Why Nietzsche?

Originally posted by Xev

Nobody cares.

Wow! You must have an IQ of 160! All Nietzschean philosophy debunked! Watch out Friedrich, some idiot on i-net has ripped the concept of ubermensch into shreds with one poorly spelled and grammatically improper statement! The Will to Power is no more. The death of God is dead.

Gee whillikers, nightmare, what philosopher will you debunk next? Please tell, I am all aquiver.

Friedrich's brilliance as a philosopher was well established before the syphilis began to really set in. Friedrich seems to have willingly forced himself to experience pain for - reasons that you haven't the intellect to grasp. I could explain them to you, but I do not have the patience to type "power through asceticism for dummies" now.

I mean, hell, it'd probably go something like:

"The higher man forces himself to experience physical torment as a means of reifying his power over himself"

but then, it would just be too cruel to make you look up big words like "asceticism", "reify", "experience" - hell, you already have trouble with the word "physical".

I don't know, do they have such complex words in your "Scholastic First Dictionary" ? I don't think they do.

Hahahahah What a sad loser you are.. getting all defensive and haughty over a dead philosopher!
Anybody would think id insulted you boyfriend or something.
Im sorry if my comments upset you.. i wasnt aware there was a policy against offering opinion that differed from that of the pretentious faux intellectual tryhards on this site. It wont happen again. And dont worry, my vocabulary, unlike your gene pool is not at all shallow.
Originally posted by A4Ever

Even if you don't like him, you should be intelligent enough to appreciate his work.

I appreciate some of his stuff. Overall though, i find his philosophy very whiney bitter and cynical. Like the man himself.
Hahahahah What a sad loser you are.. getting all defensive and haughty over a dead philosopher!

Oh, actually I wouldn't have missed the oppertunity to lightly flame a pretentious psuedo-intellectual like yourself for the world.

Anybody would think id insulted you boyfriend or something.

*Grabs shovel*

Who's to say you didn't?

Im sorry if my comments upset you..

That presumes that I care....hmmm, do I care? No.

i wasnt aware there was a policy against offering opinion that differed from that of the pretentious faux intellectual tryhards on this site. It wont happen again.

Holy shit, you have opinions? I thought you were some sort of idiot-bot that has invaded sciforums.

My bad.

And dont worry, my vocabulary, unlike your gene pool is not at all shallow.

Which is why you cannot spell or use words that are not found in elementary school thesaurus'. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Xev

Oh, actually I wouldn't have missed the oppertunity to lightly flame a pretentious psuedo-intellectual like yourself for the world.

I never claimed to be an intellectual. That was you, fool.

*Grabs shovel*

Wow, youre a classy one.

That presumes that I care....hmmm, do I care? No.

Sorry sweetie, your posts sound a little shrill to convey that you 'dont care'.

Which is why you cannot spell or use words that are not found in elementary school thesaurus'.

Does it say any thing in your elementary school dictionary about how to spell the word "opportunity"?? lol what a loser you are. Too stupid to justify youre own pretentiousness. Are you going to stop now.. or shall i just keep making you look like an idiot? This is the most fun ive had all week!

you started it
As far as im conscerned, neitzsche was a sad usless prick who projected his phisical pain onto his philosophy.

She was just defending her favourite phylosopher as you are defending yourself.

Now you are attacking her for it....:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Avatar
you started it

She was just defending her favourite phylosopher as you are defending yourself.

Now you are attacking her for it....:rolleyes:

Thats a girl? Hahaha. Kinda makes sense now.
I never claimed to be an intellectual. That was you, fool.

*Bows graciously*

Excuse me, I pretty much automatically attach "pretentious pseud-intellectual blowhard" label to anyone who uses, well, pretentious pseudo-intellectual blowhard arguments.

How about I classify you better this time? Would "idiot who stumbled in on a philosophical discussion and has no fucking clue what he is gibbering about" work better?

B/W, have you read Nietzsche?

Wow, youre a classy one.

Fuck yes, I just fucking exude civility and charm.

Sorry sweetie, your posts sound a little shrill to convey that you 'dont care'.

