Why do so many pot smokers like Eastern religions?

Easter morning:

"Hey dude, that was some trip. Got any more of those crunchy brownis left from the Last supper? Anyone seen my sandles?"

hahahahaha :)

i'm pretty :m: and all my friends just looked at me all awkward cause i started laughing out loud.
*stRgrL* said:

Nag Champa?

Yeah, actually ... I think that's the one. But ... wait. Who had the "Ganesh cones"? Crap, I see there's only a few hundred brands out there. But paint me pink and call me a Cheney, I actually managed to forget about the classic Nag.

Must be the smoke.

lol - since when are indians a race? i thought that you so called 'anti-racists' persist that there is no such thing as race among humans?

I assume you are correct about what you thought.

Me, I think the word racist describes certain people rather well.
The native americans way of life was fundamentally not as convinent as the european ways on almost every level. They didn't have raw economic, military, or industrial capacity. They had a spiritual way of life that still involved vengence, sacrifices and torture, which even a liberal could agree is wrong. They could not function as a sovereign body because they were too busy competing amongst themselves half the time. Europeans definetly don't have clean hands in this issue, but the native americans simply didn't have their shit together!

Then why not just reeducate the Native Americans to their way of thinking to have them combine their resources together in making both reliant on each other. By trying to show that they wanted to REALLY help by education it would have been a lot different today.

Sorry, I know i'm a little off topic, but it bugs me to hear hyper-liberal rants about how the native americans were peaceful people, were one with the land, where the rivers flowed with chocolate and gumdrops grew on trees in fields of flowers before the evil europeans came over. The simple fact of the matter is the native american way of life was no contest to a european peoples who had the combined knowledge and experience of millenia of contact with peoples of other continents and the wildly diverse nations on them. In America, nobody's hands were ever totally clean. Nobody was pure evil or pure good.

But the way the English treated the Native Americans with lies, dishonour and disrespect, that shows us who were the real assholes. The Native Americans only had bows and arrows to use against rifles and cannons , yep that's a real fair fight there.

Nobody on this thread so far as I can tell has earned the title of racist for placing at least some of the blame of the native american's loss of land on the native americans themselves.

If the English didn't come here the Native Americans would still be in charge of this land. True they may not have been as sadistic and evil as the English made this land but at least it would still be in their hands....perhapse.
Nobody on this thread so far as I can tell has earned the title of racist for placing at least some of the blame of the native american's loss of land on the native americans themselves.

One person earned the title for saying the native americans were stupid. Meaning that whites were smarter. This is an intellectual error, assuming that the ability and interest in creating certain cultural artifacts rather than others is a good way to gauge intelligence. Since this error was being used to make a negative judgement about members of another ethnic group (or ethnic groups) it's racism.

The judgement was about an essential quality of that group. It was not talking about historical actions or cultural tendencies. If you say African Americans are more violent, you are talking about essential qualities of a specific group of humans. This is racism. And so were the comments made by this speaker.
hey! I'm a pot smoking buddhist

I just deleted a rambling paragraph for something simpler *your welcome*

Smoking pot is meditation. You become more aware of your thoughts under the influence. Therefor meditation becomes the common link between the two.

Free thinking
philosophic thoughts

those two concepts don't easily fall under Orthodox Judaism, but for Buddhism I'd say they are.

(for hallucinogenics too)
Smoking pot is not meditation. Meditating is like lifiting weights for the mind. If you meditate you will develop above average abilities of concentration/attention/awareness. Meditation can lead to enlightenment. There is not a single person that ever became enlightened by smoking pot. I'm not anti-pot, it's just not meditation.
Take a few bong hits, put on some good tunes, sit back, and let go of your thoughts. Smoking dope may not be meditation in and of itself, but it is conducive to various forms of meditation.

