WTC7 - controlled demolition?


All THEORIES on the collapse of WTC 7 are null and void the only one that is "valid" is the NIST THEORY of the collapse. Please note that the word "valid" does not necessarily mean correct.

If you go up to a tree and shake it a hundred THEORIES of the nature of the collapse through fire alone fall out of it. They are ALL worthless.

There is and has always been only one theory, the one NIST developed using the scientific method(a requirement for being a theory). It is the only theory of worth at all. Nutters only have hypotheses(most of them pure gas, some with chunks and nuggets among the crap), and yes, every body has a butt hole, too. And the whole nutter movement is a mental disease left untreated(you have a right to be wrong, you have a right to your own opinion, you do not have a right to your own facts, nor a right to be taken seriously if you are a nutter). Being ignorant can be fixed, being unable to learn is a real tragedy but willful stupidity should be a criminal offense.


There is and has always been only one theory, the one NIST developed using the scientific method(a requirement for being a theory). It is the only theory of worth at all. Nutters only have hypotheses(most of them pure gas, some with chunks and nuggets among the crap), and yes, every body has a butt hole, too. And the whole nutter movement is a mental disease left untreated(you have a right to be wrong, you have a right to your own opinion, you do not have a right to your own facts, nor a right to be taken seriously if you are a nutter). Being ignorant can be fixed, being unable to learn is a real tragedy but willful stupidity should be a criminal offense.


Got any facts Guv?

There is and has always been only one theory, the one NIST developed using the scientific method(a requirement for being a theory). It is the only theory of worth at all. Nutters only have hypotheses(most of them pure gas, some with chunks and nuggets among the crap), and yes, every body has a butt hole, too. And the whole nutter movement is a mental disease left untreated(you have a right to be wrong, you have a right to your own opinion, you do not have a right to your own facts, nor a right to be taken seriously if you are a nutter). Being ignorant can be fixed, being unable to learn is a real tragedy but willful stupidity should be a criminal offense.


Here's my impression of NIST

Bur Bur bur bur dur dur dur dur erm er. Gravity makes things fall

Here's a fact for you.

NIST were forced by the 911 truth movement to alter their report and admit building 7 collapsed at free fall speed.
So what forced Barry Jennings to remain trapped in building 7 before either of WTC 1 or II had collapsed?

Oh by the way the NIST report isn't evidence it is merely what one Government Agency THINKS what happened. How could they know all the material evidence was spirited away from a crime scene. It was ALL complete conjecture, done without ever considering the possibilities of planted explosives. Without ANY evidence to allow them to do so they rejected any investigation that may include the possibility of pre-planted explosives.

The word incomplete springs to mind.

New investigation required which includes ALL scenarios and no pre-conceived ideas.

Anyone got a problem with that, if yes please state why.

better do something because we ain't going away.

I think you should apologize for calling these people Conspiracy Nuts.

So who the nut is makes a difference to the quality of the nuttery? Facts just don't care who you are, and who you are does not change the facts, there are just as many nuts among doctors, pilots, engineers and architects as there are in any other profession, which is a slightly lower percentage than there are among the uneducated masses(education can(and usually does)fix ignorance, but it can't fix stupid). There is none so blind as those that WILL not see, there are none so stupid as those who WILL not learn, and who often actively resist learning unwanted facts(or deny they exist at all). That rabbit hole is deep and the digging never stops. The Kennedy nutters barely die off before another batch come along saying we didn't land on the moon, the Moonies die off and we have the Iranian mess with George the Elder in an SR-71 making a missile deal for them to hold the hostages so Raygun could win the election(left wingers can be just as nutty as the right, just less violently so). Nuttery is nothing new, traumatic events often happen in ways that our psyche are not able to accept, denial is the first stage of dealing with such things. Conspiracy nuts never get any further in their processing of their feelings and apply their intellect to proving their denial is justified. Others actually look at the facts and decide their denial is unjustified and move on.

Fact one: On 9-11 four aircraft of the thousands in the air at the time were hijacked and three were flown into buildings in New York and Washington DC, the fourth plowed into a field in Pennsylvania.

