As smart as she is Beautiful

Question: "Recent polls have shown 1/5 of Americans can't locateThe US on a world map. Why do you think this is?"

Miss Teen SC: "I personally believe... that... U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, somma (some?:shrug:) people out there in our nation that don't have maps and uh I believe that our education like such as, South Africa and uh the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should- our education over here, in the U.S. should help the U.S. or, uh, should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for us." *Big Smile*
This is unfair,she was just about to get the answer if they had given her a few more hours and told her what a map was.
My simple answer to the question:
Because they idolize people like her.
My simple answer to the question:
Because they idolize people like her.

Quite so. Dumb is beautiful.

And a dumbed down mob is safe for the leading class. There is no percentage in educating a population to think critically when you want to govern a nation unless your intention is to create a nation on the forefront of critical thinking.

However, jobs requiring critical thinking are not really that abundant in corporate life. So, it is pointless to educate people in this regard.

Combine this with the social movement where dumb is attractive and you end up with something like this video. (thank you for the description - i didn't need to watch it)
And a dumbed down mob is safe for the leading class. There is no percentage in educating a population to think critically when you want to govern a nation unless your intention is to create a nation on the forefront of critical thinking.

However, jobs requiring critical thinking are not really that abundant in corporate life. So, it is pointless to educate people in this regard.

Interestingly, it's all of those "dumbed down" people that keep everything in the nation, and in the corporate world, working. So in reality, all you brainy and smart people should do everything you can to keep those "dumbed down" people happy that your smart, brainy world won't collapse down around your shoulders.

So, .....y'all shouldn't make fun of the "dumbed down" people of the world. They're your saviors, whether you know it or not.

Baron Max
Look at South America as an example. 90 percent are poor there and uneducated for the most part. The other 10 percent rule over them and take everything they want from them. That's what's comming to America. Low education and high poverty, just give it about 10 more years. No more middle class either.
Interestingly, it's all of those "dumbed down" people that keep everything in the nation, and in the corporate world, working.

I will refer you to one of the greatest thinkers of the modern era: Scott Adams

This story made me think about one of the great wonders of capitalism: It is driven by morons who are circling the drain, and yet. . . it works!

Think about all the people working and earning paychecks from companies that will ultimately fail. It’s a lot of people. But until those companies fail, the employees are getting paid, buying goods, and contributing to the economy. After the failure, those employees hop over to another sinking ship, and so on.

Within successful companies, a huge portion of resources are dedicated to projects and products that will ultimately fail. But in the meantime, everyone is getting paid and propping up the economy.

I understand the math of capitalism, and how the few successes are so large they pay for all the failures and then some. But at any given moment, the majority of resources in a capitalist system are being pushed over a cliff by morons. This fascinates me. And it’s clearly the reason that humans rule the earth. We found a system to harness the power of stupid.

In the rest of the animal kingdom, being a moron is nothing but bad. A moron lion, for example, who can’t catch anything to eat, is adding nothing to the lion economy. But a moron human who starts a business selling garlic flavored mittens is stimulating the economy right up until the point of going out of business.
Did she reallly ******* say that?! That was the most halarioius dumb thing i have ever stumpled oo-hon!
Did she reallly ******* say that?! That was the most halarioius dumb thing i have ever stumpled oo-hon!

even if she did say that, it makes her no smarter or less intelligent as she truly is, it all is for a media image...whereas her true self is hidden within her. What we see is a shell of created stereotype everyone expects to see.
whereas her true self is hidden within her. What we see is a shell of created stereotype everyone expects to see.

And she displayed in public that she's dumb enough to accept the stereotype.
Therefore how is she not dumb?

Either she's dumb for answering the question that way or dumb for going along with the "accepted" (according to you) perception of her.
Can't have it both ways.
I can see how the question could throw you (assuming she did not know it was coming ahead of time). I mean you have to be diplomatic, so you can't tell the truth ("I think it's because so many Americans are mouthbreathing morons") and she's no expert on how to improve the educational system.

Hers was an embarrassing answer, but we all have moments when words fail us...hers just happened to be televised and in a sitiuation where silence wasn't an option.

Maybe she is an idiot, many people are not very bright, but I'm not inclined to read too much into just one statement.
Is that why she specified "US Americans" as opposed to the other sort?
Yes. The non-US Americans. Like the ones in Iraq who want to be Americans, but aren't.
I can see how the question could throw you (assuming she did not know it was coming ahead of time). I mean you have to be diplomatic, so you can't tell the truth ("I think it's because so many Americans are mouthbreathing morons") and she's no expert on how to improve the educational system.

Hers was an embarrassing answer, but we all have moments when words fail us...hers just happened to be televised and in a sitiuation where silence wasn't an option.

Maybe she is an idiot, many people are not very bright, but I'm not inclined to read too much into just one statement.
yes, we've all had those moments. She is just a girl still who was put on the spot. She seemed very nervous and the more nervous she got the more she F**ked up. But then I suppose her fumbling attempt to answer a relatively challenging question is another example of an education system which is failing Americans.:shrug:
There's being put on the spot and then there's her.

I can't watch these things... it's just so agonizing. That last portion just made my brain leak out!

Drain Bamage rorevef.