And it's true that the simple act of smoking pot does not bring enlightenment. See the second sentence of the preceding paragraph.
Let me give you an example:
About two weeks ago, I was smoking a spliff at my house, alone. As a natural reaction to THC, my heart beat started getting faster; some people see this as a bad thing, and they experience neurosis or paranoia. But I don´t, off course I knew it was likely that my heart beat was going to fasten its pace, no need to worry. So I started concentrating in my heart beat, imagining that it was the same heart beat of the Earth; not only that, but I stablished the pace in my head on which I wanted my heart to beat. I realized my heart beat was back to normal in less than a minute, I was able to manipulate the pace of my heart, with my imagination. Curious huh?
After I was all relaxed from stablishing a slow-paced heart beat consciously, I managed to meditate for quite a while; I seriously love to meditate in that state of mind.
I guess the question remains, that if smoking pot is the short cut to eastern meditative success, why it appears to only have taken off in a big way with westerners ....
I guess the question remains, that if smoking pot is the short cut to eastern meditative success, why it appears to only have taken off in a big way with westerners ....

This seems like a rash statement. Other People, who have studied the subject, disagee.
.......From China the hemp was brought to India, where its psychotropic characteristics became an inseparable part of the culture of the country. Nowadays about 200 million people in India use cannabis. As the legend goes one day Sheeva (an Indian god) was resting under the shadow of the hemp and he tasted its leafs from curiosity. He liked it and from that moment on the hemp became his favorite food. From ancient times until today the leafs of the hemp are used for the making of a beverage called “bhang”, which is served in India, as tradition goes, to all the guests in the house. In many parts of the country people say that “a feast is no feast, when there is no “bhang” on the table”. Except leafs the “bhang” also contains milk, sugar and a wide variety of spices – from pepper to roses’ buds. In India the cannabis served the role, which the alcohol had in other societies. But some of the religious movements thought of it even more highly. The worshipers of the goddess Kali (the celestial wife of Sheeva) used it in their sexual rituals to achieve complete spiritual and carnal merging with the goddess......
This seems like a rash statement. Other People, who have studied the subject, disagee.
.......From China the hemp was brought to India, where its psychotropic characteristics became an inseparable part of the culture of the country. Nowadays about 200 million people in India use cannabis. As the legend goes one day Sheeva (an Indian god) was resting under the shadow of the hemp and he tasted its leafs from curiosity. He liked it and from that moment on the hemp became his favorite food. From ancient times until today the leafs of the hemp are used for the making of a beverage called “bhang”, which is served in India, as tradition goes, to all the guests in the house. In many parts of the country people say that “a feast is no feast, when there is no “bhang” on the table”. Except leafs the “bhang” also contains milk, sugar and a wide variety of spices – from pepper to roses’ buds. In India the cannabis served the role, which the alcohol had in other societies. But some of the religious movements thought of it even more highly. The worshipers of the goddess Kali (the celestial wife of Sheeva) used it in their sexual rituals to achieve complete spiritual and carnal merging with the goddess......


BG 2.61: One who restrains his senses, keeping them under full control, and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known as a man of steady intelligence.

not much mention of such meditation in the link you provided
I guess the question remains, that if smoking pot is the short cut to eastern meditative success, why it appears to only have taken off in a big way with westerners ....

Do you mean.....
Smoking pot is popular in many countries, particularly in Asia where the practise originated and is still hugely practised. Only in the west is it used seriously as an aid to meditation.
Do you mean.....
Smoking pot is popular in many countries, particularly in Asia where the practise originated and is still hugely practised. Only in the west is it used seriously as an aid to meditation.


any big guru who has come out of india to advocate pot use as the short cut to meditative success did so because they had a western audience
Why was their military in the stone age?
Because they didn't have the resources or knowledge via trade to develop bronze smelting, iron smelting, or gunpowder. Same reason many subsaharan and east island cultures never got beyond a copper age. Limited resources, and limited trade.

Why would you trust the Europeans?
Optimism, perhaps?
it's interesting. Ive been in cultures where weed is natural and looked at as, in regards too its taboo-ity, equally to tobaco or alcohol. So naturally they smoke it just as much as the two examples, and it becomes a routine drug.

But treated as special and taken with meditative purposes in mind is different in many ways.

Surely every experience is subjective, but maybe some western potsmokers like east religion because like weed, both are not mainstream western ideals. Sort of rebellion-reasoning.

grover, I would call almost anything meditation really. Or at least any moment can be an opportunity to meditate. And weed is just a very potent opportunity. Potent because it alters chemicals in your brain quite substantially, leading to an altered reality, and an easier state-of-mind to cross your legs in.

what say ye?