Why is it selfish to not want children?

You can't tell what the babies IQ is going to be. But you can be sure that my children are going to be more well educated than hers.

On average... dew to ther genes... do you thank the IQs of the quality babys from women such as you an Lucy woud have the potential to be higher than the welfare babys from the stupid woman you spoke of.???
Clueless: Do you thank that on average... the iq of the "quality" babys from such women as you an Varda woud be higher than the babys from the "stupid" women Varda speeks of... the women who are drawin welfare checks an breedin success out of the species.???

I have never before considered how apropos your name.

Consider this for a moment? Would it be useful for say an overly self-concerned, overscheduled woman too busy with career to care for her child a good parent? Or perhaps a neurotic? Or maybe the drug addicted woman who changes men every month? Or maybe someone who never thinks about the responsibility of child-rearing as they have child after child while awaiting their welfare check?

Intelligent, educated, responsible, self-aware, healthy, mentally sound adults who are engaged in the world make the best parents and it would be good for society if they had children.

But I can see how you would object to this.
Prevously by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank that on average... the iq of the "quality" babys from such women as you an Varda woud be higher than the babys from the "stupid" women Varda speeks of... the women who are drawin welfare checks an breedin success out of the species.???

I have never before considered how apropos your name.

Now you'r jus tryin to hurt my feelins :bawl:

oK... im over it :) ... but what is you'r answr to the queston i ask above... an then i will be happy to answr the questons you ask me.???

In other words:::

On average... dew to ther genes... do you thank the IQs of the quality babys from women such as you an Varda woud have the potential to be higher than the welfare babys from the stupid woman Varda spoke of.???
I don't have any questions for you.

No one spoke of iq's that is too an arbitrary way of deciding intelligence and it doesn't have anything to do with having good parenting skills nor being responsible and accountable for ones children. There are poor women who are interested in education and character in their children. Again go back and read through the posts. There are those who in no way should raise children (I've known a few and they didn't belong to low income brackets). There is a phenomenon of people who are not self-aware enough not to pass on the worse traits their communities has to offer. Is it best for society to have the healthy and educated reproduce? I would say the answer is yes.
I don't have any questions for you.

How ironic... no queston for me but i willin to answr... an the queston i have for you... you wont answr.!!!

"On average... dew to ther genes... do you thank the IQs of the quality babys from women such as you an Varda woud have the potential to be higher than the welfare babys from the stupid woman Varda spoke of.???"
I'll answer.

Speaking objectively, yes, because I'm pretty smart and my husband is a fucking genius, so unless something gets extremely fucked, I'm going to have some pretty damn smart children.
How ironic... no queston for me but i willin to answr... an the queston i have for you... you wont answr.!!!

"On average... dew to ther genes... do you thank the IQs of the quality babys from women such as you an Varda woud have the potential to be higher than the welfare babys from the stupid woman Varda spoke of.???"

Well it would depend on who my partner is. I am not willing to be a single parent. So when the time comes and I have a partner who is good parent material and my life is set up for it yes the potential is higher than those who put absolutely no thought into it whatsoever.
Actually it is the smart children that are potential for the earth betterment as well as destruction.

evil + stupid ---> pretty harmless (scale of evil effect is small)
good + stupid ---> harmless
good + smart ---> good / indifferent
evil + smart ---> dangerous (scale of evil effect is big) ---> think of Hitler, for example.

So if we see from earth point of view, having smart children aren't automatically good for the earth. ;)
These two (at least) can do an equal amount of damage. Intent has no bearing on destruction.

That is true. Especially if the good & smart ones are used by the evil ones to achieve the evil's objective directly/indirectly. For example, good and smart scientists can make technological progress, but the evil and smart ones are the one who can use the finding for the earth destruction.
Actually it is the smart children that are potential for the earth betterment as well as destruction.

evil + stupid ---> pretty harmless (scale of evil effect is small)
good + stupid ---> harmless
good + smart ---> good / indifferent
evil + smart ---> dangerous (scale of evil effect is big) ---> think of Hitler, for example.

So if we see from earth point of view, having smart children aren't automatically good for the earth. ;)

The choice isn't between evil and good but functional as opposed to dysfunctional. Its about health and productivity. So its no wonder that stable families are more apt to raise stable children.

Is it that you believe Inzomnia that your mother and father and how they raised you had nothing to do with who you are now? Do you think you would have turned out the same person if you were raised by neglectful parents in an unstable home for example? Intelligence is an aid to raising a child but it is not the only criteria for raising a healthy child. Education is a plus to raising a child as its more likely a child will read if there are books in the home by parents who read them, they are more likely to think clearly if they daily see their parents engaged in critical thinking and critical decision making.

We know that children who come from homes where parents do not find any value in education are less likely to strive for it. We also know that parents who do not speak well turn out children who have learn to speak badly. We know that a child who was never taught self-discipline by a parent will have a difficult time adapting to situations or tasks that entail discipline. The more well educated the parent the more a child is exposed to the fruits of that education. The more stable a household the more likely a child will grow up to create a stable household for their children. So who would you prefer to reproduce? The uneducated adult who comes from a dysfunctional neglected background or the stable adult who came from an educated background?
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Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
On average... dew to ther genes... do you thank the IQs of the quality babys from women such as you an Varda woud have the potential to be higher than the welfare babys from the stupid woman Varda spoke of.???"

Well it would depend...


I realize you cant quite brang you'rself to answr... but nevermind... Varda answrd.!!!

I'll answer.


Then not only woud the children from parents such as you an Lucy (on average) have a beter inviroment to learn... they woud also have the edge wit higher IQ's.!!!
Actually it is the smart children that are potential for the earth betterment as well as destruction.

evil + stupid ---> pretty harmless (scale of evil effect is small)
good + stupid ---> harmless
good + smart ---> good / indifferent
evil + smart ---> dangerous (scale of evil effect is big) ---> think of Hitler, for example.

So if we see from earth point of view, having smart children aren't automatically good for the earth. ;)
Brilliant! :)
Its brilliant to equate good and smart with indifference? I always thought the good and smart yielded brilliance.

Not to mention all the crimes committed by the stupid and 'evil' people.
Actually it is the smart children that are potential for the earth betterment as well as destruction.

evil + stupid ---> pretty harmless (scale of evil effect is small)
good + stupid ---> harmless
good + smart ---> good / indifferent
evil + smart ---> dangerous (scale of evil effect is big) ---> think of Hitler, for example.

So if we see from earth point of view, having smart children aren't automatically good for the earth. ;)

That is why I'm saying that IQ is irrelevant. What I've been talking about this whole time is education.
Its brilliant to equate good and smart with indifference? I always thought the good and smart yielded brilliance.

Not to mention all the crimes committed by the stupid and 'evil' people.

Well, the good and smart people from this forum seem to be pretty indifferent when it comes to the future of earth, at least in the making children standpoint, don't they?