There is and has always been only one theory, the one NIST developed using the scientific method(a requirement for being a theory). It is the only theory of worth at all. Nutters only have hypotheses(most of them pure gas, some with chunks and nuggets among the crap), and yes, every body has a butt hole, too. And the whole nutter movement is a mental disease left untreated(you have a right to be wrong, you have a right to your own opinion, you do not have a right to your own facts, nor a right to be taken seriously if you are a nutter). Being ignorant can be fixed, being unable to learn is a real tragedy but willful stupidity should be a criminal offense.
All THEORIES on the collapse of WTC 7 are null and void the only one that is "valid" is the NIST THEORY of the collapse. Please note that the word "valid" does not necessarily mean correct.
If you go up to a tree and shake it a hundred THEORIES of the nature of the collapse through fire alone fall out of it. They are ALL worthless.
There is and has always been only one theory, the one NIST developed using the scientific method(a requirement for being a theory). It is the only theory of worth at all. Nutters only have hypotheses(most of them pure gas, some with chunks and nuggets among the crap), and yes, every body has a butt hole, too. And the whole nutter movement is a mental disease left untreated(you have a right to be wrong, you have a right to your own opinion, you do not have a right to your own facts, nor a right to be taken seriously if you are a nutter). Being ignorant can be fixed, being unable to learn is a real tragedy but willful stupidity should be a criminal offense.