Nah, I am like this all the time. Besides, I miss a good flamewar.

Does it say any thing in your elementary school dictionary about how to spell the word "opportunity"?? lol what a loser you are. Too stupid to justify youre own pretentiousness. Are you going to stop now.. or shall i just keep making you look like an idiot?

You were making me look like an idiot? Okay. I think we need to review what sort of mushrooms you have been snacking on...

This is the most fun ive had all week!

Wow.....haven't you ever heard of this thing called "sex"?

No wait....let's hope not, you might inadvertantly reproduce. Scary thought.

But this is fun.

Thats a girl? Hahaha. Kinda makes sense now.

Oh! I see. You don't know the difference between a man and a woman.

Well, to start with, women are generally the one's who say things like "not for any price" and "you've got to be fucking kidding me" when you approach them.

Actually, men probably do this too.
Originally posted by Xev

You were making me look like an idiot?

Well, yeah. Although you had a pretty good hand in it yourself. You berated me like an inane pedant over small spelling errors and then went and shot yourself in the foot by misspelling a simple word like 'oppOrtunity'. And now youve demonstrated your idiocy ever further by misspelling "inadvertEntly". Jesus, it just gets sadder and sadder for you. And funnier and funnier for me. Its almost like im looking forward to your next post just to see what stupid thing you do next. I think that "if you want to discuss bla bla bla, post a thread" post you made summed up what you are pretty aptly; a boring redundant try-hard with an intellectual insecurity complex. The only time i would ever make a thread for you would be for the entertainment value of watching you fall on your ass. Yeah ive read Nietzsche, and as i said, i find him whiney and boring. I dont think his….eh why the hell am i even bothering explaining myself to a tragic case in remedial psychology like you?. Im sure if Fred were here hed be truly ashamed to have utter tripe like you endorsing his works. Have a nice day, Xev :)
*ducking for flames going back and forward* :)

Bohemian, explain for other readers of this thread then why you don't like Nietzsche, but with a little more body than saying that he is boring and all.

After all, that was the question of the first post.

Happy flame war you guys! :D

Oh come on! Don't give up this easily, I was just having fun. Besides, I'm beginning to like you, although your insults really leave much to be desired.

Well, yeah. Although you had a pretty good hand in it yourself. You berated me like an inane pedant over small spelling errors and then went and shot yourself in the foot by misspelling a simple word like 'oppOrtunity'.

Meh, I've made a couple spelling errors. However, I can at least spell most words well, as well as punctuate.

(Gee, I'm so special!)

Its almost like im looking forward to your next post just to see what stupid thing you do next.


Glad you have something to look forward to now...besides spending friday night beating off to furry porn.

Yeah ive read Nietzsche, and as i said, i find him whiney and boring. I dont think his….eh why the hell am i even bothering explaining myself to a tragic case in remedial psychology like you?. Im sure if Fred were here hed be truly ashamed to have utter tripe like you endorsing his works.

Really? What works? I had no idea they taught philosophy in the "special" schools.

Have a nice day, Xev :)

Thanks, you too. :)
Ok Xev,

Oh come on! Don't give up this easily, I was just having fun. Besides, I'm beginning to like you, although your insults really leave much to be desired.

I wasnt giving up..there just seemed to be nothing more to say.
Never the less our argument does seem to be becoming redundant so fuck it.

Ill posts a more detailed theory on why I dislike Nietzsche later on. I got stuff to do now.
Aww man, Nightmare, you are letting down our audience.

*Audience promptly throws popcorn at Xev for not being sufficiantly entertaining*

I wasnt giving up..there just seemed to be nothing more to say.

Except substance-less insults. C'mon, you know you enjoy this.

Ill posts a more detailed theory on why I dislike Nietzsche later on. I got stuff to do now.

Eww, are you implying that you have a life outside the internet? Get away from me, you freak! :p

'Kay, peace and I'll look forward to your critique.
That moron attacked me without provocation

Moron? Sweetie, go home... Xev is twice as smart as you'll ever hope to be. And as far as her "misspelling", did you ever think it was a data entry error? Grow up...