All of which just goes to show that the recruiters are evil a$$holes, and the suicide bombers are naive young men, easily led.
The history of Christianity is also full of incidences where religious leaders led young people into acts that are utterly non Christian. The crusades themselves were led by popes, and were completely against everything that Christ taught.
So Mulsims do the same thing as Christians....
Sorry, but the Crusades were 700 years ago, and the only suicide killers, were again Muslim, Da'wa al-Jadīda
الدعوة الجديدة, but at least they did target only the Leadership, Military and Political.
And no the Crusades of the middle east were in response to a call from the Christian Byzantine Empire, a reaction to Islam, invading their lands, the Holy Lands, occupying them and capturing Jerusalem in 1076, the most holy of holy places for Christians.
A clear response to the expansion of Islam.
The other so called Crusades, unfortunately called such by the Catholic Church, were as a response to the Orthodox and Protestant movements, which rose in challenge to the Roman Catholicism, and the corruption of the Fundamental Teachings of Christ.
Again, there is a major doctrinal difference between Christianity and Islam.
The Protestants forced the Roman Church to abandon the use of force in conversion, and return to the fundamental teachings of Jesus, that Salvation is offered freely, to be accepted freely, or rejected freely, with no sanction, in social status, or forfeiture of life, as a Protestant, I do not want a Bad Christian, (forced) over a Good Muslim (dead), now as my research into Islam has revealed, Yes, until you are offered conversion to Islam, yes you are under no compunction to become a Muslim, but once that offer is rejected, and you have refused the path to Allah, then you come under sanctions for refusing to convert, starting with death, or if a People of the Book, Dhimmitude, and the payment of Jizya, becoming second class citizens in your own lands.
Under Sharia' non-Muslims are not regarded as citizens by any Islamic state, even if they originally populated the land. To deny this, to conceal the truth.
Justice and equality require that any Christian Pakistani, Melanesian, Turk, or Arab be treated the same under law as any other citizen of his own country.
They have the right to enjoy the same privileges of citizenship regardless of belief.
To make the claim that Islam is the only true religion and to accuse other religions of infidelity, and then place legal sanctions against there followers. is a legal, social, and religious offense.
Yes,Christians believe that their religion is the true religion of God and Islam is not.
But does that mean. say for example, in Britain, which is headed by a Queen, the head of the Anglican Church, Muslim subjects should be treated as a second class?
All so in the west Muslims enjoy all freedoms allotted to all citizens of these countries, but in the lands of Islam, Muslim countries, they do not allow native Christians, Buddhist, Hindu, other religions, the same freedom?
In the West Muslims build mosques, schools, and have the right to enter the political arena, also they have access to the media without any restriction.
They can publicly advertise their activities, are allowed to distribute their Islamic tracts freely, yet in any Islamic country, natives who are not Muslim are not allowed to do so under sanction of law.
Why are citizens of the West allowed to embrace any religion they wish without persecution while a person who chooses to convert to another religion in any Islamic country, is considered an apostate and faces death by Sharia" Law, and must be killed if he persists in his apostasy?
Yes, this the 21st Century, it is not the Crusades, and Christians are not doing the same thing as Muslims.