Can of beer

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A can of beer (also known as a beer can) is an enclosed cylindrical tin or aluminum container, equipped with a pull tab, and filled with beer. Cans of beer are usually packaged in 16oz or 24oz sizes, and sold in bulk within cases containing up to 30 cans in the USA.

Canned beer sucks

It is a well known fact that beer served from cans is substandard (at best) due to a number of reasons.
The biggest reason is that canned beer is always used by macrobreweries who's flagship products are intended to be produced cheaply, and in large volume (see also: piss). The can itself ruins the flavor by giving it a slightly metallic taste. There's also an effect on flavor during storage and when being served due to constant temperature changes as aluminum/tin is a poor insulator.

One noteworthy advantage of canned beer over all others is that gun owners consider them to be excellent target practice after being vigorously shaken.