Who Am I: Round 4

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I am pretty new here. I am, in general, an inoffensive poster, but I can get fired up sometimes.

I'm not sure what else to write. So just start asking, and hopefully I can avioud your questions :D
Do you have an opinion on the similarity of an orange to a live goose versus an orange to a side of beef?
How inoffensive of you. Pray tell, what does avioud mean?

Oops, that was supposed to say "avoid." I am so sorry.


hahaha just kidding

hmm... have you ever posted a picture of yourself on Sciforums?

where do you live?

how old are you?

Good one :bravo:

First question: No, I have not.

Second question: Why, I live in my house, where else?

Third question: Well, I'll give you a hint: it's divisible by 5. That's all.
are those answers even allowed to be so vague? That's no help at all.

Are you religious?

Which political candidate did you support for President?
Those answers are part of the game, tim. They have to be honest, but nothing about vague was suggested, and they have the right to refuse to answer, too.
Those answers are part of the game, tim. They have to be honest, but nothing about vague was suggested, and they have the right to refuse to answer, too.

dang... i guess ill have to be asking some more specific questions then

Not sure; Yes; The right one.

About an orange, a side of beef, and a live goose? I most certainly have.

The right one? is that a pun? like, the right wing/republican candidate? or youre jus saying the correct one?

oh i remember that thread... although i do not remember who all posted on it. ill have to check it out.
Do you study egyptology?

Do you have a fondness for owls?

Are you of asian descent?

Egyptology? What's that? The study of Egypt, I presume - and if that is correct, then no, I do not study Egyptology. And excuse my nitpicking, but isn't it redundant to say "study Egyptology?" The Latin root "ology" means the study of, so I think that was an incorrect phraseage on your part.

I hold no particular affection for owls.

I am not of Asian descent, though I have some Native American blood in me, and, supposing that they came over from the Indian subcontinent, I have indirectly got a small portion of Asian background. But again, that's a very indirect link.

Yes, you'd better.

Well, it could have been. (hint hint).

So, McCain? that could be OilIsMastery (except i think he was banned), madanthonywayne, baron max, texas bob, ... who else is a republican?

Egyptology? What's that? The study of Egypt, I presume - and if that is correct, then no, I do not study Egyptology. And excuse my nitpicking, but isn't it redundant to say "study Egyptology?" The Latin root "ology" means the study of, so I think that was an incorrect phraseage on your part.

I hold no particular affection for owls.

I am not of Asian descent, though I have some Native American blood in me, and, supposing that they came over from the Indian subcontinent, I have indirectly got a small portion of Asian background. But again, that's a very indirect link.

Hmm... theyre nitpicky... which member is nitpicky? no names come to mind.

So you live in America? Which state?

What forums do you post most in?

What do you think of SAM?
So, McCain? that could be OilIsMastery (except i think he was banned), madanthonywayne, baron max, texas bob, ... who else is a republican?

Hmm... theyre nitpicky... which member is nitpicky? no names come to mind.

So you live in America? Which state?

What forums do you post most in?

What do you think of SAM?

I live in America - specifically, in a state of being. :D

Well, I dont have much taste for science. I tend to gravitate around Politics, History, Free Thoughts, About the Members, and the Cesspool.

Well, I think she's intelligent, although I can't stand her unrelenting hatred for America. I am fervently patriotic, and I often clash with her. She can't seem to accept that it is possible America is not 100% evil.
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