And re the last few pages about god. What a load of bollocks (my new favorite word). All any of you have to say about it is crap like "so how do you know that god is not the poorly percieved sum of all the parts of the universe... blah, blah?".
Well, we don't. Maybe the ultimate point is really this; Some of us look at the universe and come to informed conclusions about it based on solid observations and experiments, and contribute to our real understanding of it
Others engage in ancient mumbo-jumbo wordplay about god(s) and how we go about inferring "it" and speculating wildly about what god might be or "represent", thus becoming just one more of a billion wasted minds with zero new to say on the subject.
Theists remind me of a bunch of 90 year-olds with senile dementia sitting around playing the same game of canasta every day and never realizing the cards are always the same.
Oh, and you theists? You really are a bunch of egotistical, arrogant, self-righteous gits. You claim there is a god with a level of evidence that you'd laugh at if it came form a salesman at your door. You cling to your various culturally determined or chosen religions with the conviction that your version or god is the absolute truth. How transparently arrogant.
Well, guess what. We atheists have you beat on the humility scale by about a billion to one. We know what we know based on tangible eviodence. We freely admit to what we don't know and never claim absolute truth for anything. We know truth is a work in progress. Unlike the immutable (stagnant) truths of your religions.
I for one am sick of coddling the overwhelming arrogance of theists. Admit what you have. A culturally propagated fantasy that gives you a modicum of comfort.
Is there a god? Who knows? And with the self admitted nature of this "god" idea being what it is (beyond testing, nature, observation, human understanding...) why would anyone with anything more important to do than watch paint drying give a shit?
What new do you have to say about your god of choice that hasn't been said or thought ten thousand years ago? Nothing.
Think about this. If you weren't arrogant, egotistical and self righteous, you'd easily be able to admit that there might not be a god of any kind and that science could easily have the most accurate description of the cosmos to date.
You all argue fervently that you know there's a guiding force behind the universe. The gall of such a position is unbelieveable. Have some humility. You don't know anything of substance about your god idea. Just as we atheists don't know anything of substance about the ultimate nature of the cosmos. We admit it. Give it a try. It's freeing.
Oh, and incase I forgot, no, we don't know for sure there's no god. Now, do your usual trick of jumping from that to the conclusion that there must be one. Trees and pretty flowers and eyeballs are good evidence for a god. Go for it.