Milky way

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The name of the spiral galaxy which our Solar system is a part of. A ~13 billion year old spinning disk of at least 200 billion stars, about 250,000 to 300,000 light-years in circumference. Scientists have speculated there may be a supermassive black hole in the middle, while others are hoping for a soft chewy centre. (reference needed).

It is predicted that Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda galaxy in three billion years. It's going to be a hell of an event, with fancy fireworks, gamma ray bursts and merging of supermassive black holes (reference needed).

The Milky Way is also a term used to describe the band of light across the sky resulting from looking at our galaxy edge on (reference needed).

Milky way controversy

  • Religious people point out that the earth is flat and stars are noting more than pinpricks in a giant curtain covering the sky. Science has been unable to refute this fact (reference needed).
  • Another theory is that all the stars in the sky are actually an alien armarda fleet comming to conquer Earth(reference needed).

Milky way the comfort candy car

Also the name of the chocolate bar that in Europe is different than in the USA. In the USA that add a layer of caramel on top because apparently they think they are not fat enough yet (reference needed). The proper name of a milky way bar with caramel on top is actually mars bar (reference needed).