"Worship without sacrifice as a blunder", does not underline the need to worship, or need to sacrifice.
It simply puts that if one claims to believe in an idea, s/he needs to measure it on oneself, not others. This is the only way to test the validity of the idea, as well as the sincerity of the person who claims to believe it.
Lack of sincerity is a blunder, I think Gandhi means, because it results as people using belief systems to control others.
interesting. this is how i am wont to interpret the sentiment as well, but i think we may be stretching the definitions of both "worship" and "sacrifice" a bit.
but even when working within the confines of accepted definitions:
wor·ship (wûrshp)
a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.
b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.
2. Ardent devotion; adoration.
3. often Worship Chiefly British Used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors, and certain other dignitaries: Your Worship.
v. wor·shiped or wor·shipped, wor·ship·ing or wor·ship·ping, wor·ships
1. To honor and love as a deity.
2. To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion. See Synonyms at revere1.
1. To participate in religious rites of worship.
2. To perform an act of worship.
sac·ri·fice (skr-fs)
a. The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or a person.
b. A victim offered in this way.
a. Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim.
b. Something so forfeited.
a. Relinquishment of something at less than its presumed value.
b. Something so relinquished.
c. A loss so sustained.
4. Baseball A sacrifice bunt or sacrifice fly.
v. sac·ri·ficed, sac·ri·fic·ing, sac·ri·fic·es
1. To offer as a sacrifice to a deity.
2. To forfeit (one thing) for another thing considered to be of greater value.
3. To sell or give away at a loss.
1. To make or offer a sacrifice.
2. Baseball To make a sacrifice bunt or sacrifice fly.
in short, worship=ardent devotion and adoration; sacrifice=forfeiture of something of value--couldn't this "thing" of value simply be one's time, focus, and sincerity? IOW to actually "mean" it (whatever that
means), rather than simply "going through the motions."
an example:
the inhabitants of summerisle receive a bountiful harvest this season. sure, they did everything that they possibly could to ensure such, but they have little control over such factors as weather. and so they all get dressed up in costumes, gather their musical instruments, prepare food and drink, and make merry--and this is their "worship." the "sacrifice" is simply the time and energy they expend in doing such, and that they feel "obliged" to do such in earnest. is this so objectionable?
of course, had the harvest not been so good, they would had to have sacrificed a fine virgin to the wicker man. i can see how this might be problematic for some.