Who do you dress for?

On what do you base your choice of clothes?

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I avoid fashion. It makes me want to puke. I dress weird. People either love it or hate it. Mostly the latter, but I don't choose clothes, (or do anything for that matter), to impress others. I'd rather wear something that repulsed the masses and pleased myself than the other way 'round.
But if a person wears clothes to annoy others, isn't that dressing for them? Are goths dressing for themselves or for the reaction from others?
I avoid fashion. It makes me want to puke. I dress weird. People either love it or hate it. Mostly the latter, but I don't choose clothes, (or do anything for that matter), to impress others. I'd rather wear something that repulsed the masses and pleased myself than the other way 'round.

post examples please
Not anything I own but this style gives me a little girl boner.



Obviously this isn't doing the housework clothing. If I'm at home doing my woman's work it's just rags and sandals.

But if a person wears clothes to annoy others, isn't that dressing for them? Are goths dressing for themselves or for the reaction from others?
I didn't say I dressed to annoy people. I don't know about the motivations behind Goths' dresswear. They might though.
My own ideals about what looks good.

Oh, wait, I'm wearing something that clings to me and shows my female morphology, therefore I'm dressing like a sex-hungry slut and deserve to be harassed/raped.

(I am a sex-hungry slut, but that's beside the point...:D)
The top dress is something you can't wear any jewelery with, otherwise you'd look like Maude from the Post Office. Just a pair of simple, but elegant shoes
and some Audrey Hepburn make-up and hair. Tiara optional.
But if a person wears clothes to annoy others, isn't that dressing for them? Are goths dressing for themselves or for the reaction from others?

I'm a bit of a goth myself, and yes, I dress like that because it's visually pleasing to me, not to piss other people off.

To assume that other people dress to piss you off is essentially arrogance. Subconsciously, the assumption is that 'I don't like that style, therefore no one possibly could, and anyone who appears to like it is just trying to piss people off.'
i dress for myself:

i wear:


unless i wear some other colour,



i think its important to dress how you feal fit, i tend to wera black mostly because thats what i want to wear unless i am going out with my husband then i tend to dress up a bit,
I didn't vote because I cover too many options.
Some days I'll dress purely for comfort, then other days I might dress up for the ladies, or a function of some sort.