Your Greatest Accomplishment?

In your life what is the greatest thing you have accomplished?
Not sure. I saved a woman's life back in 1998; that was probably my most altruistic individual accomplishment. I set world records for largest freefall formations in 2002, 2004 and 2006; those were my biggest team accomplishments. In terms of career accomplishments, probably starting the AirFuel Alliance and my patent work.
Not sure. I saved a woman's life back in 1998; that was probably my most altruistic individual accomplishment. I set world records for largest freefall formations in 2002, 2004 and 2006; those were my biggest team accomplishments. In terms of career accomplishments, probably starting the AirFuel Alliance and my patent work.
Cool. Free Fall Formations? Is that like jumping from a plane?
How many ultimates can dance on the head of a pin?
How many penultimates can dance on the head of a pin?
How many penultimates can there be? Can penultimates be represented as the heads of the hydra?

What's your greatest accomplishment?

Has it happened yet?
Is all your glory in the past, and now, you are just siding downhill into worthlessness toward death?

Do people who ask about "greatist" also want to know: "Who would win in a battle between Godzilla and King Kong?".
...well I am without children. Does this mean I am the ultimate in "evolution"? Does this mean I cannot travel into the future??