Who is the most mediocre member?

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No wonder.:eek:

It appears you are kind of naive when it comes to Americans.

Yeah, lookit all the ones here on sciforums!:D

Orleander to me appears almost East Coast in her attitude, with less of the snotty attitude. :)
Yeah, lookit all the ones here on sciforums!:D

Orleander to me appears almost East Coast in her attitude, with less of the snotty attitude. :)

No, not at all. Most Americans would peg her for a mid westerner right off the bat. The problem is your perception is too broad.
Just FACE IT SAM ...........you have no idea what you are talking about.
Calling me a redneck is way off and makes absolutely no sense.

Sam called YOU a redneck? Wow. Just...wow.
I will happily reiterate your statement of Sam having no idea what she's talking about.

Sam, you might have visited the South, your friend in Alabama, but I'm FROM the South. I even live in Nashville. I see rednecks, hicks, white trash and country bumpkins all the time.

What makes you think Shorty is a redneck? I'm quite anxious to hear this one. Don't tell me to go back and read something either; humor me.
...Most Americans would peg her for a mid westerner right off the bat.....

Not in a million years. I'm an atheist, who is for gay marriage, pro-choice, etc. I definately do not come across as coming from the Bible Belt.
I've met hicks in NY and sophisticates in Illinois.
Hicks and rednecks are everywhere, but they are the worst in the South.
The southern accent is the 'icing on the cake' as far as redneckness goes. Hicks from the midwest and the northern states do not have that accent.
Not in a million years. I'm an atheist, who is for gay marriage, pro-choice, etc. I definately do not come across as coming from the Bible Belt.

Johnny is more Bible belt than you are. Guess where he is from?
Not in a million years. I'm an atheist, who is for gay marriage, pro-choice, etc. I definately do not come across as coming from the Bible Belt.

Dear, you exude Michigan. We're an anomaly.
At least we're not Ohio. :)
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