Haha, of course this is legend "This, the eleventh tablet of the Epic, describes the meeting of Gilgamesh with Utnapishtim. Like Noah in the Hebrew Bible, Utnapishtim had been forewarned of a plan by the gods to send a great flood. He built a boat and loaded it with all his precious possessions, his kith and kin, domesticated and wild animals and skilled craftsmen of every kind." From this quotation alone, I know that this concoction was a product of envy due to lack of realization.
No, you are missing a critical piece of information. The Mesopotamian story predates the Hebrew one. Not sure what you mean by "concoction". All religion is based in myth, therefore all are equally subject to the same criticism.
The Noah in the Bible exactly gave the number of people inside the Ark and that was 8. And because it mentioned Mt. Ararat, that legend mentioned another location still out of envy.
No, the Hebrews were exposed to this earlier story from the older Mesopotamian cultures.
As I tell analytically, Creation myths were widespread those times because anti-Adamic race couldn't accept a leader named Moses who portrayed outstanding pestilences in the eyes of the Egyptian Pharaoh when Moses was 80 years old already.
There is no evidence that the Hebrew people had any such encounter with the Egyptians. As I mentioned above, there was a Hebrew settlement on Elephantine Island, but it's too far away to have anything to do with the story given in the Bible. Also, there are no records of any such encounters with Hebrews in Egyptian writings. Therefore, in all probability, there never was any enslavement of the Hebrews by the Egyptians. Most likely this is purely a legend, based on some primal fear of the superiority of their neighbors to the south.
It's as simple as a child who owned a toy car and his envious friend says "that toy car is of low-grade quality, mine is superior."
The envy you speak of permeates the Old Testament. Even Yahweh is jealous of other gods.
This creation myths of Enkidu can't survive because it is nonsense copied from the Bible
Other way around. The Bible version copied from the older Mesopotamian myth. You can deduce this yourself by trying to learn how the various legends and myths are dated.
and omitting the existence of giant races
No one knows for sure what that is supposed to mean. It may be a translation error, since "giant" and "great" are synonyms. The "great" people of Mesopotamian legend were most likely the Sumerian Kings. But the Hebrews may have also encountered giant statues and then a legend arose that they were true to scale. The possibilities are limitless. But it's all myth, legend and fable.
because if that Enkidu writer would include "stories of giant races", they can't show skeletons of giants who seemed to be the ones responsible of forming STONEHENGES.
It's just their own local myth. Same with the Hebrews - they have no knowledge of geography outside of the Levant and a few points east.
"Jonah 1:1 The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.”
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah 1
How did the Hebrew people know what was going on in Nineveh? This is one of the great cities of the ancient world, across the river from Mosul, Iraq. And what period of time was this alleged wickedness taking place? Which nation was in control of the city - who was being wicked? Were they Assyrians, Ancient Babylonians, Chaldeans... or any of the many other cultures that controlled the city? It was thousands of years old by the time the Hebrew people even came into existence.
To answer this, go to 2 Kings:
So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh. Most likely they are recalling legends still circulating during the Babylonian captivity. And whether they are lashing out at the Assyrians or the neo-Babylonians remains to be seen. But you would need to learn a little of this history to follow that story, to figure out what they are actually talking about.
As gullible people agree with legends told by fallen angels,
Since the Persians probably invented the myths about angels, doesn't that require a little gullibility to assume that such creatures exist?
this Jonah was instructed by the Almighty God to go to Nineveh. And why Jonah? Of all people existing those days? Think!
If you ask me to think I am going to pound you with facts and information. I am not sure you can handle it. Let's start by learning the history. When is this taking place? Start there, and ask yourself what the Babylonian captivity did to the self esteem of "God's chosen people". Can you imagine what they thought of their captors?
Borrowed from Uragit? Nonsense,
No, fact. You just need to take a class in Ancient History and Mythology.
primitive Ugarit people worshipped gods
It was a lot more advanced than the primitive Hebrew culture, which evidently relied on farming and herding. For one thing it had a written language a long time before they did. And it is obvious that the Hebrew people are related to them linguistically. Most importantly, this traces the origins of the Elohim of Gen 1. it is a reference to the Ugaritic pantheon. Thus the God who you were told created "the heavens and the Earth" in the first sentence of the Bible is not God, but
the gods, the gods of Ugarit.
Uh, no. The Elohim "created the heavens and the Earth". Go read the first sentence in your Bible, and then find the original text in Hebrew and tell me what it says.
How would they write down those legends had it not them told to them by knowledgeable beings[i.e., fallen angels].
Oral tradition. How does any myth or legend propagate?
Remember Rael? that author of Intelligent Design? How could he concoct such stories, had it not been for "fallen angels" who appeared to him feigning to be "aliens" lol.
Uh, no. Intelligent Design is just an excuse for refusing to study the facts and evidence of history, anthropology and physical sciences.
You were deceived already
Speak for yourself. Which of us is referring to evidence?
and you thought all creation stories are simply delusions.
Well, uh, does that mean you agree that the universe was created by the pieces of the slain dragon-mother Tiamat, strewn across the sky by Marduk? You should! Because Marduk is the god who gave Hammurabi his famous book of laws, which were adopted into the Bible in several places, such as the 10 Commandments. So now who is having delusions again?
Here is your God, slaying the Dragon, when he was creating the world. One of your Gods, I should say. There were/are so many:
You stick to the book of Ethnologist Dawkins! I guess, you have similar chimpanzee genes.
And you don't? Aha, so you aren't even human. Got it.
Of course, the Creator will not automatically divulge truths to anyone at any age.
Of course not. Everything has to be guarded since myths need to be protected from facts. But at any point, feel free to go investigate the evidence yourself.
It's enough that He knew the doings of those fallen angels - to confuse humankind.
All of that equivocating and subterfuge will not get you one inch closer to the facts. All you need is to develop yourself. Start studying from accredited academic sources. The truth shall set you free.
That's why He picked up select few.
Nonsense. That is how the Jewish people tried to raise their self esteem during periods of extreme hardship. conquest and failure.
According to Mashable.com 2009 "Most Educational to Follow", Jews are Special People in the sight of the Creator. [
https://esoriano.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/the-special-people-that-are-the-jews/ ]
Well since that has no basis in fact it really doesn't matter. Try reading some history for starters. Try to establish the dates of the Bible passages you are citing and compare those dates to the Babylonian captivity. Work on your critical thinking skills.
"Atheos" is always an evil term from "theos."
That's pretty funny, since it's a Greek term. Socrates was convicted to death for being an atheist, since he only believed in one god. Now are you sure you still want to call yourself a lover of "theos"?
Why? because of envy. Thousand of years had passed, there is still no solid group worldwide with proof-laden precepts of "atheism."
That's ridiculous. Atheism is the rejection of a religious belief in a God or gods. Unless of course you want to use the term in its original meaning, as I mentioned above.