Fact two: There were 12 F-16 aircraft on ground alert(fueled, armed and at the end of the runway)for the entire lower 48 states, four of which made it off the ground between the time the aircraft were reported hijacked and the impacts, none of which were within 100 miles of any of the hijacked planes at the time of their impact. These aircraft were positioned to intercept international flights, not internal domestic aircraft. All radar data other than in the immediate area of an airport(or military base, for that matter)is based on IFF, not "painting" with a radar return, the hijackers turned off the IFF and basically disappeared from the screens. You don't shoot into crowds unless you can identify your target, you tell everyone to hit the floor, as they did(well, the bin Laden family members excepted, of course). The hijackers exploited and evaded all of these things. There is not an impenetrable warplane/missile shield over our cities. You just can not stop a man who is determined to die in his attack if his attack comes as a complete surprise. It is this fact that makes suicide bombers and Kamikaze attacks so effective(all that anti-aircraft fire can't stop all the planes from ramming an aircraft carrier even without surprise).

Fact three: NIST produced the best, most scientifically valid explanations for all of the events that followed those successful attacks. It may not have answered every question, but they have answered them to the best of our scientific ability to do so. Additional investigation will not squeeze a single drop more juice out of that lemon. The fact is that impact and fire brought the Twin Towers down according to the laws of physics, no additional explosives or effort needed or even possible. And it is a fact that damage and fire brought down Tower 7, no additional explosives needed or seen.

The rest is detail. Often misinterpreted.


Fact one: On 9-11 four aircraft of the thousands in the air at the time were hijacked and three were flown into buildings in New York and Washington DC, the fourth plowed into a field in Pennsylvania.

please prove to me that these aircraft that crashed the towers, pentagon and Pennsylvania contained hijackers - or even any Arabs. Please read that carefully before answering.

Grumpy said:
Fact two: There were 12 F-16 aircraft on ground alert(fueled, armed and at the end of the runway)for the entire lower 48 states, four of which made it off the ground between the time the aircraft were reported hijacked and the impacts, none of which were within 100 miles of any of the hijacked planes at the time of their impact. These aircraft were positioned to intercept international flights, not internal domestic aircraft. All radar data other than in the immediate area of an airport(or military base, for that matter)is based on IFF, not "painting" with a radar return, the hijackers turned off the IFF and basically disappeared from the screens. You don't shoot into crowds unless you can identify your target, you tell everyone to hit the floor, as they did(well, the bin Laden family members excepted, of course). The hijackers exploited and evaded all of these things. There is not an impenetrable warplane/missile shield over our cities. You just can not stop a man who is determined to die in his attack if his attack comes as a complete surprise. It is this fact that makes suicide bombers and Kamikaze attacks so effective(all that anti-aircraft fire can't stop all the planes from ramming an aircraft carrier even without surprise).

There were only four interceptor aircraft guarding the whole eastern sector. So says the commander of those aircraft. Your understanding of Primary and secondary RADAR and ATC procedures is seriously flawed by the way.

Judging by your almost unbelievable ignorance on this matter I don't suppose for one minute you'll bother to educate yourself with this but I'll post it for others to view.

Grumpy said:
Fact three: NIST produced the best, most scientifically valid explanations for all of the events that followed those successful attacks. It may not have answered every question, but they have answered them to the best of our scientific ability to do so. Additional investigation will not squeeze a single drop more juice out of that lemon. The fact is that impact and fire brought the Twin Towers down according to the laws of physics, no additional explosives or effort needed or even possible. And it is a fact that damage and fire brought down Tower 7, no additional explosives needed or seen.

The NIST report was pure conjecture. They omitted at the outset that explosives could have been in the towers. When you consider that WTC 7 held records of investigations of illegal financial irregularities then any criminal organization could have targeted the building with explosives thus destroying the evidence. NIST did not put into their total guess any possibility of pre-planted explosives. How could they conduct a proper investigation when all the material evidence was spirited away from the Crime scene against all laws of criminal investigation.

The report is thus flawed. There is also evidence of fraud from NIST themselves.

Oh and just to break with what seems to be tradition on this forum. I have evidence to back up ALL these statements.
Tell me Mr. Monkey...where do you think 9/11 conspiracies come from?

The NIST report was pure conjecture. They omitted at the outset that explosives could have been in the towers. When you consider that WTC 7 held records of investigations of illegal financial irregularities then any criminal organization could have targeted the building with explosives thus destroying the evidence. NIST did not put into their total guess any possibility of pre-planted explosives. How could they conduct a proper investigation when all the material evidence was spirited away from the Crime scene against all laws of criminal investigation.

The report is thus flawed. There is also evidence of fraud from NIST themselves.

Oh and just to break with what seems to be tradition on this forum. I have evidence to back up ALL these statements.

Everything in the above is a bald faced lie.

Tell me Mr. Monkey...where do you think 9/11 conspiracies come from?


From the US Government

I mean who in their right mind will believe that 19 emaciated Arabs took over four aircraft with Boxcutters and flew around unmolested for hours.

