Valued Senior Member
And yet they have Jan.Humans are incapable of creating God.
All reference to God comes from humans.
And look how many they have created made up invented designed.
Thousands .
Various models each invented without recourse to reality.
Invented by humans for humans.
This time the dog didn't do it or the cat humans created God in their own image.
Humans invented God just like they invented Santa, peter pan, the easter bunny, goblins, dragons, fairies, big foot and the rest of the made up characters...all fictional, all invented, all designed to fill the hole in some folks existence.
Have you studied religion Jan, and looked at how it was invented and evolved.
Side step that question or answer it but my money is another side step coming up.
I ask simply to guide the discussion to something that could raise us out of the mud to discuss religion as how it evolved through history, its roll in society and conflict. The roll it played in justifying slavery in the early US.
You know meaty stuff, sensible analysis and well considered conclusions.
Given the enormity of the available evidence where should I start.What is the evidence that supports your claim?
Hang on its you who bought your imaginary friend along why don't you show us all why he is nothing more than made up.
Anything, anything at all, a face on a potato chip and recent miracle.
You should realise Jan that I am always right and that all I say is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.I've learned not take your guess seriously.
Yes more imaginary stuff.I've provided suitable evidence above.
Why don't you boiler plate your evidence so you can cut and paste it each time you are put on the spot.
All of them.Which ones are those?
There goes Alex the crusher.Is this your crushing blow?
You do tend to focus on something and irrespective of any assurance simply stick with it.
I am not going to crush you or has your imaginary friend convinced you otherwise.
Again you insist on thinking your imagination dictates reality even though I clearly rejected the earlier request to teach you a lesson.Are you currently teaching me a lesson?
You may not get it but the audience certainly gets it.
I even think your attempt to raise this non issue borders on not being truthful, with the forum and sadly with yourself.
Fortunately my words are on record for all to see.
You are showing your weakness ... Imaginative invention.Or is is this the calm before the storm.
Sure it is Jan pity you are so imaginative.The anticipation is at fever pitch.
By your definition only.All my discussions are sensible.
In your view only.
I shall not drive home my point BT calling upon the readers to comment but say I did ask form all to put their hands up, yes or nay, to the assertion you make...let me frame the question.
"Do you think Jan offers sensible discussion" yes or nay.
My guess, which you have every reason to trust, is
The Nays have it.
Let's see if anyone quotes me and offers a nay.
So what do you think about a historical discussion on the evolution of religions, creation of Gods and generally raise the bar.
Exchemist is on the right track and I should be engaging in the stimulating discussing his observation but Jan I like you and sincerely would like to keep you entertained and provide you with a platform to perform.
So in closing I am not out to crush you, but I think I have said that, and not out to teach you a lesson and I have also covered that so its up to you to decide if you will dwell on your delusions and caller me crusher, teacher or your all time fall back favorite atheist which title I accept but know this its not important bordering on irrelevant.
I hope you are having fun and wish you a happy and interesting day.