Does the beer you drink say anything about your personality?


Registered Senior Member
Some beers are dark, others lite. People seem to prefer one over the other. Is there an emotional counterpart to choice of beverage?
i drink white beer, and i drink it because its the only beer apart from becks i can drink! and not get to much of an hangover
I like Mickey's, and I prefer the big mouth bottles. Otherwise it has to be poured into a glass.
Is stout dark??
Mickey's wide mouth! That's the cheapest stinkiest beer there is. What does that say about you?
No, because I've had it too. I'm not stinky, but I am cheap. Are you cheap?

Not cheap, tight. wait, that sounds wrong. I don't like spending money. And Mickey's isn't the cheapest here. Its usually PBR. I like that there is a riddle under the cap, and the bottle is green, and its shaped like a barrell. Its pretty. :D
Not cheap, tight. wait, that sounds wrong. I don't like spending money. And Mickey's isn't the cheapest here. Its usually PBR. I like that there is a riddle under the cap, and the bottle is green, and its shaped like a barrell. Its pretty. :D

oh so its the pretty bottles you go for?? lol