I mean can you believe that there actually people around who have swallowed that crap.

And there's not one shred of evidence to back up the story.

Yes I call them Boxcutter Conspiracy Theorists or BCTs for short.
From the US Government

I mean who in their right mind will believe that 19 emaciated Arabs took over four aircraft with Boxcutters and flew around unmolested for hours.

I mean can you believe that there actually people around who have swallowed that crap.

And there's not one shred of evidence to back up the story.

Yes I call them Boxcutter Conspiracy Theorists or BCTs for short.

Explain in as much detail as possible what happened. Are you a no planer? Please say no, and maybe you might get taken mildly seriously, rather than ridiculed.
Explain in as much detail as possible what happened. Are you a no planer? Please say no, and maybe you might get taken mildly seriously, rather than ridiculed.

Am I a no planer? Yes and No.

Shortly after the Pentagon was hit some 'FBI agents' came and confiscated all the CCTV footage of the area. After a long drawn out FOIA request this footage was released. They had 64 (they said so) but they only released 3 (yes three). They said that the other 61 show nothing (let me just repeat that THE FBI say that the CCTV they have show NO PLANE) However NONE of these three they released show a plane either but they do however show an explosion.

So it's official

The FBI say that NO PLANE hit the Pentagon.

It's off topic as this is about WTC7 but the Pentagon strike is very very interesting and what I've just said is not as cut and dried as it seems. Their footage shows NO PLANE but it should if the other OFFICIAL DATA is not fake.

As for the rest watch this.

If you are genuinely interested and not one of those that would rather hide from the truth.

By the way it has just been revealed that a baggage handler at Boston said that what was supposedly American Airlines flight 11 was in fact designated American Airlines 158 - tail number N334AA. Either that or he put the wrong baggage on the wrong aircraft.
Again why not take all the incredible, unquestionable evidence and u tube videos you have to the proper channels and get the official report refuted.
What's that you say???
No one will listen???
That's because as with the WTC towers it's all fabricated nonsense put together by troofers, who in effect are like those reality TV shows....You know, nothing could be further from the truth for either.....
Again why not take all the incredible, unquestionable evidence and u tube videos you have to the proper channels and get the official report refuted.
What's that you say???
No one will listen???
That's because as with the WTC towers it's all fabricated nonsense put together by troofers, who in effect are like those reality TV shows....You know, nothing could be further from the truth for either.....

Michael Meacher - part of Tony Blair's Cabinet and Andreas von Bulow German Defence minister on 911.

former NATO General on 911

Dutch mainstream TV investigation

Better wise up you'll soon become a minority.
Michael Meacher - part of Tony Blair's Cabinet and Andreas von Bulow German Defence minister on 911.

former NATO General on 911

Dutch mainstream TV investigation

Better wise up you'll soon become a minority.

It doesn't change the official, most supported version, backed by the vast majority of evidence.

Since you seemed to have made a hobby of this fairy tale, why not take it out there submit your findings [or whoever's findings] and get them to change the official version.
It doesn't change the official, most supported version, backed by the vast majority of evidence.

Since you seemed to have made a hobby of this fairy tale, why not take it out there submit your findings [or whoever's findings] and get them to change the official version.

What evidence?

Why are you so terrified to put up this "Evidence" on here?

Go ahead and post it.

I'm up for it, you seem not to be. Why is that?
Am I a no planer? Yes and No.

Explain in as much detail as possible what happened. This is your method for debate is it? Sidestep proper questions?

By the way it has just been revealed that a baggage handler at Boston said that what was supposedly American Airlines flight 11 was in fact designated American Airlines 158 - tail number N334AA. Either that or he put the wrong baggage on the wrong aircraft.

If he was supporting the official version, you would say he was lying, as per all the Pentagon plane eye witnesses. But hey, what the hell, a baggage handler put the wrong bags on the wrong plane? My god, send for Interpol, that never should happen should it!
Explain in as much detail as possible what happened. This is your method for debate is it? Sidestep proper questions?

How would I know what happened. I wasn't there. I'm just concerned about the lying SOBs in the Government and the mainstream media who've been caught lying and changing their story several times.

David C said:
If he was supporting the official version, you would say he was lying, as per all the Pentagon plane eye witnesses. But hey, what the hell, a baggage handler put the wrong bags on the wrong plane? My god, send for Interpol, that never should happen should it!

So how do they know that the plane that crashed into the North Tower was American Airlines Flight 11? There were "live Fly" exercises going on that day.
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