Why Nietzsche?

Why Notzche?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Nietzche is very much a "nihilist" that appeals to people going through the throes of adolescence. If you hadn't noticed, people who frequent forums such as this tend to be adolescents (in psychology if not in age!).
I don't agree. There's more to him than the adolescent rebelion part of God is dead.

I don't know if you have read much already, but there are a lot of educated and intelligent people on the board. There's a thread in site feedback which has a poll about age of the members.

A nihilist? I don't know. He questions everything, but still strives towards an ideal: the ubermensch. Is somebody with an ideal a nihilist?
What happened to Bohemian Nightmare? I was just beginning to have fun.

Goddamnit, I just want to insult somebody.

Nietzche is very much a "nihilist" that appeals to people going through the throes of adolescence. If you hadn't noticed, people who frequent forums such as this tend to be adolescents (in psychology if not in age!).

Like you, kiddie?
in my opinion the reason he is so popular would require examination of the audience who holds him in such high self-esteem, its pretty evident that the ego's on this board border on self-worship so the idea of a superior person graced at birth with the right to rule over all would be very appealing even to the fat little virgin sitting at his comp trying to prove he's smarter than the rest with his thusaurus in one hand and his dick in the other. When it all comes down to it, Nietzsche was wrong, just like all the others, but to admit that would require the deflation of the grand ego-machine that this board feeds
Berkeley, Taylor, Augustine, these peeps had stuff to ponder, fuck Nietzsche
Originally posted by A4Ever
I don't agree. There's more to him than the adolescent rebelion part of God is dead.

I don't know if you have read much already, but there are a lot of educated and intelligent people on the board. There's a thread in site feedback which has a poll about age of the members.

A nihilist? I don't know. He questions everything, but still strives towards an ideal: the ubermensch. Is somebody with an ideal a nihilist?

The American Nihilist Underground Society (ANUS)

In my view, a nihilist is someone who denies inherent value.
Originally posted by >_O
in my opinion the reason he is so popular would require examination of the audience who holds him in such high self-esteem, its pretty evident that the ego's on this board border on self-worship so the idea of a superior person graced at birth with the right to rule over all would be very appealing even to the fat little virgin sitting at his comp trying to prove he's smarter than the rest with his thusaurus in one hand and his dick in the other. When it all comes down to it, Nietzsche was wrong, just like all the others, but to admit that would require the deflation of the grand ego-machine that this board feeds

An excerpt from Modern Philosophy by Roger Scruton.

There are philosophers who have repudiated the goal of truth - Nietzsche, for example, who argued that there are no truths, only interpretations. But you need only ask yourself whether what Nietzsche says is true, to realise how paradoxical it is. (If it is true, then it is false! - an instance of so-called 'liar' paradox) ...A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is 'merely relative', is asking you not to believe him. So don't.
Originally posted by Platipus
An excerpt from Modern Philosophy by Roger Scruton.

"There are no truths, only interpretations" is not contradictory as he is asking you to believe his interpretation. Nietzsche speaks elsewhere and clarifies his theory of truth, partially to evade the linear thought pattern of dialectics.
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Moron? Sweetie, go home... Xev is twice as smart as you'll ever hope to be. And as far as her "misspelling", did you ever think it was a data entry error? Grow up...

Oh fuck off groupie.. everybody is OVER the argument. Try and keep up.
"data enty error" hahaah not likely.
Not that it even matters, who gives a shit about spelling??
You know I will concede that after doing some research on Nietzsche ive found that his discourse is a lot defferent that what i thought it was. I think my main beff is more with alll the maralyn manson obsessed cynics who use Neitzschean philosophy to condemn humanity. As for Neitzschean, i think i was/am niave about him.

PS xev's mother is a roadwhore. :D
"There are philosophers who have repudiated the goal of truth - Nietzsche, for example, who argued that there are no truths, only interpretations. But you need only ask yourself whether what Nietzsche says is true, to realise how paradoxical it is. (If it is true, then it is false! - an instance of so-called 'liar' paradox) ...A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is 'merely relative', is asking you not to believe him. So don't."

Possibly the least intelligent thing I've read in a good while, and I'm in public high school. It was already refuted in this thread nicely but I just have to say that I haven't read the book this guy wrote and I likely won't simply for this quote it is so dumb.

Take a chance and try my fare:
It will grow on you I swear;
Soon it will taste good to you.
If by then you should want more,
All the things I've done before
Will inspire things quite new.
pg. 41

Being serious about truth, --- Being serious about truth: what
very different ideas people associate with these words! The
very same views and types of proof and scutiny that a thinker
may consider a frivolity in himself to which he has succumbed on
this or that occasion to his shame---these very same views may
give an artist who encounters them and lives with them for a
while the feeling that he has now become deeply serious about
truth and that is admirable how he, although an artist, has at the
same time the most serious desire for the opposite of mere
appearance. Thus it can happen that a man's emphatic
seriousness shows how superficial and modest his spirit has
been all along when playing with knowledge. ---And does not
everything that we take seriously betray us? It always
shows what has weight for us and what does not.
Pg. 144

Nietzsche - The Gay Science
[Walter Kaufman translation]