Who is the most mediocre member?

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Sam called YOU a redneck? Wow. Just...wow.
I will happily reiterate your statement of Sam having no idea what she's talking about.

What makes you think Shorty is a redneck? I'm quite anxious to hear this one. Don't tell me to go back and read something either; humor me.

Here I will help you out.

I call 'em as I see 'em. <cowboy accent>

From her posts here, she appears to be a non-churchgoing populist with rural values (anti-nudity, anti-gay, with issues about color and race). She's also highly unsophisticated (I yam wot I yam) and concerned only with herself. Thats typical redneck to me. Me, mine and ours, limited worldview or interest
Here I will help you out.

I call 'em as I see 'em. <cowboy accent>

From her posts here, she appears to be a non-churchgoing populist with rural values (anti-nudity, anti-gay, with issues about color and race). She's also highly unsophisticated (I yam wot I yam) and concerned only with herself. Thats typical redneck to me. Me, mine and ours, limited worldview or interest

ha ha, sams ears must be smoking.
Ohhhhhhh I think I am going to get myself an old pick up truck....some flannel shirts.. and kodiak boots ..knock a few teeth out.....find myself an accent.......Oh and last but not least.......start strumming my banjo..

Since I am a TYPICAL REDNECK HAHAHA.......oh god I am going to tell some ppl I know that someone thinks I am a redneck....Cause I need a good laugh when I see the look on their face.
Here I will help you out.

I call 'em as I see 'em. <cowboy accent>

From her posts here, she appears to be a non-churchgoing populist with rural values (anti-nudity, anti-gay, with issues about color and race). She's also highly unsophisticated (I yam wot I yam) and concerned only with herself. Thats typical redneck to me. Me, mine and ours, limited worldview or interest

i prefer not to make distinctions.
it is time consuming to assign varying degrees of mediocrity to each and every member
no siree

i rather just assign the characteristic to all of you
i tend to joke and stuff and whatnot
but my opinions are honest and heartfelt
you guys are really mediocre
please accept this judgment
embrace it
it is really really true
and the truth is liberating

it is ok to feel like shit too!
being mediocre is the pits

Only on this board would we fight about the linguistic characteristics of the word "redneck".

To use a redneck saying: "Don't make me crack open a can of whoop-ass" to get this thread back on topic. :)
Only on this board would we fight about the linguistic characteristics of the word "redneck".

To use a redneck saying: "Don't make me crack open a can of whoop-ass" to get this thread back on topic. :)

Way to go, now you dont get my other half vote for being mediocre ;)
Ohhhhhhh I think I am going to get myself an old pick up truck....some flannel shirts.. and kodiak boots ..knock a few teeth out.....find myself an accent.......Oh and last but not least.......start strumming my banjo..


You don't need the accoutrements; just open your mouth and start talking :p

Love the use of CAPSLOCK btw, goes right in with the whole jingbang
You don't need the accoutrements; just open your mouth and start talking :p

SAM is just mad that she was wrong.....poor SAM :roflmao:

We should go back to the topic at hand, so you can just put this embarrassment behind you.
So let's see it is okay for you to call me a REDNECK when you have no clue what you are talking about.
Everyone here thinks you have no clue!!

Then you just keep insulting me..........

But I mentioned that something about you in a Burka and I got a 5 pt infraction.

How does that work?
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