Honestly, what the crap is with worship?
I was stumbling on the net and ran across this:
"Seven Blunders of the World"
1. Wealth without work
2. Pleasure without conscience
3. Knowledge without character
4. Commerce without morality
5. Science without humanity
6. Worship without sacrifice
7. Politics without principle
—Mahatma Gandhi
Which seemed pretty sensible and in line with some of my own thoughts but on scanning it a few times, point 6 stood out.
Why worship at all?
Honestly the notion of worship disgusts me. I think it denigrates both the object of worship and more, the person doing the worship.
I kind of get it, but only from an analytical perspective like "it's an emotional need" of many people, that comes from "cultural inheritance", basically - though I suspect that it's just a phenomenon of humanity in general. By that I mean, that even today "some are just born with it".
Perhaps it's just something to fill an emotional void in people but people with this void seem... well, sort of pathetic to me. I don't mean that in a cruel sense but more like something to pity, which is sort of cruel itself I suppose. Meh.
The thing is people are what they are and fuck if there's much to do about it, so I suppose even opening a conversation on it is utterly moot besides entertainment value. Perhaps there's something to be learned, but I can't see it yet.
I really loath the notion of worship. It sincerely grosses me out.