Your First drink?

My first drink was my father's white wine when I was 13, so gross I was afraid to even smell wine for years. The first drink I bought was some sort of fruity something or other, on my 21st birthday. My friends all told me I wouldn't be able to taste the alcohol (still scarred from the wine thing at 13 and a few other mishaps my freshman year of college) so I tried it. They lied to me, so I wasted my money.
My first drink was my father's white wine when I was 13, so gross I was afraid to even smell wine for years. The first drink I bought was some sort of fruity something or other, on my 21st birthday. My friends all told me I wouldn't be able to taste the alcohol (still scarred from the wine thing at 13 and a few other mishaps my freshman year of college) so I tried it. They lied to me, so I wasted my money.

go to a bar and order a liquid cocaine...
My first drink was with a friend that got alcohol from some friends of his. Unfortunately it was captain morgan and I found out quickly that you can get drunk badly after 1/2 a bottle and 3 beers. Never had captain morgan after that, it was horrible.
Wow. I notice the dichotomy.. Looks like more (assuming) white kids drink a lot earlier than the average migrant..
Wow. I notice the dichotomy.. Looks like more (assuming) white kids drink a lot earlier than the average migrant..

well this white girl was pressured into it..... still dont like thinking about that night.. most just want to fit in, and everyone thinks drinking is so cool*insert eye roll here* and they want to fit in..
My first ever full drink (as opposed to a tiny sip from my dad's beer) was some microbrew that I don't remember the name of. It was followed in quick succession by a few Miller Lights, some brandy, and several strawberry margaritas.

My first legal drink, after turning 21? Lime margarita. Every time margaritas are included in my night's festivities, I end up with the worst hangover.

darksidZz said:
Unfortunately it was captain morgan and I found out quickly that you can get drunk badly after 1/2 a bottle and 3 beers. Never had captain morgan after that, it was horrible.
I love the Captain. I even had a captain and coke tonight.