Any account of origins, by this logic, must also be made up.
The big bang theory is an attempt to provide a model for how the universe evolved, not how it was created.
It does not define a point or time of creation only how things developed starting a split second after the process started.
That is the current model and it is made up in the context that a theory was developed and measurements observations taken and made to support what they have made up or concluded.
So no account of origin.
So do you think the heavens and the earth, just are? No beginning, therefore no end?
Well I look at what is available and we have big bang theory, God, but my favorite my own imagined unsupported glimpse of how it could be just before I really don't know.
You can get a feeling that you should chose this or that but being entirely honest we really don't know.
I can live with the realisation that can't know and not inclined to say this or that is undeniable fact.
But as a gut feeling preference I like steady state which implies, in my approach a universe with no beginning, no ending, infinite no top, no sides, no bottom, endless.
But I simply don't know.
Our cosmology may change on some discovery that presents more clues.
It's not a fact that God is a made up character, Alex.
Consider this, If there was, is, a God our sole basis for belief, and read that as opinion, any religion will describe him or her, via the words written by men supposedly inspired.
I say the claim to be inspired is not realistic.
You will say otherwise, that is your opinion you may be right but looking at religions history how man has created God and Jesus and you get back to a custom of respect for the Sun like most things men keep trying to make things bigger better including stuff that should not be there..and a simple respect for the Sun and an excused to party and celebrate.. Well I understand. I can see how the idea developed.
Its an interesting subject if you go deep and stand back all at once.
Nobody was present at the time of the big bang, yet no talks in terms of it being made up. Despite whether or not people accept it.
Well no ones says the big bang is made up but on one level it is made up, conceived and presented by man, but to "make up" the big bang they use facts observations and enquiring method.
So your belief is based on the creation of pots, pans, and fairy tales.
The proposition I make is simple and reasonable.
I believe in God.
Atheist, and, theist.
This is what it boils down to.
Yes but that's not a problem.
I think the recognition of the Sun was good but it got outta hand.
The rest of your post is not only pointless, but silly.
Yes your are probably right but you know me inclined to be silly its not a lack of respect you know Jan, see my attitude is short term cause I bank on only one term, no after life, so no need to be glum. Silly requires no depth of thought and I like to think silly is harmless.