but should he merit it, he is entitled to freedom.
Norway is a country that believes in a system of justice.
Justice even for the most evil of its citizens.

And I believe in the Norway's type of system of justice.

"Norway is a unified state in which
governmental power is divided between the
judiciary, executive and legislative branches,
each of which are mutually independent. The
executive branch is made up of the King and
members of the Cabinet."

Statistics of Justice Systems of the World:
As was revealed when the arrest was made, 21 years isn't really 21 years. Brevik will spend the rest of his life behind bars. They don't have the mechanism to sentence him to more than 21 years, but they do have the means to extend his sentence indefinitely. He won't ever be a free man.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather have a system like Norways than one that locks up drug dealers for 50 years.
Maybe because he's not "muslim" or from muslim origins.

Maybe because he is not a terrorist, he is only a mass murder. :roflmao:
No seriously :bugeye:
One crime or act of violence against a jew, and the whole world is upside down.
Whole massacres in burma against humanity because of relegious beleifs (no not saying so because they are muslims, but because they are humans!).
Maybe because he's not "muslim" or from muslim origins.

Maybe because he is not a terrorist, he is only a mass murder. :roflmao:
No seriously :bugeye:

This is nonsense, Shadow.

If he had been a Muslim, he would have been treated exactly the same.
If he had killed Jewish children instead of Norwegian children, he would have got the same sentence.
21 years is the maximum period before he must be examined to see whether he is no longer a threat to society.
If he isn't a threat, he will be freed. Same as a Muslim would.
That is their system.
look Syzygys, the conditions in Norwegian jails are really good.

I don't have a problem with it, if we agree on what's the goal is. Punishment and/or rehabilitation. BUT! Some people doesn't deserve either. If punishment is the goal, they don't need internet and treadmill... Or they should get punishment first, then rehabilitation. But it looks like there is no punishment in Norway...
Brevik will spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Not true, nobody knows. He could get religion, behave normally, and after 21 years he is evaluated and could be freed.

They don't have the mechanism to sentence him to more than 21 years,

That is their problem...

but they do have the means to extend his sentence indefinitely.

That is called bullshit. They might as well would have given him 100 years and stop the evaluation crap...

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather have a system like Norways than one that locks up drug dealers for 50 years.

Because life is black and white and there is no in between????
I heard that he'll get no Internet, and hopefully that will stick.

It was unfortunate that he had a platform in court to promote his very barbaric ideology and severe lack of grasp of ethics.
Not true, nobody knows. He could get religion, behave normally, and after 21 years he is evaluated and could be freed.

While technically possible, the man said he would have liked to kill more people than he actually did. That testimony isn't simply going to be thrown away. After all, we see murderers eligible for parole in the US get denied all the time. That's basically what will happen here.

That is their problem...

It doesn't seem to be a problem at all, given the contingencies they have in place to keep people like Anders Breivik in prison indefinitely.

That is called bullshit. They might as well would have given him 100 years and stop the evaluation crap...

Again, they don't have the ability to sentence him to 100 years. (Not to nitpick, but neither do we: a life sentence in the US is 99 years) Perhaps you don't view the penal system as a means to rehabilitate, but they apparently do. Obviously a case like this falls outside of the norm, but--as I've said already--they have contingencies in place to make sure these special cases never taste air as a free man ever again.

Because life is black and white and there is no in between????

There's nothing black and white about it. Norway has a different approach to criminal justice than the US does. We punish, they rehabilitate. Considering our violent crime rate is far higher than theirs should speak to the effectiveness of our relative approaches, don't you think?

I just don't understand what the problem is. If he never walks free, who cares how long the original sentence was? What, are you looking for retribution? Jonezing to see him catch a life term? I mean, what's the fixation on this? He's never going to go free.
It's a weird organisation.
A bit like Nazism, but they see the threat coming from Arabs rather than Jews.
They think that Arabs are taking part in some plot to take over Europe.
Plus, they think that it is impossible for cultures to co-exist.

Breivic will not be popular with his fellow "Templar Knights".
He has scuppered any chance they might have had of political influence.
I heard that he'll get no Internet, and hopefully that will stick.

It was unfortunate that he had a platform in court to promote his very barbaric ideology and severe lack of grasp of ethics.

I am not so sure, he might get on internet and make himself a username on sciforums to dispute that.